I seem to remember a while back people talking about scanning 78's. One guy said he put the disc on the scanner bed and put a heavy book on top to get it closer to the glass bed if that helps
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 886 Points Moderator
Quad5point1 wrote:
I seem to remember a while back people talking about scanning 78's. One guy said he put the disc on the scanner bed and put a heavy book on top to get it closer to the glass bed if that helps
Need to be careful with that one, 78’s not that flexible.
If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points
Redpunk, I do the same thing. After noticing that new 180gr labels didn't scan as good as the older thinner variety I tired pushing down on the scanner lid while scanning and have never looked back or had to re-scan for that matter. Tried, tested and true.
I keep my scanner on the floor under the computer desk,and when scanning 78's,just use the weight of a foot on the lid to flex the 78 slightly so that it's closer to the glass when scanning,despite what you might think,most 78's have a millimeter or two of flex,and no harm has come to any i've scanned so far,so it's pretty safe.Also,by having the scanner on the floor it enables me to use a desk fan placed on the floor,blowing towards the scanner,which has the dual effect of A/ blowing any unwanted specks/dust off the scanner (just one wipe with a microfibre cloth),and B/ it keeps both my feet and the PC cool too in this warmer weather,result
As of five days later I still see thumbnails unchanged.....and thumbnails lead to only the B side that looks edited
The A side looks untouched
I'm getting very fed up with editing
As of five days later I still see thumbnails unchanged.....and thumbnails lead to only the B side that looks edited
The A side looks untouched
I'm getting very fed up with editing
Can someone tell me what they see
Nice clean edits you are not on your own, have same problem
On your Page, "Latest Items" all show good images.
On 45cat, my edits show unchanged, but shows edited when enlarged.?
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3482 Points Moderator
Same as Norm - nice clean edits. We've had this problem for a while now, but never got to the bottom of it. It just seems to take time before the images get refreshed, so your work is never wasted.
I used to have this problem off and on, but usually it resolved itself in a day or two. Most often, simply clicking "Refresh the Image" and then reloading the site did the trick.
For about a month now, however, the image cache that preserves the unedited versions refuses to clear. It's nothing on my side, as far as I can tell. I have cleared my browser's image caches multiple times; I've also tried to refresh the images, but to no avail. In some cases, I can see that an image has been edited when I click on it and look at the larger version, in others it looks unchanged. Thumbnails also don't refresh.
I've been traveling over the last month, using hotel servers and the wifi at the houses of friends and relatives. Since the problem persists regardless which internet provider I use and apparently is the same for people all across the world, the flaw must somehow lie with the database.
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 886 Points Moderator
xiphophilos wrote:
For about a month now, however, the image cache that preserves the unedited versions refuses to clear. It's nothing on my side, as far as I can tell. I have cleared my browser's image caches multiple times; I've also tried to refresh the images, but to no avail. In some cases, I can see that an image has been edited when I click on it and look at the larger version, in others it looks unchanged. Thumbnails also don't refresh.
As you describe is what is happening to me.
Having edited image on 45cat today and cleared my cache, when pressing F5 the screen refreshes
the video on the page but not the edit, still showing un-edited image.