Can't say I;m their biggest fan but these at a pound each in a charity shop seemed too good to leave behind - Shades Of Deep Purple, The Book Of Taliesyn, Deep Purple, Deep Purple In Rock, Fireball,Who Do We Think We Are, Burn & Storm Bringer. Later pressings of the early stuff I think as three of the Harvest's have the EMI box labels however Book of Taliesyn is a Box free version, 'Shades Of' is the Black / Silver Stereo Parlophone.
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 886 Points Moderator
1967 aged 15, I was shown around the IBC studio London by a family friend who work there, apparently the Bee Gees had been there a few hours earlier, after I was given some records, it was many years later that I realise that they were not just records but studio acetates, they consist of, Robert Stigwood Bee Gees Hits with ‘End Of Gilbert Green’ not on the released album, Sarah Vaughan ‘The More I See You’ 45rpm never released as such, Bee Gees Massachusetts single sided, Massachusetts no orchestra and ‘You Know You Gave Yourself Away’ never released as the lyric were changed to ‘Sir Geoffrey Saved The World’ and The Who A side of ‘Sell Out’ album. Still have them.
I thought this was well worth 99p from charity shop.
This image was added by clicking on the image on the record page, and then clicking on "Link To This image", and then just copying and pasting what appears in BBCode box.
This image was added by clicking on the image on the record page, and then clicking on "Link To This image", and then just copying and pasting what appears in BBCode box.
Yes, it's quite different to 45cat where you can work with the image number. At 45worlds we need the image URL.
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 886 Points Moderator
getalife wrote:
fokeman wrote:
Damn, I can't get the image tool to work. What am I doing wrong?
If you are trying to insert image on this comment page,
1/ make note of image Number.
2/ Along the top of Add Reply, click on Insert Image (Red and Blue motif).
3/ Add numbers in box.
4/ Insert.
Damn, I can't get the image tool to work. What am I doing wrong?
This image was added by clicking on the image on the record page, and then clicking on "Link To This image", and then just copying and pasting what appears in BBCode box.
very confusing but it works. : thanks Graham7, fixbutte
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5174 Points Moderator
Yes but I'm trying to display a larger image. See the larger image of Robert Johnson above. I don't want to create a link to an image, I want to display a bigger image...
FixButte, what's the secret? What trick did you perform to get the different image sizes?
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 886 Points Moderator
fokeman wrote:
Yes but I'm trying to display a larger image. See the larger image of Robert Johnson above. I don't want to create a link to an image, I want to display a bigger image...
FixButte, what's the secret? What trick did you perform to get the different image sizes?
I’m not sure how they did that, just thought it might help till someone with better knowledge than me came to the rescue.
in view of all the comments above regarding insertion of images I just wondered what the reason was for using the URL method on here rather than the image number way of doing things that we were all familiar with on 45cat.
in view of all the comments above regarding insertion of images I just wondered what the reason was for using the URL method on here rather than the image number way of doing things that we were all familiar with on 45cat.
That's so that images can be used across different worlds. Maybe we can improve the way this works sometime!
went to a charity shop-- records were 6 for $1. Didn't find much in the 45s or lps... but hit paydirt in the 78's found a nice copy of Little Walter's "Muskadine blues" on Regal.
My other great find was Bob Dylan's first album, autographed, for $1 at Goodwill.