ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
First of all. I have no idea how this site works on improvements and developments or how much work it is to change it.
But if it is possible to add some new fields in the Add Disc field, i would appreciate it(and guess a few others).
New Fields:
Version: (With Options). Retail, Rental, Promo, Included with, etc,etc.
Edition: (With Options). Special Edition, Extended Edition, Director's Cut's , etc,etc.
Original Title: (Only way to link to the Cinema World). Yes, i know you have the More Title field already, but that sometimes doesn't work. Original would be better and all of the other Titles would be obvious by themselves.
I know a lot of what i ask for could go in the notes section,(i've heard it before, so don't tell me) but is it really the right place to put it?
I can't speak to all of that, but I will comment on Original Title:. It's a good idea to check to see if a title has more than one film attached before submitting a new entry. If yes, it should be added with the date in brackets, ie: Poison Ivy [1985] and Poison Ivy [1992]. With that example, a VHS was entered at some point with just the title and a release date of 1992, which ended up linking to the 1985 TV movie which was entered with just the title. So both the video and the Cinema World entry need to get sent to the Corrections queue in order to properly link. (Already submitted...)
If you search for a movie on IMDb first, matching titles will drop down (or you can do a full search and a page will display) that will show if a film has mutiple titles sharing the same name. This will help cut down correction submissions. I believe IMDb eventually required every film to have the date in the title since this practice is so common.
You've heard it before about notes so I won't mention that
Suggestions are always welcome. The philosophy of the websites is to keep things as simple as possible, ie we will always target usability over database complexity. But of course there's a minimum number of fields that are needed to make the website useful. The admins will be looking at DVD World soon to see what can be improved/changed now that there have been many items added.
This is probably the wrong thread, but since I already addressed titles earlier, I will add that we really need a newbies guide to adding movies. Latest quibble:
quickly added title that was not researched enough. It's a co-production between Italy and USA and should thus be added as International with the countries noted in the Notes field. Then there is the original title, which is "Il silenzio dei prosciutti" according to IMDb. Country of origin and original titles are available at IMDb, the gruntwork has already been done. Likewise earlier with the film Communion, which was added by its reissue title, "Alice Sweet Alice". I try to take a look at these details before adding a movie so as to keep the Corrections Queue from being flooded with fixes. I know I am anal retentive and probably drive the mods crazy with corrections, but I just have an order fetish.
Not criticizing these users or their efforts at all, it's just that a guide would detail some of the standards which will make it easier when new users jump on board and have to blindly feel their way around.
Looking at "The Silence of the Hams", I think IMDb may be wrong and the English title is the correct original title, since the Italian DVD cover has "The Silence of the Hams" in parenthesis. The cast in top-heavy in English speakers and the movie is a spoof of an American film and its English title, so I retract my mention of the title for this one. Must have slipped through the cracks at IMDb.
Flying Spaghetti Monster Member since Jul 2020 111 Points
Twistin wrote:
This is probably the wrong thread, but since I already addressed titles earlier, I will add that we really need a newbies guide to adding movies. Latest quibble:
quickly added title that was not researched enough. It's a co-production between Italy and USA and should thus be added as International with the countries noted in the Notes field. Then there is the original title, which is "Il silenzio dei prosciutti" according to IMDb. Country of origin and original titles are available at IMDb, the gruntwork has already been done. Likewise earlier with the film Communion, which was added by its reissue title, "Alice Sweet Alice". I try to take a look at these details before adding a movie so as to keep the Corrections Queue from being flooded with fixes. I know I am anal retentive and probably drive the mods crazy with corrections, but I just have an order fetish.
Not criticizing these users or their efforts at all, it's just that a guide would detail some of the standards which will make it easier when new users jump on board and have to blindly feel their way around.
I thought you would be part of the mod / staff team since you add so much too cinema.
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
On second thought! Why is the More Title field available in the Add Disc section at all?
A Disc only got one Title (usally) and a Cinematic release would have several other Titles.
So add the More Titles field to the Cinema World and Original Title to DVD/ Blu-ray world.
On second thought! Why is the More Title field available in the Add Disc section at all?
A Disc only got one Title (usally) and a Cinematic release would have several other Titles.
So add the More Titles field to the Cinema World and Original Title to DVD/ Blu-ray world.
Link only to Original Title.
Cinema World already has "more titles". This is mostly used for where the movie has a different title in different countries.
DVD World has "more titles" so that box-sets can be added and automatically linked to Cinema World.
I'd go with a free text field myself to start and then maybe use that as a way to find what's used, because would a 2 disc special edition be different to a general special edition.
Also is there a reason for not including a field on number of discs?
Although I'd add Ultimate and Limited to the edition list.
Also is there a reason for not including a field on number of discs?
Generally we don't add fields unless needed to improve the working of the website or to enable people to process the data. Number of discs can go in notes.
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
Orbiting Cat wrote:
zamla_71 wrote:
On second thought! Why is the More Title field available in the Add Disc section at all?
A Disc only got one Title (usally) and a Cinematic release would have several other Titles.
So add the More Titles field to the Cinema World and Original Title to DVD/ Blu-ray world.
Link only to Original Title.
Cinema World already has "more titles". This is mostly used for where the movie has a different title in different countries.
DVD World has "more titles" so that box-sets can be added and automatically linked to Cinema World.
Ok, Thanx, i've finally got it!
Use Add Missing Info. (never forget that, PM to myself )
Thanks for considering to add this option.
Here's some more:
Collector's Edition.
Widescreen Edition.
Anniversary Edition.
Steelbook? I don't know? Isn't that just a different kind of packaging, like Keep Case, Slipcase, Digipak etc,etc....
Maybe a new field for that as well
Perhaps Director's Cut instead of Director's Edition.
Some titles may have more than one of these edition tags, so maybe this should be tick boxes that allows multiple selections, even if it has to be a part of Add Missing Info and not in the initial creation of the video. Just a thought, I know I have videos with more than one of those choices.
Also is there a reason for not including a field on number of discs?
Generally we don't add fields unless needed to improve the working of the website or to enable people to process the data. Number of discs can go in notes.
I brought that up mostly as I have a couple "Two Disc Special Edition" DVD's, so would they just be Special Editions or the full Two Disc Special Edition.
Would it be possible to have an additional field for Season/Series/Volume that also shows up on the discography page? (Like the Title field on 78rpm world)
That way, all entries of a particular show would be viewable together under one Title, instead of split into separate listings for each volume or season.
So, for instance, instead of having 30+ different Titles for the same show, they'd all be listed under the one Title with the Volume/Season info displayed underneath it on the 'DVD Title' & 'Publisher' discography pages (and, of course, on that entry's page).