A: Vocal Trio with Inst. Acc.
B: Vocal Duet with Yodeling and Inst. Acc.
A personnel:
Gene Autry, Jimmy Long, Smiley Burnette (vocals); Tex Atchison (fiddle), Chick Hurt (mandolin), Salty Holmes (guitar), Jack Taylor (bass).
B personnel:
Gene Autry, Jimmy Long (vocals); Tex Atchison (fiddle), Chick Hurt (mandolin), Salty Holmes (guitar), Jack Taylor (bass).
A side (mx. 16629-1) recorded ARC Recording Studio, 55 W 16th St., New York, NY, January 11, 1935.
B side (mx. 16582-1) recorded ARC Recording Studio, 55 W 16th St., New York, NY, January 17, 1935.
Number:826280 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:fixbutte Edited By:fixbutte Description: Melotone M 13315 A side label (original 1935 release)
Number:826283 Uploaded By:fixbutte Description: Melotone M 13315 B side label (original 1935 release)
Number:3007036 Uploaded By:xiphophilos Description: Melotone M 13315 A side label (1936-1937 repress)
Number:3007037 Uploaded By:xiphophilos Description: Melotone M 13315 B side label (1936-1937 repress)
The repress labels I have just uploaded, by the way, list track titles and artists in a serif font (Cheltenham Condensed Bold). That shows them to be pressed at the ARC pressing plant in Hollywood, CA. East Coast pressings would have been produced in Bridgeport, CT, with titles and artists in a sans-serif font, like the earlier label set.
I've now heard that one possible explanation could be that a bunch of matrix numbers had been pre-allocated for the Jan. 11, 1935 recording session.
Tony Russell's book reports, however, that mx. 16629-1 to 16631-1 were recorded NYC, Friday, Jan. 11, 1935, whereas 16566-2 to 16568-1 are listed as recorded on the following Monday, Jan. 14, 1935, followed by 16569-2 to 16570-1 on Jan. 15 and 16575-1 to 16578-2 on Jan. 16 and 16581-1 to 16583-1 on Jan. 17, 1935.
The pre-allocated batch of numbers explanation would convince me more if only some of these takes had been recorded in New York and others (the ones with the batch of pre-allocated recording numbers) as part of an expedition to a smaller place where a temporary recording studio was set up, let's say San Antonio or Dallas, TX. But all of these takes were recorded at the main studio in New York City (otherwise, they would have different prefixes anyway). So I am still puzzled.
Tony Russell, in his "Country Music Records: A Discography, 1921-1942," page 81, claims that the higher matrix number, 16629, take 1, was recorded earlier (Jan. 11, 1935) than the lower matrix number 16582, take 1 (which he dates as Jan. 17, 1935). I'm not sure how that is supposed to be possible.