BLANK Member since Jun 2011 45883 Points Moderator
Thoughts and wishes
1. One look at the album page of Gloria Estefan gives a good look in what direction we are going. The first page lists about 4 albums.With more editions from that same album scattered over the remaining 8 pages. I.m.o. the site would look and work much better if we have a one picture per album (the main release) main page. By clicking on that picture you get to see all releases of that same album. I realize this will need some serious re-thinking and programming….
2. I've added so far a fraction of my "various artists" cd's and can't get any logical sorting for this artist. Can a sorting option (title) for this please be added?
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
1. Sounds a bit like The Other Site - personally I don't like their method and I think ours is much clearer and easier to navigate.
2. Very good point - Various Artists (on LP World as well as CDs - and tapes?) do perhaps need some additional thought as to how we make them more accessible/searchable/sortable...
I've also wondered about this policy of listing everything together for CD albums. The Gloria Estefan discography is a good example of where the policy falters, as we end up with album after album listed, for what is essentially the same release.
I seem to recall there being some issue with listing CDs by country - was is the high number of international releases which put a spanner in the works?
It needs some thought. Maybe where an album is released in several coutries, there could be just one thumbnail and then a click link to each country it exists in, rather than having every one itemised by itself.
Using Gloria Estefan as an example, instead of the discography having "Cuts Both Ways" listed six times in a row, it would be listed once, with cover image, and then in the second column is a list with click-links:
Epic, Australia
Epic, Brazil
Epic, Europe
Epic, Canada
...and so on. The CDs are really the same album, not like with LPs of old which could differ quite a bit from country to country, Maybe itemising them all like at present is overkill?
My aim - to add all my collections on 45worlds. Member since May 2009 4565 Points Moderator
leonard wrote:
One look at the album page of Gloria Estefan gives a good look in what direction we are going. The first page lists about 4 albums.With more editions from that same album scattered over the remaining 8 pages. I.m.o. the site would look and work much better if we have a one picture per album (the main release) main page. By clicking on that picture you get to see all releases of that same album. I realize this will need some serious re-thinking and programming….
Can we just be careful that we are not persuaded through a Gloria Estefan effect. By that I mean the number of Estefan copies of the same album from different territories I think is going to be pretty unusual for other artists, so I'm in favour of leaving things as they are unless we end up with multiple examples like the Estefan example given here, and then maybe we can think again.
Can we just be careful that we are not persuaded through a Gloria Estefan effect. By that I mean the number of Estefan copies of the same album from different territories I think is going to be pretty unusual for other artists, so I'm in favour of leaving things as they are unless we end up with multiple examples like the Estefan example given here, and then maybe we can think again.
Seconded. I'm also sure that we can merge some of the Estefan entries (maybe I'll do it one day when I'm up for it).
I don't think there's anything particular about Gloria Estefan's discography which makes it unusual. I fully expect the same pattern to emerge for most artists, like, say Madonna. It's just that Gloria Estefan has more than 200 CDs loaded up now, revealing what happens as the discographies expand. We'll see what happens with the others, but I'll bet this issue will come up again.
This topic has thrown up some interesting points. CD Albums is more "product orientated" so it's OK if there are repeating album titles I think. Generally the idea is that there is one page per barcode, so some of those Gloria Estefan releases could be merged into a single page. Once the world is much larger, there may be a need to restructure how the items are listed, but generally it's working OK at the moment.
As long as there is no solutions for the problem "Leonard" is addressing, I will not be adding CD's to the CD World.
The nice thing about all the other Worlds is that when you type in the Artist name you get a clear chronological overview of the Titles they produced. For collectors like me, you can immediately see what is out there and what is missing.
That's what I liked about this site and that is why I contributed.
But I am not seeing that in the CD World.
The CD World may be "product orientated", but 'feels' completely different than the other Worlds.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
Plaatjesman wrote:
As long as there is no solutions for the problem "Leonard" is addressing, I will not be adding CD's to the CD World.
The nice thing about all the other Worlds is that when you type in the Artist name you get a clear chronological overview of the Titles they produced. For collectors like me, you can immediately see what is out there and what is missing.
That's what I liked about this site and that is why I contributed.
But I am not seeing that in the CD World.
The CD World may be "product orientated", but 'feels' completely different than the other Worlds.
Just to be clear - CD Album World IS still chronological in terms of the artist discographies - but not split by country. SO if anything, it's clearer, isn't it? Or is it not? (Genuine question, and I think your feedback is valuable).
I can see nothing wrong with CD world, just a difference in displaying sort results. And I have to admit that I would like to have this for the other worlds as well. Preferably as an option, to switch between "strictly date order view" and "country/date order". But then, why not also other views, which you can get when clicking on column heads? But I guess that is something that was already discussed to death before, and the Cat will have the best of reasons to not implement it (no teasing here, I know the divide between users' sky-high dreams and programmable realityies and practicalities and cost involved), so it's your playground and you make the rules. Thanks for that again, btw.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
janiejjones wrote:
to switch between "strictly date order view" and "country/date order". But then, why not also other views, which you can get when clicking on column heads?
That would be a perfect scenario, though I suspect the coding issues may be problematic.
One for OC to answer really as he's the one-man coding machine round here!
And I have to admit that I would like to have this for the other worlds as well. Preferably as an option, to switch between "strictly date order view" and "country/date order".
But you can already do this: on the country bar click "All Records", then click "Date Order".