30cm/12" Pyral acetate, no track titles listed, handwritten labels. Two tracks on each side, separated by bands
Track A1 begins "(Der Duce spricht) Das italienische Volk ist bewegt" (The Duce speaks to the Italian people and the world)
Track A2 is a translation into German of Benito Mussolini's speech of June 10, 1940, announcing the declaration of war against Britain and France
Thanks xiphophilos, I really appreciate you taking the time to transcribe this. As regards track A1, a difficulty with this record (aside from the condition) is that the engineer didn't leave any lead-in - the recording starts right at the beginning of the first groove. It took me maybe 20 tries just to capture the word "Kämpfer."
A2 track represents the German translation of Mussolini's speech:
"Kämpfer zur See, zu Lande, und in der Luft, Schwarzhemden und Legionäre der faschistischen Revolution, Frauen und Männer Italiens, des Imperiums und des Königreich Albaniens:
Wir stehen mitten in einer geschichtlichen Stunde. Die Stunde des Schicksals für unser Vaterland hat geschlagen. Die getroffene Entscheidung ist unwiderruflich. Die Kriegserklärung Italiens ist den Gesandten Großbritanniens und Frankreichs bereits übermittelt worden. Wir erklären den Krieg gegen die westlichen, reaktionären Plutodemokratien, die den Marsch des faschistischen Italien und oft genug unsere Existenz streitig machen wollten. ...
These recordings concern Mussolini's declaration of war against Britain and France during a large rally on Piazza Venetia in Rome on June 10, 1940.
At the beginning, a few words seem to be missing:
(Der Duce spricht?) zum italienischem Volk und zur Welt.
Diese Kundgebung wird ab 18 Uhr 45 von allen deutschen Sendern übertragen. Die Rede des Duce wird nach ihrem Abschluß ins Deutsche übersetzt. Bis zur angekündigten Übertragung aus Rom werden die ...
English translation:
(The Duce speaks) to the Italian people and to the world.
This rally is going to be broadcast from 6:45pm by all German radio stations. After its end, the speech of the Duce will be translated into German. Until the announced broadcast from Rome the ... will be ...
Okay, it should work now, I also had to set the individual tracks to public. Soundcloud says private tracks should be available to people who have a direct link, so that's what tripped me up.
Incidentally: there are 3 different voices reading the pieces on this disc, they can all also be heard on this compilation of war bulletins and propaganda pieces.
I'd be willing to check out your recording, but only got an error message:
"We can’t find that playlist. This playlist is not available anymore. It’s either been deleted or made private by the creator."
The last word in the first "gerweg", by the way, means nothing in German. Could it be "unterwegs"?
This disc was already badly delaminating and otherwise deteriorated when I bought it, what I did manage to transfer from it can be heard here. Unfortunately it was impossible to transfer the last (and most famous) part of the speech. If a native German speaker could give an idea of what's being said in the other tracks (assuming one can hear it over the noise), I'd much appreciate it. I would tentatively guess that B205 and B206 refer to war bulletins.