I don't know if there is a issue with the website here or whether there is another issue going on I haven't figured out yet but I am having major issues trying to add CD albums. The page seems to work fine until I click add item and then select USA country, the website for the last 3 days now just sits there frozen trying to load the add page. I don't feel like it is my browser because I can click on add item in vinyl albums and it comes right up, and I was able to load perfectly normal in 45Cat as well, so here I am trying to work on getting my collection entered into the database and the system isn't allowing me to proceed. Is it just me having issues or is this happening to anyone else? It is a shame that CD world isn't very user-friendly to begin with when compared to every other world associated with 45Cat as far as no separation between countries. I do work very hard to make sure my discs I am entering are not international releases and are indeed USA releases, as well as taking the time to submit the new entries properly and accurately unlike several others I have stumbled across while researching the entries already on the website before entering in mine. Some feedback would be much appreciated.
OK, so I see others are able to add CD's under the USA country tab, so I tried again and the page just sits at "waiting for response from 45worlds", so I decided to see if it was my computer maybe not performing correctly by using my other laptop that I normally only use for video editing (also a windows 10), and it is the same deal just sits here waiting for response from 45worlds. I think the ones who entered USA CD's might not have been in the USA and the website isn't connecting correctly with the US server OR a Moderator has blocked my ID from entering any more items. I am going to create another ID and see if that works. If it does I am going to make someone very miserable.
Well, I just saved myself and a Moderator a miserable time trying to merge my work from multiple accounts by creating another account and the website still times out trying to open the add CD page when you select USA as the country. So in conclusion, we have determined that there is a server problem on the US side of the pond when trying to access certain functions of the website, one of those being the "ad CD" function. We have discovered that it is not my computer as I tried to complete action using a different computer with same results. We have determined it is not a problem with my ID as I created another ID and tried to complete the action and still the same results. Another proof something is wrong with the CD world server is when I click on "Home" from the forum here the home page will not load and when I exit the website it will not re-open. I have to wait 5 minutes before the website will let me re-enter, and the door to re-enter is the vinyl albums page which is working with no issues and then clicking CD albums from the vinyl albums page. 45Cat is still working perfectly as well. All the issues seem to isolated here to CDWorlds. Perhaps someone could run a diagnostics test on the server for CD world that serves the US if no other areas are experiencing issues.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Sorry you are still having the same problem. Other USA members seem to be adding CD albums today: if you look at the "Latest Added" page you see for example TheDA1 has added several, with images today. Not many others from the USA over the past couple of days.
This has been flagged up for attention so Admin should take a look soon
- Jules
I have no idea what is happening here. The CD Albums part of the website is on the same server as all the other worlds, so if one of those is accessible then they all should be. There are normal amounts of CDs being added and normal traffic from the USA. I think this may be a local ISP issue, ie something to do with your internet connection, or some setting on your computers blocking the pages from loading. Is anyone else seeing this problem?
I understand what you guys are saying. I don't feel like it is a ISP issue or a issue with my computer blocking content because if you check my history I was just able to add about half a dozen vinyl LP's and a couple 12" singles to the database with no issue and immediately switched to CD albums and clicked add CD and selected USA and yet again the website times out trying to load. This has been the norm ever since last Thursday when I entered Korn "Follow The Leader" into the database, ever since then it will not proceed past the country selection page on add CD tab. Of interesting note, I think it is related that after the webpage freezes upon clicking the country selection tab, the website will not open if I exit out of it all together or allow me to click on home or explore or forum or any other header until the "Webpage Timed Out" message has been received by the server. I also notice the other members who were able to upload new CD entries are located in California, Chicago and Missouri...all Mid-west or West Coast areas, while I am East Coast. I would be interested to see if KempKemp can enter a new CD into the database since he lives only a hour from me so I will IM KempKemp and ask him to try a CD add and see what he experiences and then report back accordingly.
KempKemp is able to add CD's without issue, so it must be isolated to me. I don't understand why I cannot add CD's on either of my computers...it looks like if it was a computer problem it would be isolated to just one computer. I am sure it is not a cache problem, as that would explain on this computer, but the other computer wouldn't work and it was the first time I had ever been on this site on that computer, so not a cache problem. I am at a loss...Any ideas anyone????
Turning rebellion into money since 1962 Member since Nov 2009 6576 Points Moderator
Have you tried a different web browser to see if that has any effect? Also it may be worth considering removing your existing browser and re-installing the program to rule out that causing the error.
Thanks guys. I normally use internet explorer but took the advise to try a different browser, so I tried to access using my AOL browser. Unfortunately, same result. So I am still able to add 45's, LP's, 12" vinyl etc. but I am not able to open the add CD feature still. I am pasting the error message I get after clicking on the USA tab on the ADD CD page.
Error 524: A timeout occurred
Avatar Michelle Zatlyn December 27, 2017 11:12 Follow
A 524 error states that Cloudflare was able to make a TCP connection to the origin, but the origin did not reply with a HTTP response before the connection timed out.
Our edge will typically wait for a HTTP response from your server for 100 seconds.
If no response is sent by your server in that time, we close the connection and serve a 524 error page.
This error is commonly caused by a long-running process on the origin server, such as a PHP application or a database query which the web server must wait on before responding to a request.
A 524 can also be caused by your origin server being overloaded- if you see this error it's a good idea to check your server's available resources, including CPU and RAM, and overall traffic levels. If your server has a high CPU load, or is low on memory, this could indicate a resource problem.
If you're unsure about the health of your server it's a good idea to contact your hosting provider and ask them to investigate.
If you regularly run HTTP requests that take over 100 seconds to complete (for example large data exports), one alternative is to move those long-running processes to a subdomain that is not proxied by Cloudflare. That subdomain would have the orange cloud icon toggled to grey in the Cloudflare DNS Settings. Note that you cannot use a Page Rule to avoid a 524 error.
Railgun Users: A 524 can also manifest if the time specified by lan.timeout is exceeded. This defaults to 30 seconds, so if you're seeing 524 errors with your Railgun enabled, we recommend setting this value higher.
Advanced users: Logging response time at your web server.
If you have access to change your web server configuration files, you can actually log how long your server took to respond to a request by modifying the log format.
Most web servers store the response time as a variable, which means you simply need to add this to your log configuration file.
Apache declares logging format in the LogFormat or CustomLog directives, depending on whether you are changing this globally, or for specific virtualhosts.
Response time is stored as the %T variable. Please see the mod_log_config documentation here:
Advanced users: Measuring the response time using curl
You can use the cURL utility from Terminal (on Mac OSX and Linux) to measure how long a request takes to respond. cURL has a write-out flag which allows you to print specific information about a request using custom variables.
You can use the %{time_connect} and %{time_starttransfer} variables to measure how long it takes to connect to your server, and how long it takes for your origin to return a response (i.e. time to first byte) using the following:
If you want to test this directly to your origin server you can do this too by sending a request directly to your server IP address and passing in a host header:
There has got to be a logical explanation why I can access the entry form on every world on 45Worlds EXCEPT CD world...and on multiple computers still the same issue. Does anyone know if it could be a broken registry for that one entry form maybe stored in my router or something that I might be able to erase and replace? I am grasping at straws but I have 3/4ths of my CD collection pulled out ready to continue and can't proceed because of the issue. Frustrating.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Had a look at your page, and there is no reason you should not be able to add anything.
Very often, I find the most frustrating problems with my computer stem from simple issues... Updates from Microsoft usually at the root of it, when they disrupt your settings.
The most common, and simplest one is when they reset the clock, or calendar to the wrong date, and so no certificates are valid, and access is denied. You may look at the time, and it is correct, but the date may be set to 2001.
Or, it could be an additional feature in the updates, or something they have switched on or off that conflicts with something else.
But logically, if you can access other parts and pages of the site with your computer, and using different browsers and computers, but not that particular page, and yet others can, it may be that somehow you accidentally blocked that page, so as far as your internet provider is concerned, you may have flagged it as unsafe or something... so check you haven't added it as a dodgy.
Another thing you might try, is to add your CDs (Just a few, to prove the point) under a different country - we can always change the country one added - at the very least, this will prove that you can add CDs - that they can be created and accepted by you, using your computers and browsers - this will help localise the issue even further.
I played around with it yesterday and somehow got it to click over to the entry page to add a CD, but it is not resolved...I can't get it to work now. I just have to keep playing with it and try to remember what I did to get the page to open.