Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7279 Points Moderator
Orbiting Cat wrote:
nboldock wrote:
Can we not link items on Classical? Just been doing a bit of work on it and spotted some that should be linked (cassette and CD versions, different issues etc) but couldn't see the Link Items option?
Ah not yet, but an improved link system is coming soon!
It is not possible to add a extra catalogue # in Classical Music anymore? I just wanted to do so, but there isn't a orange box in the Add Missing Info menu....
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Some guidance for adding Classical items:
Please add soloists / composers / orchestras / conductors as separate names when entering them in the performers box...
("Add Missing Info" > "Add Extra Performers")
... this makes each artist individually searchable, and so displays anything they may have been involved with as part of their discography, rather than just the album they were involved with that particular group of artists (if you see what I mean).
Enter artists names as per label within the entry itself using the spelling as it appears on sleeve / labels (album artist heading, and for each track, if different from this), but when entering to the performers box (as above) just use the standard spelling (if you know it), or just add the surname for individuals...
...it should then convert to the standard spelling of their full name when it appear in that box.
(we are building this list of alternate spellings for artists, so some, if not many, may still not appear "converted" yet, if this is so, just leave a comment about it on the page, saying who hasn't converted, and as if by magic, several days later, if not sooner, this will have been acted upon :).
Also, using: "/" to divide two or more artists in the heading, is easier to read if there is a space either side of it:
"Magic / Marmalade / Git", as opposed to: "Magic/Marmalade/Git".
(My eyes are shot, so please help the infirm, such as I )
Don't worry if you are uncertain about other details too much, it can all be fixed, and classical music entries are a nightmare in general / enjoyable challenge, and we're are making most of it up as we go - we'll settle in to a standard over time.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Just a reminder, that when entering composers' names into the preformers box, in "Add Missing info" >,"Add Extra Performers", just begin typing the composer's surname, and it will convert to the full name.
...But only the surname is required, ignore initials.
And OC has coded it so it doesn't matter now if you enter it with upper case or lower case, or with accents etc
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Good point, MM, about adding only one name at a time. You can have as many individual names as you like, composers, conductors and performers. When adding a Classical record you can choose up to four "performer" names, but afterwards you can add as many more as you like, using the 'Add Missing Info' button.for the record
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Trouble and Strauss
The Strauss family (and other Strausses - and one Straus) have now been shoved through the autoconvert list, so just start typing the surname in the composer box:
... and a selection of Strausses shall drop out of the digital sky for you to choose your Strauss.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Levi Strauss now added.
(Only joking! )
I''ll look at the Jr. Snr. thing again tomorrow, when I'm looking to get to the bottom of other names too, but if anyone has any suggestions for other Surnames etc. that are problematic to enter for similar reasons to all the Strauss-ery above, leave a note of it here.
Brass Band Music
Classical or Not.
Using the Classic FM list of Classical Composers one would imagine that a fair few will have at least arrangements done for Brass Band, if not directly composing therefor.
But what about Brass Band composers specifically (I suppose I think mainly of Eric Ball, but I presume there are others, particulary those who wrote for championship test pieces and the like. Would they ( and one could alternately only consider Brass Band arrangements more as Folk Music ( akin to Country/Scottish Dance Tunes)), but I would like to know what others think.
I.E does one take Classical Music as only Orchestral +/or Keyboards or Solo of mulitples of one or more string , woodwind , percussion or orchestral brass instruments ? (Essentially a Brass Band will have Cornet, rather than Trumpet for the top brass notes, and Saxhorns rather than French Horns for the Alto / Tenor Parts. Only the Tuba (BBb and Eb) and Trombones are common to the sections I think, untuned percussion aside. Marching Bands have additional tuned percussion, and may also include Saxaphones/Clarinets and Flute/Piccolos just to complicate things.
Every time on internet catalogues begin with classical music, it seems that classical music suddenly has to be moved into the shadow from all other kinds of music. Maybe for the CD genre okay, but I m not going to add every classical 45 to both classical music and 45cat, but only to 45 cat.
We also don't move jazz to a seperate Jazz World, metal to a Metal world, etc. For a shop it is different, for here I still prefer music to be one catalogue, only it should be possible to add the genre(s) to the item we enter: folk, country, instrumental, vocal, religious, classical, reggae, gospel, etc
Well, it is way to late to change all that. I will add my classical albums (cd) here when in the mood, but that's about it.
If we can have only one entry for a classical record, I would choose 45cat for a single or EP, and Classical World for an album. I'm not sure about 78s: it's probably more valuable to have them in with the 78s for the sake of the label discography.
Classical World has a slightly different format from the other Worlds, because the shown 'Artist' is of secondary importance. We want to see the Conductor, Orchestra and soloists given equal prominence, which is now possible with "Performers". It's a little more work to enter a Classical record but it feels worth it.
Wales, where men are men and sheep are nervous Member since Jan 2011 15478 Points Moderator
Been given a couple of boxes of over 100 LPs and other than about 20, they are all classical. I've had a look at uploading them here, and some are not going to be straightforward. I'll get round to them all eventually before disposing of them. Most of the local charity shops don't want classical LPs in that quantity. I may try to spread them around rather than bin them. The other 20 or so are "easy listening" Johnny Mathis, Val Doonican and that sort. They will also find their way to charity shops after checking whether or not they are on our database here. They came from an old folks day-care centre which has now closed down. No one wanted them and one of the staff knew that I like vinyl etc. Otherwise they were going in the skip with loads of other unwanted stuff that still has use left in them (tables, chairs etc) I don't know where I'll go when I get old (next year)
Wales, where men are men and sheep are nervous Member since Jan 2011 15478 Points Moderator
I've now put a few up on Classical Music world. I think they look OK, but it's quite different to most of the other worlds for entering Vinyl, CDs etc.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
It takes a while to get your eye in on that world kab... it's still about 60% experimental, and I'm only patching performers names, and adding variants to the auto convert list as we go.
As long as they aren't duplicates, and the essentials are in place (cat number /barc / etc. everything else can be fixed as and when needed... we have the technology!