As You Wish, Puny God Member since Nov 2015 752 Points
Probably surplus to requirements, but can I just thank the mods/admins for the time they spend in correcting stupid errors I make, they do a fab job and probably don't get the recognition they need.
If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points
I'd also like to chip in and dip me lid to MODS on 45 Worlds. Their wisdom, patience and guidance contribute enormously to the enjoyment of the site. They are also usually very quick to address problems, which is also something to be proud of. Well done, MODS.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Yes, thanks to the Modes and Ad-mines.
...And while the subject has been tenuously raised.... is something that could be considered in future for very 'umble users (and 'eavy ones too :) such as myself to perhaps be allowed to have some limited ability to moderate or simply edit some of our own mistakes etc.?
... Perhaps you could "unlock" certain functions for us as we earn some trust with these things... maybe based on the points ? unlocking levels in a computer game, as it's very frustrating to find, once you've spent a little while on one entry, and submitted it, to find that you've made a typo or something, but can't go back and correct it yourself... having to ask for a correction and wait for the overworked mods to do it.
--or perhaps it could be so that the original submitter has a grace period of 24hours where they are able to go back in to it, edit and revise it before it sets like glue in the database ?
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
There's no doubt about it that the Mods do a grand job.
However, I get the impression a few aren't as clued-up than a few others as a number of corrections that I have requested lie dormant and largely ignored. (Maybe it depends upon who is "on duty".)
I very impertinently questioned this and was slapped down with a wet kipper for being "rude" and threatened with "read-only" site use.
I concur with the previous comment on the basis that the originator of an entry should have the facility to go back and make any necessary corrections.
There's also a great deal of disparity with original entries. Some posters simply don't understand the origination of a disc - CD's in particular. The country of origin issue with UK, European and International has reached proportions of a comedy of errors. Seriously, if we can't get the CD's issued by the likes of Paul McCartney right, what hope is there for lesser mortals?
We really need a Mod who knows the score here back to front.
I've only just started making entries, having done the easy stuff first - Singles on several formats, which was tiresome enough. I've just started entering CD's and it's made all the harder with a poor search engine flagging up titles that are completely irrelevant, a host of poorly entered catalogue numbers and incorrect country of origin. We have posters "inventing" CD titles, for example, The Beatles 1962-1966 listed as (Red Album) - Really? Hence, why I could not find it and not particularly willing enough to trawl through all 44 pages of Beatles' repetition. My stupidity probably, as I should really just forget Titles and just only search Cat nos.
Anyway, with another 6,000 plus titles to wade through, I should be done by about 2020.
I've had a look through the CD album corrections and can see several that you've submitted in the last couple of days, which are waiting to be dealt with. I can't see any older ones which have been ignored (do you have an example?)
Some of your corrections may have been considered but rejected. I see on several that you've requested a CD from, say USA, to be changed and all you've provided for us is "Country: EU".
You may well be right, but if you know it for a fact, please give us some sources or your rationale so we can decide whether to accept it. You're asking a mod to overrule the original contributor, so it would be a help if you could give something more substantial.
Anyway, please keep requesting corrections if you see errors. They won't be ignored.
If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points
Hello Apollo and Everyone Else,
Apollo, in your post regarding country of issue for CDs you mention that "We really need a Mod who knows the score here back to front". Well, I think we all know the score back to front and that's because we've largely invented the International category and that has caused a raft of problems. I know CDs are different to LPs and indeed some are International releases but the criteria we use here on 45Worlds to identify international releases seems to capture a lot of releases that are really not international. In particular here I'm referring to CDs that are made in a specific country for that same market yet have the same cat#, barcode and label as the CD produced in a different country.
From an Australian perspective I see that a lot of our Australian made CDs carry the same basic details as USA and EU releases. They are other global multi-national music corporation regional connections that are less obvious. For example it is quite often the case that an Australian CD will have the same details as a South American CD (north and south hemisphere is sometimes used as a division) CDs from Mexico and Australia often have matching details.
The problem here is that for the site user cataloging there collection the guidelines are not clear enough. Site users cannot be expected to be up to speed with the machinations of the global music industry in order to enter a CD. Site user are then often perplexed by decisions made by MODS and other site users to change the origin of their entries to international on the basis of matching details existing somewhere (anywhere) else in the world.
CD entries on the site are slow and seem to be slowing down when compared to vinyl LP entries on the site and the confusion confronting users in CD World is in my view a significant contributing factor. The problem here is that we are asking users to apply knowledge that is beyond the article at hand using guidelines that are not clear at all and in fact cause friction and division among users of the site.
Here, I'm referring to the vast gulf between the CD Guidelines on the entry page which states a matching barcode alone makes a CD an international release and the other criteria as described by Dr. Doom that to be international CDs must be "identical". Some users take this to mean the very same CD and using this logic rightly point to secondary cat#s, different local distribution and marketing companies and place of manufacture as reasons for separate entries to be made.
However, both methods of determining whether a CD is international or not are inadequate and confounding to the site user. We need to develop a user friendly way to enter CDs that doesn't require extra research by the poster and has one set of clear guidelines. The way we are currently operating is creating a murky international CD graveyard rather than a functional CD database. It may well be the case that globalisation has made products more international than they once were but after entering about 600 CDs myself I can assure you that there are still many differences that need to be accounted for. This topic has been the elephant in the room on CD World and I think we need to deal with it before we reach a point of no return.
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
Hi Top Popper,
In relation to requesting a correction to a country of origin entry to EU, for example, I would assume that the Mod would see what I too see on the previously uploaded accompanied artwork, where the information is clearly stated, ie Made in EU, despite being sold in UK.
Of course I fully understand the ethos behind the machinations of design here - having years of experience uploading tens of thousands of vinyl & CD's onto Gemm, MusicStack, Netsounds, eBay and Amazon and I think this gives me some degree of knowledge above and beyond the casual layman. That said I'm not at liberty to change any rules here, nor wish to make any further ripples.
On this origin of a CD matter, I think it should be based on the territory of manufacture of the actual disc itself, forgetting about where the paper stuff is printed as that's quite irrelevant. And coming from another angle, the world of books, for example, many these days are printed in China, but published in UK, which obviously does not catagorise said books as being Chinese.
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
Hi Lee Wrecker,
I agree with you mostly, but I think if there are variations of country of manufacture, despite similar codes, a CD made in Australia is just that, and not the one made in Mexico. They should have the premise of separate entry. Otherwise in general there's only going to be about 3 territories - USA, UK and EU, which is not a true reflection of the industry.
I lived/worked in Asia for 10 years and could buy CDs made from all over the world, including Australian bootlegs bought in Jakarta and Singapore, so I really hear what your saying, yet can't completely agree.
However, I do harbour some reservations that any mortal can just bound in and post up misinformation, giving almost zero credibility to the facts at hand with very poorly entered Cat nos - some fail to type in exactly what is in front of them - particularly when these entries form the basis of any further entries to that particular title. Other cases of failure to recognise the 'primary' label of a release - where we may as well list almost everything, therefore, under Sony Universal and be done with it.
Without getting too fascist about it - how about a trial test for newbies, say a 20 entry trial list, where a Mod can have a good recky at their 'work' and make a judgement call for any future solo entry making. Just as any manager would do in the work place before letting his trainee off the leash to reek havoc.
But hey, I'm just a hard-boiled Scotsman, former international hotelier of 30 years experience - what do I know about liberalism?
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
Hi The Droid,
It most probably did. But how do you suggest things get fixed if nobody discusses it?
And I guess that if you read the comments from the Mods themselves, you may be persuaded in garnering their concerns on this issue also.
The tally so far is only at the 12,000 + mark, so salvageable before it hits crisis level, yeah?
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
Top Popper,
I forgot to mention that we users don't have a ready reckoner listing facility to log any corrections requests on file for reference. Once it's been put through to a Moderator, it's gone with nothing to refer to again - as a user. So given the number of corrections that I requested on both CD Singles and the CD albums I've gone through so far, I haven't a clue unless I wade through them all again and make my own notes.
Coupled with the fact that refusals aren't referred back with explanation.
So frankly, I really haven't a clue and would seriously struggle to remember about anything past the last few entries.
Apollo, There is plenty of room to discuss things on the site. My suggestion would be to start a new forum thread with appropriate category and title to get the attention of those interested. I have found that most of the folks here are open to listening and discussing anything related to the site's purpose.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Even seasoned Catters are fearful of entering CDs because of the obscurity of the place of production / place of release relationship.
...Discogs presents these details as if it is a settled fact, when in fact there is no hard and fast logic with them, and none that would apply to all CDs, and even individual titles.
You have to rely on the wisdom of the community with them to a large extent, because even the mods cannot know the answers to the rapid corporate changes and market forces which actually determined these things from the nineties onward... so there are no experts when it comes to CDs (even those that made them might not know much!).
But I feel that's what this site is really for, when it comes to CDs especially: "Presenting" a CDin an entry, and allowing others to hammer out the details with whatever snippets of info they can add, so that ultimately, this site will become the reference for them.
But there's a lot of work to do before all is known, so when entering CDs, you've just got to bite the bullet, enter it as best you can, then let others, in time, straighten or amend them.
--This does mean not allowing the CDs to wind you up, or bother you too much in terms of any nagging doubts you have... bang 'em in, and let 'em go! :) --
--This does mean not allowing the CDs to wind you up, or bother you too much in terms of any nagging doubts you have... bang 'em in, and let 'em go! :) --