I don't care how the moderators decide on changes, and it's not my website. However, I would like to confirm that the original order of the images is the actual order they appear on this product. I also thought it strange that what appeared to be a logical front image was on the very back of the package.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
My apologies... that was me.
...It just looked like the front cover, so I put it up there thinking perhaps you'd accidentally put the image which looks like the back (with barcode) as lead image, instead of what is now the lead image.
I will change it back though if desired.
(Odd arrangement though if the barcoded image is actually the front, and the current lead image is the back)
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
I am going to say I think I'm right in this case, if I might be so bold...
... The "front cover" that I put up top, and which has spines attached, looks like the front insert for a "fatbox" case, not uncommon for EMI, and always used in fatbox cases, where you have the back cover insert with spines attached, that sits in the back, and the front cover, also with spines which just sits in the front cover... usually, the two sets of spines (4 in total) read opposite to each other as read on the shelf.
In addition, there is a hype print circle lower right of the image, which I cannot imagine being on the back, and I do not believe the plain white barcode and text image would be the front cover.
It is possible (and I find this quite frequently in charity shop finds) that someone has chopped the back spines off what was the back cover, and used in the front of a single CD case, using the front cover as a rear tray insert instead.
Are there perforations along the edges of the barcoded image, whitewhale... where spines ought to be?
Let's make it Better! Member since Jun 2012 12546 Points
Magic Marmalade wrote:
Are there perforations along the edges of the barcoded image whitewhale... where spines ought to be?
No. The image with the barcode is the front of a folded 4 page front 'booklet'. The way you reorganized the images has the look we expect to see on our pages. I just wanted to clarify that the image on top now is actually the back tray insert with the spines but is still labelled as FRONT. Remember that so much of my collection is/was for promotional use. Maybe that's why the parts are oriented that way.
I don't have a problem with the way it ends up. Again, I'm glad we had this talk.