Less than $20 since sales of this album show up neither on gripsweat.com nor popsike.com ($20 is their minimum). I would expect to see this offered for around $5 at estate sales. In fact, I think I saw one within the last two weeks, but I didn't pick it up because I don't care for country music.
If someone was a huge country fan and found this on an auction site, they might be willing to pay twice that much.
Possibly, although that album (Diamond D-5) has at least a clear artist indication, but the catalogue numbers of the individual records are also non-consecutive (2010, 2030, 2031 according to Billboard).
The mentioned Bob Wills Album may have been pre-filled too, but I've seen that album being offered on eBay with different records (all from the 37000 series though).
Although this album has a catalogue number, I wonder if it had a predefined content as there is nothing about the individual records and the performing artists on the album cover and there is no hint at the album on the record labels. It may have been sold as an empty album like Columbia's Bob Wills Album apparently was. Against this speaks, however, that it is listed with a price of $3.12 on the inner cover.