Wales, where men are men and sheep are nervous Member since Jan 2011 15478 Points Moderator
Maybe it's my imagination, but it seems to be that we are having many more entries with no (supporting) images added to the database. This is a bit disappointing as entries look a lot better with a shot of the front cover at the least. As I say, perhaps it's my vivid imagination playing up.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Yes, more images please!
Images are so important, first for verifying the entry, allowing us to see if it's one we know, and will often reveal composer, musician and producer credits
You can even upload an image from your phone, so I am told. How would you do that, anyone..?
I've never owned a mobile phone in my life so I would have no idea.
Juke Jules wrote:
Yes, more images please!
Images are so important, first for verifying the entry, allowing us to see if it's one we know, and will often reveal composer, musician and producer credits
You can even upload an image from your phone, so I am told. How would you do that, anyone..?
Yes, I agree. I have added label shots on more than one occasion for missing photos. Also, I notice entries either with or without label photos that do not show ownership of the disc.
@ VocalionRed: Not everyone bothers to note that they own the record even if they do. 78-Ron, for example, clearly has an incredible collection (he says he owns about 10,000 shellacs alone), but he hasn't clicked on the Own button for any of the 6,685 records he has added to the site.
Yes, once again you're right. You're the voice of reason in an unreasonable world. :-) But, why not credit yourself with the ownership ? Could it be modesty ? I guess to each their own. But, as an afterthought, posting a photo of the disc label would be helpful to the other members when trying to add a 78, especially when there are other copies or versions from other countries of the same song, or even from the same record company. Labels may be even slightly different, or a song on the A or B side may be different. This can be identified by a label photo of both sides of the disc. I myself have entered a Conqueror disc that had a song on the B side that wasn't supposed to be on that disc at all. A photo is good proof of existence.
A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
First point I'd like to make is that label images are fun. They add a certain spice or colour to the site. For example, actually seeing Move It by Cliff Richard on Canadian Capitol is a lot more exciting that just seeing it listed.
Which gets to the problem of what I would term 'list bangers'. They have a list of some sort, be it delta number or whatever, or go by that one big 78rpm discography site which itself is a list of lists and wildly inaccurate at times as far as exact label text. Data gets added, but without an image is questionable at best. For example, I could just as easily assume that there were 78s by the Dave Clark Five on Columbia in India or Parlophone in the Philippines and make entries based on similar documented releases by the Beatles
Wales, where men are men and sheep are nervous Member since Jan 2011 15478 Points Moderator
Two points
1. I agree with Amy that seeing an image of the cover or of the label makes looking at the listings in our database much more interesting. This is the same with listings for "live music" where I listed as much as possible of the Beatles early gigs around Liverpool etc.and there was no tickets, bill posters etc available. So I looked for images of the actual venues and added these for interest, and I think it does give some added value.
2 Concerning adding items to the database and not claiming ownership - One of my friends' father died a while ago and he had a collection of records, CDs etc. I borrowed these to list them on our database before returning them, but did not claim ownership. There are other similar instances I could talk about.
Jock Girl......To add proof to the pudding, I will submit 3 photos of a record in my collection. I was hesitant to enter this disc, but, it will give an example of what I was talking about in my last post. It will be in the 78 rpm section of the site. It will be a Victor from around 1915. You will quickly see why images are so necessary. The title on side A will be...."The Original Fox Trot" (cat # 17677) The title on side B is supposed to be "That Moaning Saxophone Rag".....but it's not.
A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
I see what you mean Vocalion Red. I just discovered a case like that myself. I just go this record ..... Don Rondo - Carlton 531
Nice enough being 1960 and all ... but actually plays what was on 45 Don Rondo - Carlton 551 on 45 from a year later ..and the stuff in the run out shows that as far as master #s go.
I haven't amended my entry, but stuff from the 1960s in the Philippines is famous for that!
I'm in agreement about how disappointing it is to see entries made here of records or CDs with no pictures of the labels or sleeves. It's much more interesting especially if there are variations from the ones that you may have.
I'm running the Mobile Version of 45Worlds. I took the picture with my iPhone and edited it a bit. I cropped to a square and rotated.
I then went to the record in 45Worlds and pressed Add Image. A window showed up that said "Click To Take Or Choose Photo". I clicked that and an option was for Photo Library. I just selected the photo and we're good.
Only capability I don't have (at the moment) is to edit the image more like I can do in GIMP or Paint.
Well, what attracted me to this site a year ago was the fact that it was possible to upload multiple images of an album.
At that time not too many CDs were entered without at least front cover image. Lately we are getting way too many CDs without a single image which is, in my opinion, lowering quality of browsing experience. I don't want to look at the data only. There are other sites that offer the same, even more detailed info for every album they have.
Multiple images, especially scans of booklet are providing great information about the album + additional info about the band, history and lot of other things. I enjoy looking at the scans.
Images are also important to be able to check errors and typos. We have too many of those, especially when it comes to labels.
Also, many who are adding albums, with or without images are not linking them with already entered issues of the same album.
Can we have a standard set to have mandatory to add cover images, at least front cover.
Those who don't have ability to add images should not add anything here. They are not really helping. And if they want to catalog their collection, they can use discogs or RYM for example.
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3719 Points Moderator
Please bear in mind that some people simply do not have the facility to upload images. To exclude their entries on that basis seems to me to be an unhelpful position.
We have to take everything which gets submitted to the Worlds in good faith until such time as we have some clear indication in an individual case to the contrary. That's how Worlds (and Cat) has grown in size and stature in the way that they have.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
@musictom - Thanks, that seems to work on my Android phone, it allows me to "Take or choose photo". I'll have to look into editing images with the phone. This could be particularly useful on 45spaces
Your 'Charlie' images are both excellent, I can't see any need to update them
Wales, where men are men and sheep are nervous Member since Jan 2011 15478 Points Moderator
With reference to comments made by the judge, I agree that it could be unfair on some members and many of the entries without any images are very good for reference. However, perhaps we could find a way to encourage posting of images. There was a bit of a forum debate a short time ago about how "points" are gained, and I assume that some members could be motivated by gaining extra points.
I do note that some members load images on occasion and other times do not. hmmmm.
This comment marked as Spam. Please press Not Spam Member since Aug 2012 500 Points
Alenko wrote:
Can we have a standard set to have mandatory to add cover images, at least front cover. Those who don't have ability to add images should not add anything here. They are not really helping.
This is what was wrong with rateyourmusic. A totalitarian attitude about requirements. It's not your business. You only have a right to wish. How does it "not help" to add a listing that didn't exist.
To ignore is human, to follow is divine. Member since Jul 2014 3084 Points
I can't agree that it is "unhelpful" to add an item without supporting images. On the contrary I think it is extremely "helpful"!!
I spent a number of weeks painstakingly cataloguing/entering going through my collection of 45s on 45Cat two years back. I found that about 8-9% of my 45s were not already listed on the site and maybe another 4-5% were there but without an image that matched my copy. Me being me, I had to add images if any were missing and although that slowed me down in my cataloguing it wasn't by too much.
And then I came onto 45Worlds and started cataloguing my 12" singles ... here the ratio of items that weren't already listed was much higher and it took me as long to complete my run through of my 12" singles as it had my 7" ones, even though in numerical terms I have over three 7" singles for every 12" one.
Then I considered cataloguing my Vinyl and CD Albums on 45Worlds .... It quickly became apparent that I would be entering at least 90% of them from scratch as the overwhelming majority of them were not already listed here in any shape or form.
After a few months of dithering I finally bit the bullet and started work on the Vinyl LPs and CDs. It must have taken me about a year to get through the lot. Believe me I was quite grateful if I found that someone had already entered an item but without an image as that cut down a task that might take an hour down to 5-10 minutes. It is immensely time consuming to enter details of a fresh album (CD Compilations are the worst, one of those might take well over an hour to complete), which is probably why 45Worlds hasn't yet quite taken off in the way that 45Cat has done.
If I were running a business and cataloguing LPs/CDs etc. as part of some project I would have teams of three to enter the items .. one person would be banging in the data, one would be providing the images and the other would be checking/overseeing the process. We are all volunteers here and I think it would be totally wrong to insist that every entry has to be set up with an image. We should be grateful that people are taking the time and effort to contribute even if what they enter isn't 100% "complete".