Let's make it Better! Member since Jun 2012 12553 Points
I just experienced a life changing event. So many of my CDs have been magic-markered up and it's been somewhat of an embarrassment posting them. Tonight I asked google if there was a way to remove the marker...AND THERE IS! It's hand sanitizer. It's easy and doesn't appear to damage the CD at all. Luckily most booklets and inserts are made of coated paper because it WORKS ON THEM, TOO! I'm a happy catter.
Let's make it Better! Member since Jun 2012 12553 Points
Agreed. After numerous tries I've found that sanitizer always degrades the ink but does not always completely remove it. I'm betting there aren't many of us who require this information, but I thought it might be worth mentioning.
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5166 Points Moderator
The trick with the hand sanitizer is that it has alcohol which is designed to evaporate as quickly as possible leaving the hand product on the hands. You could avoid the hand cream residue by simply using alcohol. You can buy this as a cleaning product or use methylated spirits. It will probably not remove anything else apart from the ink but it will clean off any grease as it's a great degraisant. Be careful not to use something stronger such as nail polish remover (acetone) as this will melt the laminate and a cd case. On a VERY solid surface it's also good at removing ink from permanent marker. I find methylated spirits removes permanent marker easily from anything laminated but beware of using it on anything with ink or paper colour on the surface. It will remove the colour and make colours run UNLESS there is a laminated surface.