This world is for any item of music that fits the definition of classical music. All formats are accepted, from 78 to CD Album.
This is a more specialised world, so there are some extra database fields: composer, conductor, orchestra and soloist. So eg you can browse all items composed by Beethoven, or conducted by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Note that items are shown in reverse chronological order, so newer CDs are shown first, and older 78s from last century are shown last.
If a record label or sub-label deals exclusively with Classical music then it may make sense to list them on classical world (i.e. Deutsche Gramophone)
For labels which mix classical music with other non classical music it's fine to add the items to both worlds.
The world has already been in private testing, and a few hundred items have already been added.
If you have any questions about this world, then please reply in this forum topic.
Trainman Member since Jun 2014 2559 Points Moderator
OK, I entered a couple (and screwed one up already!), a few thoughts.
Listing the artist, then below having to list the orchestra, conductor and any soloist seems redundant.
When I cataloged my classical collection, I sorted by Composer which I think is usually more important to most people,
Not having a side A and side B is a little awkward in the case of Vinyl, but I can live with it.
Only showing the composer's last name is a little awkward, Strauss, which one? (Although when I search it does seem to be able to differentiate fairly well).
Anyway, it's hard to tell after only uploading 2 albums, let's see how it works out
It's going to be a nightmare to get country of origin, distribution, etc for the CD era! Booklets printed in the Netherlands, CD's from Japan and a box made in China all for a single release.
Great idea, though!
Cheers, as usual OC.
Listing the artist, then below having to list the orchestra, conductor and any soloist seems redundant.
The "artist" field is a freeform and can include any number of performers, eg "Anton Bruckner, Claudio Abbado and Lucerne Festival Orchestra". I've updated the "Add Item" page to show this example.
Only showing the composer's last name is a little awkward, Strauss, which one? (Although when I search it does seem to be able to differentiate fairly well).
We're going to shorten the most famous composers to their surnames, but items can be entered using either short or long name, and they will be automatically grouped. Some composers may not have had their "short name" entered yet.
Trainman Member since Jun 2014 2559 Points Moderator
I know you said not to duplicate from other worlds, but what about EP's that may be on "45cat". I just added a Boston Pops EP that is over there, I have more that may or may not be, and I have a few others, notable Liberace and a couple other pianists I can't think of at the moment.
It's a situation similar to what was mentioned last night about 78's.
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3719 Points Moderator
Just coming to entering some of the classical discs in D_T_F's stash (having put my own classical LPs in Vinyl Albums before this world was set up), I have to say that I'm not at all happy that I can't enter the proper side/track designations. It seems very unsatisfactory to have to enter them as if they were CDs and then - if bothered - to add notes saying which tracks on which side.
Is there a way of setting it so that - when selecting 'Vinyl Album', 'Vinyl Box Set', etc. in the drop-down - it will change the entry options for the tracks?
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3719 Points Moderator
Trouble with that is that if you have one piece over more than one side, then the SECTIONBREAKs are either going to cancel each other out, augment each other or just fail completely.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
TheJudge wrote:
Just coming to entering some of the classical discs in D_T_F's stash (having put my own classical LPs in Vinyl Albums before this world was set up), I have to say that I'm not at all happy that I can't enter the proper side/track designations. It seems very unsatisfactory to have to enter them as if they were CDs and then - if bothered - to add notes saying which tracks on which side.
Is there a way of setting it so that - when selecting 'Vinyl Album', 'Vinyl Box Set', etc. in the drop-down - it will change the entry options for the tracks?
I have to second that... Just entered a couple of vinyls, and in addition to working out a way to sectionbreak and then sub-sectionbreak from the title of the work, the section of that piece, then whatever other titles, you have to add "Side 1" making the actual heading or title disappear in a mess.
Also... a lot of entries have two separate works on each side, with two different conductors, soloists and/or orchestras, and more than one soloist in one piece of music, can we add multiple soloists and conductors etc. option?