Lee Wrecker 18th Feb 2021 | | CD AlbumThe Beatles - On The Air, In The Studio And In Concert (2017) | Barcode should be X000RO7U4L as it appears on the back cover. This should also be listed as a bootleg as Coda Records is a bootleg label. That's all they do. I know they get things to market in an official looking way but all of their product is bootlegged regardless of whichever international or national shopping conglomerates stock their products.
Lee Wrecker 17th Feb 2021 | | CD AlbumAerosmith - Get Your Wings (1993) | The back insert image number: 2555759 supplied by Skywalker007 should be removed as it has a different cat# and barcode. The image seems to be from this 1993 US release of the same album and should be made a separate entry. Unless of course it was bought in Spain then we'll have to open a can of worms and identify their nationalities.
Lee Wrecker 11th Feb 2021 | | CD AlbumCat Stevens - Greatest Hits (1983) | Cat# is wrong and should be CD 4519 the 4519 cat#s first appeared in 1983 on this release across cassettes, LPs and CDs. The made in Japan release is likely to be the original USA release until they started manufacturing their own copies.
Lee Wrecker 2nd Jan 2021 | | CD AlbumPaul McCartney - McCartney III (2020) | This is available in Australia and now that Amazon has started selling LPs and CDs in Australia more US releases will be locally available in our marketplace.
So for whatever reason the US releases of this album are the Australian releases also. Makes, or perhaps marks a change from the EU versions of releases hitting our shores.
Amazon has only begun its LP sales and distribution in Australia after our government slapped a tax on importing items directly from any Amazon outlet overseas 2-3 years ago and the US parent company then stopped exporting CDs and LPs (among other things) to Australia. Before that I used to buy a lot of music from the US as there was far more available than through our local EU sourced outlets.
So now we, in this country, have a mixture of EU and USA produced music freely available locally. This week's ARIA chart lists the US white dice version of this album at no.21. The not so exclusive to Barnes & Noble blue vinyl edition and this so called exclusive CD version are also available here. So for a change it seems the EU releases are exactly that and specific to the EU whereas the USA releases are all international. Except, of course, for the Third Man recycled vinyl edition.
The local availability of this USA made version of this album and incursion of Amazon into our market signal a shift to the previously usual practise of the major labels sourcing product primarily from the EU. Cheaper to ship from the USA no doubt. Now have you got all of that, there'll be a test you know. The bigger test, as always, will be how do we deal with this on the site because we have no idea how to track and document national catalogues in the current global marketplace.
Lee Wrecker 28th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Working Class Hero (2005) | Hi Leonard and JPGR&B just so you know and as your Mods you can check I did not send a correction on this CD to have it made international. Someone else did that of their own accord so it is clear that we're not all entering CDs the same way on the site but I still think it might be a good idea if we did.
Lee Wrecker 28th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumCaptain Beefheart And His Magic Band - Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) (2001) | Linked to the UK 1986 version of this CD with the same cat# but different barcode.
Lee Wrecker 25th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Working Class Hero (2005) | Australian, Argentinian and Canadian releases have the same label, barcode and cat#. Should they be separate entries (my preference) or should we make this international (site preference). There are only three other countries Mexico, Brazil and Indonesia that have the same details. We would only need seven separate entries to accurately list them all.
Do we want to create accurate national catalogues or lose everything in an international wormhole? 2020 the choice is yours.
Lee Wrecker 24th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumTISM - Machiavelli And The Four Seasons (1996) | Apparently this is the rarer of the two versions of this bonus CD issue. The other version has has gold background on the bonus disc whereas this one is silver. Hi Ho. The other version goes A$70 less.
Lee Wrecker 20th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Gimme Some Truth (2020) | Leonard, the Rounder label like Ace, Rough Trade, New Rose and the like would be classed as an independent label according to the site guidelines. Therefore, even when they have international distribution deals, like Disky from your country and the Bear Family from Germany we still list them as from the country of because of the labels independent status and usually as is the case with Rounder the niche (blues, rock) market they catered for. So we're not exactly comparing apples to apples here.
Universal International Music is not an independent record label or distributor but the International arm of UMG one the biggest players in the global music scene today. The problem you outline in regard to the international category making each country's individual "list ... incomplete and therefore of no value." is spot on but we're not doing "everything the same" and in fact everyone is doing their own thing and most of it outside the current guidelines.
I would prefer it if this could be listed as the EU, Australian and any other country as well where it was released but that is not how the guidelines are set. You know that the international category destroys national catalogues but unfortunately that means most of the EU catalogue of the major labels is international.
Now whenever, it is pointed out that something from the EU is international we get these protracted debates that seem to be about anything except the evidence. Shall I enter this same item as an Australian release? The links I have provided in an earlier comment confirm that it is and should I do the same wherever I see the same circumstances?
Any advice would be welcomed because from where I sit I could enter this same product as Australian, EU or international and be right on all counts.
Lee Wrecker 20th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Gimme Some Truth (2020) | I saw the 2LP version in the shop and it definitely had that address on it Phil. You can scroll over the back cover of that here to check. The other site entry for this release also shows that address as you have pointed out Phil. They were all (CDs and LPs) pressed at GZ Media Czech Republic and distributed by Universal International Music BV in Hilversum. If you live in the EU and the release says Universal International Music anywhere on the packaging like this the release is also intended for the international market. Anything on the Sanctuary label or BMG and Warners is also distributed here and available for order as a local release from any record store in the country or their official Australian websites. The Warner's Australia site might interest you Phil with your love of of old Stax/Atlantic soul.
Lee Wrecker 19th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Gimme Some Truth (2020) | Every version of this release was released in Australia on the same date as listed here for the EU release. This particular release details can be found here on the site of one of Australia's biggest music retailers. I have previously requested that this release be made international. See previous comments and while some of my suggested corrections have been actioned this request has been ignored. Why? Is it the case the guidelines only apply to some parts of the world and not others? Or is it the case that guidelines don't apply at all? Furthermore, why is always that whenever I make corrections of this nature that they are repeatedly ignored and I have to re-submit them multiple times often with no response.
If I am wrong in this case could a MOD please contact me and explain why I am incorrect. Because if the site is really operating to a set guidelines that are not those posted I'd like to know what they are so I don't have waste time making corrections that will not be actioned.
Lee Wrecker 12th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumJanelle Monáe - The ArchAndroid (2010) | Linked to EU release. Well at least I got that right after making some other tweaks that didn't quite go as planned. Correction sent and apologies made.
Lee Wrecker 12th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumBuzzcocks - Chronology (1997) | No problem LaurenceD it's just the way things are and sometimes things aren't quite as straightforward as they might appear at first glance.
Lee Wrecker 10th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumThe Who - Sell Out (1995) | The 'Oo: Carnt Spell Nout was the original title of this album!
Lee Wrecker 10th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumBuzzcocks - Chronology (1997) | Added secondary cat# 8570262 to differentiate this one further from the UK release. So now we're in the secondary cat# game here's a tip for all the MODS. Eee ahm high (that's for Magic) but you know who I mean have always had a different secondary cat# on every release where the covers were printed in Australia even if the actual numbers are the same. This is because for some unknown reason the secondary cat# on all EMI releases in Australia are written as a single string of numbers as is the case on this CD. In the EU the secondary cat#s always have a space after the third digit eg. 521 8950 as is the case on this release which I have as it was released in Australia.
To confuse things further this series of EMI produced Bowie re-issues were released in Australia with both the EU versions and Australian versions (without the space in the secondary cat# but otherwise identical) simultaneously. I have six of them three Australian and three EU made all bought at the same shop for the same price at the same time. I have entered them as either EU or Australian releases even though technically they could all be international or Australian releases as well. What were you saying about EMI again Magic?? Anyway, back to banging head against the wall - I find it relieves the pain from these endless conundrums.
Lee Wrecker 9th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumBuzzcocks - Chronology (1997) | Arrrgghhh!!! Not again! You just can't win can you. Another view and one that has gathered some weight over time is that Made In Australia by Disctronics for the Australian market is an Australian CD. This item was originally listed by me as international but changed by the MODS to Australian and I am currently happier to have it listed as it currently. To my knowledge this was only released in Australia and the UK so there won't be any more than these two releases on the site. It is very difficult though when some things are listed one way and others another. There is a very polite discussion of these issues on this release Lawrence D but it is and has been for a long time an area of confusion and frustration on the site. We are all waiting for some sign from the Admins and Mods about how to best deal with this problem. For now though I'm happy tom keep them separate.
Lee Wrecker 6th Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumLove - Love (2001) | I find that totally a-logical Capt. Sensible but you are right Magic contemporary global music distribution is a perplexing entanglement of arrangements. The modern music business would love to globalise markets and centralise production but actually technically can't due the way copyrights were divided in the early days of the record industry. The splitting of rights and ownership of recordings between the USA and European (later Japan too) labels at very start of the industry has put an enormous spanner in the works of the multi-national music companies and till this day artists can be on three different labels in those three countries simultaneously.
Due to this it would be a rare release that would actually be a truly international release in the sense that same product manufactured in the same place could be distributed internationally. So what the major corporations have done is regionalise the distribution within the bounds of copyright restrictions. This is results in some releases being specific to a certain or a group. Those of you in Europe will be familiar with the idea as production and distribution of most major artists is now centralised. However, while that may be well understood it is not so well understood that wherever in the world the same label and copyright ownership exists, usually (these days), so does the same identical product.
When CDs were popular, from the eighties to the early noughties some countries with the means of production began locally producing CDS for their own market. These CDs were local releases for the local market but because of the way music business carved up the world and consolidated the rights (except for the three countries mentioned earlier) a lot of CDs all had the same label, cat# and barcode. I'm simplifying things here as this was also a very messy process and took quit some time for the major labels to get in place. So there were a lot of discrepancies encountered along the way (i.e. same cat# but different barcode) as the major corporations navigated their way to a more more global (but not totally) distribution system.
When Napster arrived in 1999 and file sharing began CD sales began to slump. So from that point on as countries with smaller populations than Japan, the USA and the continent of Europe struggled to keep their local CD factories open as local demand diminished. The solution of course was to move to a more global model but as I mentioned earlier there were still barriers in terms of copyright. Luckily for the music corporations the copyright walls they couldn't break down were around the three biggest markets. So those markets could sustain themselves and serve as production houses for the rest of the world. These lines of demarcation in the music business cannot be broken or overcome. Just take a look at the Beatles catalogue in Vinyl albums and you'll see that the band's work was on the Odeon label (till 1967) in Japan, Capitol in the USA and Parlophone in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.
So even one of the most popular bands in the history of pop music can not to this day release a truly international recording. Other than that smaller countries like the one I live in regularly have releases appearing in our shops from all three of the big music producing regions for sale as local product. Currently, in Australia we mainly receive stock from the EU but also have releases that are manufactured in Japan and the USA.
To put that in perspective almost nothing is actually truly international but nearly everything except for specific local releases is at least regional and released in multiple countries.
We, the users of the site, however are cataloguers and a lot of us like to put things in place and some of us work on the basis of putting together an accurate catalogue of what has been released in our own country or region. The idea of contributing to a site like this where we can document those releases is appealing but currently our guidelines preclude this method of entry. This is something that needs to be incorporated into our methodology somehow. How can we keep national or regional catalogues accurate and not lose the identity of items in the international category as it stands?
Righto then, back to the jungle, the mighty jungle where the lion sleeps tonight.
Oh, Magic if you think any of this is useful feel free to share it with other Mods.
Lee Wrecker 3rd Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumLove - Love (2001) | Your comments have been duly noted, lost and completely forgotten. Thank you for your input.
Lee Wrecker 3rd Dec 2020 | | CD AlbumLove - Love (2001) | This popped up on the random CDs list and is my entry and it's always nice to see one of your own entries hit the big time but I neglected to mention it is also the Australian release. Would I be right to assume we still do nothing about that and that the international category only applies to countries out Europe and the USA? Maybe that would be a better way to approach it. There's an awful lot of duplicity and hypocrisy about the way we allow or encourage this situation to continue. As a member from outside those regions it is plainly obvious that our entries can be made international without consultation or consent at the whim of a moderator but when evidence is collated and corrections are sent from outside the USA or Europe nothing happens. Hmm... I feel a lawsuit coming on. How are you lot geared up for lawyers? I've got them coming out my arse which is a bit of a problem but I'm sure Dr. Doom can help.
Don't take this seriously (you never have before) I'm just being a bit cheeky and I'm little euphoric at the moment. Yehoo! Carry On Regardless, now there's a good movie.
Lee Wrecker 17th Oct 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Gimme Some Truth (2020) | Fine by me but you could also change the cat# to 0602435002088 [Done 17.10.20 - JPGR&B Mod] as it appears on the CDs and sticker and change the country to international as this is widely available in Australia and nearly everywhere else in the world. The USA has a different release due to Capitol still holding rights and Japan also is unique as it always has been but the rest of the world gets the EU made product. This also applies to all EU made Universal releases of the Beatles and their solo work.
Last year's Abbey Road anniversary (1-6 CD) releases were all available in Australia and further afield as well so all of those are also international too. The difficulty that site users have in the EU is that most of the CDs they can buy are also available somewhere else in the world. I understand that people entering CDs don't necessarily know that but it makes for messy system of entry here on 45 Worlds and a lot of backtracking for the MODS...but them's the rules we live by.
Lee Wrecker 16th Oct 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Gimme Some Truth (2020) | The same page more routinely refers to title like this "GIMME SOME TRUTH. will also be released as a 19-track CD or 2LP, a 36-track 2CD or 4 LP, and several digital versions for download and streaming including in 24 bit/96 kHz audio and hi-res Dolby Atmos." and this covers the multitude of types of releases available. I don't think it's that hard to work out.
Lee Wrecker 16th Oct 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Gimme Some Truth (2020) | At the store on johnlennon.com this set is listed as "GIMME SOME TRUTH. 2CD / Blu-Ray" the ultimate mixes is just promo mumbo jumbo added on to give people a reason to buy product that's been available so many times and in so many formats before. Nearly every back catalogue release is remixed before re-release so nothing unusual about that either.
Magic, what sort of consensus was reached? I was the only one that put forward a position on what this entry should be titled and why it should change. The response from others was they didn't care and offered no real validation of why it is named as it is. I would consider that the consensus is in fact that we change the title as the only one putting up evidence to back their position is me and no-one else cares.
The other site Diswrongs incorrectly lists this simply as "Gimme Some Truth" omitting the full stop. Surely we can get it right it's just the title as it appears on the cover and website. Correction sent.
Lee Wrecker 16th Oct 2020 | | CD AlbumJohn Lennon - Gimme Some Truth (2020) | Well, Magic, it certainly doesn't appear anywhere but on the sticker and how does that fit with site protocols regarding the actual naming of the product. Not well I'd suggest as label and cover would certainly take precedence according to the Gods of 45 Worlds. Renaming on the strength of a second sentence on a cover sticker is a very flimsy premise to rename a product in my view and according to my understanding of how the site works. Probably wrongity wrong wrong as usual but for mine and knowing that there are different albums with different track lists with the same "Gimme Some Truth" title I still think that that is actually the title without the extra "The Ultimate Remixes" bit that fans and collectors might use to separate releases.
To me it's just another Lennon compilation and the title should be "Gimme Some Truth.". Yes, with the full stop as it appears on the cover. Can Quad5point1 and rustieneil present a logical argument to suggest otherwise? The floor is yours ladies and gentlemen.
Lee Wrecker 7th Oct 2020 | | CD AlbumEdsilia Rombley - Thuis (1997) | Yes they are Magic and these two CDs need to be merged. A different colour background or even cover does not require a separate entry.
Lee Wrecker 19th Sep 2020 | | CD AlbumThe Kinks - Arthur (1992) | Looks Canadian to me, it's on a Canadian label. PolyTel was a Canadian arm of Polygram and also released several "best of" the Kinks compilations as well "Percy" in 1989 just eight numbers away in the cat# sequence. So smashitup, I think you are most probably correct in that this is a Canadian release.
Lee Wrecker 17th Sep 2020 | | CD AlbumDavid Bowie - I'm Only Dancing (The Soul Tour 74) (2020) | Well, Magic I saw it (the vinyl version) in a shop 3 weeks ago in Australia. So, yes, it's available outside the EU. These RSD drops are generally available globally regardless of the so-called exclusivity contained on the items and in their bumf. RSD days are a global phenomenon and happen simultaneously around the world. How the industry distributes the product, I don't know but what you see released on a RSD we see too in Australia. Here's one that I picked up a few years back as proof.
Lee Wrecker 9th Sep 2020 | | CD AlbumBilly Joel - Original Album Classics (2012) | Ooh err "Classica" eh? Classics not quite good enough for Mr. Joel. [Mod: corrected]
Lee Wrecker 18th Aug 2020 | | CD AlbumVarious Artists - 2009 Sampler (2009) | Oh, I didn't even look at the label "Light In The Attic" are USA based re-issue specialist label which began in 2002. See the tracks by Rodriguez and Karen Dalton they also did some Serge Gainsbourg but he didn't make the cut for this sampler it seems.
Lee Wrecker 18th Aug 2020 | | CD AlbumVarious Artists - 2009 Sampler (2009) | Hello Magic, I can help you out here The Monks (or Monks as they are sometimes called) on this sampler are the USA soldiers stationed in what was then West Germany in the 60's. This is their first album from 1966 that features the track on this CD if you want proof positive. No need to thank me I've already taken photos of me typing this comment while quaffing down large one and saying hello to scooby doo. Do you want to buy a photo?
Lee Wrecker 14th Jun 2020 | | CD AlbumLou Reed - Transformer | Ooh! Fascinating Magic but if you're talking about this stuff at a party I find it's always best to start on the outer before moving in to the rim text?