No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3485 Points Moderator
Although the CHARM database has probably been mentioned, its worth pointing out that the World Encyclopedia of Recorded Music (WERM) is available on the download area page - ~700MB in 3 parts.
But even if you aren't interested in the 'serious' music that WERM covers, there is a very valuable summary of label prefixes and label countries in the first few pages which will be useful to most folks here so I've extracted it (only ~1MB) and you can download it here.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Do we know anything about the Carpenter Collection (folksongs from Britain) in relation to cylinder and disc recordings? I gather it is searchable online on the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library
I looked at the University of Sheffield online catalogue but this does not give any discographical information
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3485 Points Moderator
It looks like the Carpenter Collection contains 179 Dictaphone cylinders and 220 12-inch acetate discs - so recordings made by Carpenter rather than anything that would be entered here.
This link no longer works - try just
I highly recommend also adding their 'resources' section to the list of useful links. Under 'Resources' at the top, click through to '78rpm Resources'. There are lots of original record catalogues and complete label discographies. It can also be browsed here. The original Jim Hayes label listings are worth downloading for reference. If you go to Jim Hayes Archive - Discographies 1, there's also a newer Parlophone F100 guide to dating releases - Parlophone+F100+Dates.pdf. For some reason that isn't listed on the new site's resources page. Should help us date Parlophone 78s here.
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3485 Points Moderator
That newer 'Parlophone+F100+Dates' was produced from Jim Hayes' original in 2016, and was a complete remake of his original (parlophone+english+F100.pdf) which was indexed by artist. That's probably why it doesn't appear in the resources list, and why its ~66K (text only pdf) rather than the ~20M of the original (images pdf).
But... I'm working on a list of the same series produced by a group of well known discographers, which also has release dates, so a comparison is in the pipeline.
I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be on the resources page though, as it has information you can’t find elsewhere on the site. The original Jim Hayes Parlophone F100 series listing only goes up to 1938, whereas the 2016 version covers the whole series (up to 1955).
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3485 Points Moderator
My mistake - Jim sent me the full listing (to 1955) by email in spring 2016. The resources list of Jim's items was compiled around 2014 when I reloaded the files, so the later addition doesn't show up.
I can't see this one: Discography of American Historical Recordings
DAHR currently includes information on more than 281,000 master recordings (matrixes) made by Victor, Columbia, OKeh, Berliner, Edison, Zonophone Leeds & Catlin, Brunswick, and Decca. [Now added - had been listed only for Victor records before. Mod.]