If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
I think eventually, we'll have to sort them into those that do go by the full name, and those that don't... as most have the full name on both sleeve and labels.
--Couple of points about Classical world:
Firstly, the top 50 viewed still isn't updating, and hasn't refreshed for many days now...
... and secondly, when I go to "add performers", it is very sporadic in giving me drop down options of names when I begin typing... so I'm having to remember the names before I do it, and this is difficult especially when a composer, for instance, goes by several different spellings of his name, such as Rachmaninoff / Rachmaninov, etc. - the name dropping down, that when selected, would unify the spelling variations under one principal name spelling, would be most appreciated :)
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Oh, and my rule of thumb is to only add performers when they don't "stand alone" in the artist field... so if an artist has a blue linkable name already by him/herself, then I'll leave it, but if the artist is given as: "X and Y", I'll add X, then Y as separate names.
I think eventually, we'll have to sort them into those that do go by the full name, and those that don't... as most have the full name on both sleeve and labels.
If that's the case, we must have mostly older albums in the database, as the (admittedly few) late 70's and early 80's DG LP's that I have don't include "Gesselschaft" in the logo on either the covers or the labels. The only one I have that does, and on the cover only, is a late 70's repress of the Geza Anda "Elvira Madigan" Mozart piano concerto, which is minus the "Gesselschaft" on the label. I have considerably more CD's on DG than I do LP, and the only ones that include Gesselschaft are in "The Originals" series that replicate the original covers and labels. Anyway, it's the same label entity, and Gesselschaft means "company", which we generally ignore on these sites in the same way that we ignore "Records" and similar, so no need to split them as far as I'm concerned.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Could we add to the list of drop-down options: Choir Master (or variations on that position)?
... there's a few names to be added to the performers box who have that job, but, because they are, strictly speaking, not "Conductors" (although I've added them as such for now), and they are not soloists, they have no box to go in.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
-- Oh, and we may need a separate box for "arranger", where the original scores have been interpreted, re-assembled, finished (Mozart's Requiem), or otherwise altered by another bod.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Done a fair bit, and added more, but I've left a lot for mods to do, so will just slow up a bit now...
...but if anyone sees a name in notes, or a composer, conductor, or ensemble/orchestra in the entry that doesn't have a "stand alone" blue text link, either in the entry, or the performers box, please feel free to add it in missing info.
(I won't be unhappy that you're taking work away from me! )
((Even if it's just one name you do... it all helps))
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Thanks for the recent modding Mr or Mrs, or Ms, or Dr. Mod.
I am going completely classi-crazy down there in the basement... there's only so much you can do before you slow to a halt and start dribbling on the computer keyboard (mistakes start creeping in too then )
Three weeks on holiday in the U.S.A. and mircacles happens...Classical Music becomes Live! :)....Admins (and Mods) thanks!
German words without capitols reads a lot easier. Great!
...and yes what is Classical Music? Surely all the Deutsche Grammophon (GmbH) records, obviosly. Although, there is a a Grey Zone in Classical Music, for instance, musicals or folk music (already mentioned), jazzy music (Geshwin, yes).
The West Side Story is a musical in a classical way by it's music composer ,Leonard Bernstein, a famous director. And what about The sound of Music??
New composers, like Arvo Part, are surely classical music, or Stockhausen, Holt, Cage (4:33) etc.
Classical schoold musicians, yes, but when you hear the intepretation of Waldo de los Rios' 40th Symphony of Mozart absolutely not. It's the tune of the 40th blended with some beat.
Or a (Dutch) popgroup named Ekseption, which played all the favorite classical tunes like popmusic.
About Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft: it's quite simple: The label started in 1949 with 78 rpms and went over to 33 1/3 in the early 50's. They made a joint venture with Philips Phonographic Industries (PPI) in 1962, which merged 1971 to PhonoGram. From this day in 1971, Deutsche Grammophon was not a Gesellschaft mit beschänker Haftung (GmbH) anymore.
New times, new logo without the Gesellschaft. DG had a lot of old sleeves, with the DGG logo, so you could easily find in the early 70's a DG label on the record in a old DGG sleeve or box. Hard to find are the DGG's seven numbered records (1970/1971).
But....There are even still DGG issues of 45 rpm's in the 80's...
Cat# is also not a good guide, because the five or later the six number system (stereo!) was changed in februari 1970 into a seven number (2xxx xxx). With the introduction of the CD they changed it again (4xx xxx-x).
My proposal is: look at the label on the record, not the sleeve, to determine if it's a DGG or DG label. It's easy to do so.
There are of coarse records with the same cat# issued as DGG and later as DG. To keep it simple, add the DG as a new entry, with a link to the DGG record.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
By way of feedback for OC, as regards the changes to data entry:
A couple things I've noticed (not really bugs, but more inconveniences and discrepancies)...
Firstly, is that the drop down boxes in "add missing info" for the different performers only produce existing options when you begin typing for the default field you are typing in, even if you change the field.... that is, if I begin typing: "Moz.." in the "composers" field, at the top, then Mozart will appear as an option.
...But, if I have already used that field for another composer, and use the next field down for the next composer featured on the album, I have to change the field type from "Orchestra / Ensemble" to: "composer", and then start typing the composer's name. Which, if I do, and so start typing "Moz...", then no composer's name will appear as an option, and even if there is a close approximation, will present "orchestra / Ensemble" options instead, consistent with my typing: "Mo...."
(may present something like: "Mozambique Philharmonic" say... even though I've changed the field type.
This makes things difficult, for the reason that there are often many different names to be added for each field on each album - 2 or 3 or more composers, orchestras etc. And if any of these are difficult spellings from a "standard" spelling, or is a difficult name in any other way, you either have to try and remember how to spell it, or copy the name from somewhere else in the entry, and paste it in the box after, but if you have several like this at once (Czech names are a nightmare for me :), you can only copy one at a time.
Secondly, there's the issue of "soloists" and what I wonder is a separate consideration of "performers" or other personnel (instrumentalists) on the album, whoa re not strictly speaking "soloists" (sometimes both of these categories may appear on an album at once: two or three named soloists, and orchestra, then: others, or other performers... say: "Triangle, played by: Billy Tinkle", "wooden block played by Michael Mahogany", or something like that.
Lastly, composers, conductors, or soloist's name's which have variable accepted spellings, either for regional renderings of that name, some with accents, or some without, will produce different lists of works by that (those) artists when you click their names (Thaikovsky / Tchaikowsky etc.
...Even Grieg, has apparently accepted spellings: Grieg / Greig... both of these will produce different sets of results.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7279 Points Moderator
Can we not link items on Classical? Just been doing a bit of work on it and spotted some that should be linked (cassette and CD versions, different issues etc) but couldn't see the Link Items option?
Can we not link items on Classical? Just been doing a bit of work on it and spotted some that should be linked (cassette and CD versions, different issues etc) but couldn't see the Link Items option?
Ah not yet, but an improved link system is coming soon!
Firstly, is that the drop down boxes in "add missing info" for the different performers only produce existing options when you begin typing for the default field you are typing in, even if you change the field.... that is, if I begin typing: "Moz.." in the "composers" field, at the top, then Mozart will appear as an option.
Secondly, there's the issue of "soloists" and what I wonder is a separate consideration of "performers" or other personnel (instrumentalists) on the album, whoa re not strictly speaking "soloists" (sometimes both of these categories may appear on an album at once: two or three named soloists, and orchestra, then: others, or other performers... say: "Triangle, played by: Billy Tinkle", "wooden block played by Michael Mahogany", or something like that.
Soloist is really designed for a named principal performer, they would usually be prominently named on the cover of the item.