Neil Forbes 14th Aug 2015 |  | DVDTitanic - Paramount (1999) | A comment by RC just vanished... where did it go? As for Greg's78s, we're not making fun of people drowning, persay, we're just sending up the movie title. Far be it from me or anyone to poke fun at tragedy.
Neil Forbes 14th Aug 2015 |  | DVDTitanic - Paramount (1999) | RC, re my last comment over on Vinyl Albums(Hank Wilson's Back), it applies here too! Your time/humour is most decidedly WARPED!(ha-ha)
Neil Forbes 14th Aug 2015 |  | DVDCat People [1942] - Warner Home Video (2005) | Ah, just don't try to put saddles on these felines, ay, Magic Marmalade(ha-ha).
Neil Forbes 14th Aug 2015 |  | DVDTitanic - Paramount (1999) | This one's enough to give you a "sinking" feeling!(ha-ha)
Neil Forbes 24th Jul 2015 |  | VHSLife On An Australian Prairie - A Story Of Faith And Love (1997) | I have no knowledge of this at all. As for "Prairie" We call it "The Outback". Prairie is an American term which we in Australia generally rejected.
Neil Forbes 21st Jul 2015 |  | DVDCarry On Christmas - Fremantle Media (2005) | Hey monolith - I'm nod dru-u-(hic!)nk! bu-u-u-r-r-p! Hic Hic... Ooooh me 'ead!
Neil Forbes 21st Jul 2015 |  | DVDCarry On Christmas - Fremantle Media (2005) | Yeah, RC! The world's upside down, our feet smell and our noses run-n-n-n-aaaaachoooo!
Neil Forbes 21st Jul 2015 |  | DVDCarry On Christmas - Fremantle Media (2005) | Well, let's see, Monolith... Roy Wood "unplugged" himself from the Electric Light Orchestra, came forward in time(40 years), borrowed Harry Potter's wand, went back to his own time, waved the wand and created "Wizzard"(maybe he was keen to get into Hogwarts but didn't pass the entrance exam). Ha-ha!
Neil Forbes 21st Jul 2015 |  | DVDCarry On Christmas - Fremantle Media (2005) | @cptbeefheart: "Suddenly It's Christmas, Yikes !!!" Huh! Wait a doggone minute there! It's still July!!!
Neil Forbes 19th Jul 2015 |  | DVDJohn Lennon Live In New York City - [none] | Anyone who has this in their collection should look at the playing surface. If purple(ish) colour means this is likely a pirated disc burned to DVD+R or DVD-R discs and copied using whatever copying software maybe available. If the playing surface is silver(ish) it's still no guarantee of authenticity of the disc. There's no copyright protection in many Asian countries.
Neil Forbes 19th Jul 2015 |  | VHSThe Beatles Anthology - Apple (1996) | RC, are you perhaps suggesting Paul might have Al's troubles(Mr. Zheimer's disease)?
Neil Forbes 19th Jul 2015 |  | VHSThe Beatles Anthology - Apple (1996) | Any update doco produced on the subject of The Beatles, if produced now, would likely have to include Dani Harrison, talking about his late father, George, and Julian Lennon speaking about John. One person who should be completely left out of any doco of this nature, is Yoko Ono, blamed by some(many, rightly too, in my own view) for the Beatles' break-up. She would have nothing of any value to contribute to such a project.
Neil Forbes 19th Jul 2015 |  | VHSThe Beatles Anthology - Apple (1996) | Don't know 'bout the alternative stereo mixes, RC as I only ever saw this on broadcast TV so wasn't really paying much attention to stereo(probably because the TV I had at the time was only monaural audio, a Thorn model 48T1, vintage 1981 VHF/UHF set).
Neil Forbes 19th Jul 2015 |  | VHSThe Beatles Anthology - Apple (1996) | It does update the Beatles story post 1980 and Lennon's assassination(picking up where The Compleat Beatles left off), but George Harrison was still alive at the time this was made so the story ends around 1999 for this particular production.
Neil Forbes 10th Jul 2015 |  | DVDHarry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - Warner Home Video (2003) | So, RC, you didn't have a "burning" desire to see Goblet of "Fire", ay?
Neil Forbes 10th Jul 2015 |  | DVDHarry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - Warner Home Video (2003) | Don't forget to leave the lights on when you watch them, RC! The mood gets progressively darker with each successive "chapter" in the saga!
Neil Forbes 9th Jul 2015 |  | DVDHarry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - Warner Home Video (2003) | Winguardian Leviosa! - That ought to get you up off the floor, RC(assuming of course you were rolling on the floor, laughing at my comment about watching the remaining movies with the lights on!). Ha-ha!
Neil Forbes 9th Jul 2015 |  | Blu-rayHigh Anxiety - 20th Century Fox (2010) | It had its moments though. I had a VHS of this which had(has) a linear stereo audio track(also have an old top-loading stereo VHS deck that plays and records linear stereo but has no inbuilt tuner - recording is by way of line-in A/V connections, RCA for the audio and BNC for video). The real disappointment for me was Mel Brooks didn't utilise the stereo effect that much in his movies. Just segments here and there, like his performance of the movie's theme song for instance.
Neil Forbes 8th Jul 2015 |  | DVDHarry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - Warner Home Video (2003) | Watch the remaining five movies with the lights on, RC!(ha-ha)
Neil Forbes 8th Jul 2015 |  | DVDHarry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - Warner Home Video (2003) | I have the complete series from Philosopher's Stone through to Deathly Hallows Pt.2. Starts out light-hearted with Harry Potter being a sort-of "Cinderella"-like figure in the Dearsley house but by the third movie, Prisoner of Azkaban, the mood gets progressively darker. This ain't a kid's movie anymore, you think to yourself as you watch each new chapter in this saga.
Neil Forbes 8th Jul 2015 |  | DVDHarry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - Warner Home Video (2003) | There's a great scene in this where Harry(Daniel Radcliffe) and Ron(Rupert Grint) are in the flying Ford Anglia on their way to Hogwarts, They find the track and think they're just behind the Hogwarts Express train, but when they hear it behind them... the look of horror on Rupert Grint's face is priceless! Cracks me up every time I watch it!
Neil Forbes 7th Jul 2015 |  | DVDYoung Frankenstein - 20th Century Fox (1998) | Catch ya soon RC, MM and everybody. I'm logging off now. 'Bye!
Neil Forbes 7th Jul 2015 |  | DVDYoung Frankenstein - 20th Century Fox (1998) | The DVD had an extra scene which wasn't in the theatrical release of a group of Frankenstein's family members listening to a gramophone record of Victor giving his last will & testament, one of the actors in that scene was Leon Askin(from the old TV show "William Tell" and "Hogan's Heroes").
Neil Forbes 7th Jul 2015 |  | DVDYoung Frankenstein - 20th Century Fox (1998) | I had this on VHS for a long time, then a friend gave me a (copied) DVD of it which I used to rip the movie to my external hard-drive. Every now and then(like a couple of nights ago) I watch it again and remember the good bits.
Neil Forbes 7th Jul 2015 |  | DVDYoung Frankenstein - 20th Century Fox (1998) | RC - "No eye dear where it's going lol" What's that? Something about Blind Venison? As the man with no fingers on his hand asked: Is there a point to this?
Neil Forbes 7th Jul 2015 |  | DVDYoung Frankenstein - 20th Century Fox (1998) | @RC, Should still be available on DVD, don't know 'bout Blu-Ray though!
Neil Forbes 7th Jul 2015 |  | DVDYoung Frankenstein - 20th Century Fox (1998) | Well, now at least we can see where we're going with this thread, with all these eyes! Ha-Ha!
Neil Forbes 7th Jul 2015 |  | DVDYoung Frankenstein - 20th Century Fox (1998) | @RC... Eye-gor, you-gor, we all gor...oh gor-blimey!(ha-ha)
Neil Forbes 7th Jul 2015 |  | DVDYoung Frankenstein - 20th Century Fox (1998) | @Monolith, Yeah, thought it was the case. Guess Igor just got the "hump" over it!(ha-ha)
Neil Forbes 6th Jul 2015 |  | DVDModern Problems - Anchor Bay Entertainment (2005) | Actually RC, I don't think this was part of 'National Lampoon' franchise.