Hello guys, I am sure you discussed it already but I can´t find the thread.
Can you help me please?
In my collection of Linguaphone, Language courses from 1930 is one record broken. Of course one of J.R.R.Tolkiens recordings. Great.
(At the tabacconists: Prof. Tolkien & Prof. James Nr. 19/20)
Is there any chance to save this record?
It is one precise breakingline without chipping or other fragments.
Please make my day and give me some hope!
Thanks and a happy X-mas time, A.
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5140 Points Moderator
I'm afraid there's not much good to be said. I'd try youtube for helpful suggestions. Epoxy resin is your only hope but it won't be perfect. You need to avoid any extra glue exuding out into the grooves and so you have to be very precise with the quantity of glue you use. I recommend looking for a replacement rather than wasting too much time and patience on an imperfect repair job.
But good luck!
There also seems to be one available on Discogs.com at the moment here it is...
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 881 Points Moderator
I would have thought superglue would be better being thin and quick setting, as said,
You need to avoid any extra glue exuding out into the grooves and so you have to be very precise with the quantity of glue you use.
Thanks for answering. The Link you sent me is for the second Tolkien record: Lesson 30 - Wireless (Record code: EC.30.E). This one is safe :-)
Reference page: http://www.tolkienbooks.net/php/details.php?reference=13390
I will try your both suggestions with another unlucky disk and hopefully one method will be successful.
Meanwhile I found on the net a complete collection, where disk 1 and 2 are broken. I pick it up tomorrow from the seller. Nevertheless, the EC.20E should be saved if possible.
I wanted to upload a photo here, but I have zero experience with googledrive links to insert. the link does not work
There are a number of videos of people fixing cracked 78s on Youtube. I remember seeing one of someone in I think Japan doing a very thorough walkthrough and then actually playing the record successfully, but I can't seem to find it now. Obviously there was an audible click, I don't think it's possible to make it "like new," but it was definitely playable, and if you have a USB turntable you could remove the click with audio restoration software.
I would imagine at any rate that some kind of magnification must be necessary to make the grooves actually line up.
Oh and one more thing, maybe try imgur.com for your images? Best of luck whichever route you go!
Thanks, I will search for the videos and try the webpage.
I picked up the other box today :-). complete with description. I payed the man more because he did not know what treasure he sold me. Nearly incredible.
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 881 Points Moderator
AurynC wrote:
I picked up the other box today :-). complete with description. I payed the man more because he did not know what treasure he sold me. Nearly incredible.
I have seen ads for ultra violet glue. I personally have not tried this product yet. It does not cure until you use the ultraviolet light on it. If you can toothpick it into postition before using the ultraviolet light. You may get a good bond. Very inexpensive product. You may need to do more research however. Bob