A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
On the listing for Victor 18917, annaloog comments:
78discography.com indicates the A/B matrix nos. as 26546=6 and 26547=3, but I don't see either of these on my copy.
I think it is important to caution that while in general 78discography.com is a useful tool, I found it to be wildly inaccurate at times. For example: They list Victor 19907 as by Ford's Oldtime Orchestra with no clear indication of a and b sides. The correct artist should be Henry Ford's Oldtime Orchestra with Schottische as the A side. This is cross verified here: http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/henry-ford-old-time-dance-orchestra-2-records-78
It lists Columbia A2745 as I Ain't Got No Time To Have The Blues when the tile is actually I Ain't'en Got'en No Time To Have The Blues.
There are many other examples of inaccuracies, so I'd advise others to always cross check any info from there and never use it as your only source of info. The person who created it states that he only owns a fraction of the records listed, and as such really can't and shouldn't be considered your best source of info
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3485 Points Moderator
Jock_Girl wrote:
I think it is important to caution that while in general 78discography.com is a useful tool, I found it to be wildly inaccurate at times.
To expand a bit - most of the discographies produced have to rely on catalogues, monthly release supplemements, etc which don't have full details, and performers names and titles are often shortened to fit the available space. So although they are a good guide, the only 100% certainty is the record in your hands.
I am not sure if they distributed the 78s as both individual records as well as the album set, but I do know that the few individual records that have do not always list the smart set catalogue number
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Nauck's Vintage Records has a wealth of information of interest to all collectors of 78s, and also shows his recent auction catalogs with hundreds of pages of record listings
A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
Juke Jules wrote:
Nauck's Vintage Records has a wealth of information of interest to all collectors of 78s, and also shows his recent auction catalogs with hundreds of pages of record listings
Personally I will not deal with him because the way he mixes his political (America first above all others) stances with the hobby of 78s. As a woman, a lesbian, a leftist, a Roman Catholic Christian, and Canadian, I find his rhetoric offensive
Trainman Member since Jun 2014 2559 Points Moderator
FWIW, I've just started to get to cataloging my 78's, but for US release, the site that seems to me most reliable is the "DAHR" 78 archive maintained by the U. of Cal. Santa Barbara. http://adp.library.ucsb.edu
I blank that sort of stuff and assume it comes with the territory
It's a great irony that most of the old collectors are seemingly conservative and right-wing, but the people who are going to keep this stuff going are young liberals.
Perhaps that fate awaits us, Jock_Girl
I'm sure I've seen a fair bit of God-related stuff on collectors' personal sites...