
TV Series

Series Name:   Doctor Who
(Dr. Who / Dr. Misterio)
Format:TV Series
Years:1963 - Now
Country:  UK
Genre:Science Fiction, Drama, Fantasy
Rating:8.2  Rate
Collection:  Seen It     Wishlist 
Community: 39 Have Seen
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Selected CastWilliam Hartnell as The Doctor [credited as "Dr. Who"] [1963-66 & 1972-1973]
 Patrick Troughton as The Doctor [credited as "Dr. Who"] [1966-1969, 1972-1973, 1983 & 1985]
 Jon Pertwee as The Doctor [credited as "Dr. Who" or "Doctor Who"] [1970-1974 & 1983]
 Tom Baker as The Doctor [credited as "Doctor Who"] [1974-1981]
 Peter Davison as The Doctor [1981-1984 & 2007]
 Colin Baker as The Doctor [1984-1986]
 Sylvester McCoy as The Doctor [1987-1989 & 1996]
 Paul McGann as The Doctor [1996 & 2013]
 John Hurt as The Doctor [2013]
 Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor [credited as "Doctor Who"] [2005]
 David Tennant as The Doctor [2005-2010 & 2022-23]
 Matt Smith as The Doctor [2010-2013 & 2014]
 Peter Capaldi as The Doctor [2013-2017]
 Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor [2017-2022]
 Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman [1963-1964]
 William Russell as Ian Chesterton [1963-1965]
 Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright [1963-1965]
 Maureen O'Brien as Vicki [1964-1965]
 Peter Purves as Steven Taylor [1965-1966]
 Adrienne Hill as Katarina [1965]
 Jean Marsh as Sara Kingdom [1965-1966]
 Jackie Lane as Dorothea "Dodo" Chaplet [1966]
 Anneke Wills as Polly [1966-1967]
 Michael Craze as Ben Jackson [1966-1967]
 Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon [1966-1969 & 1985]
 Deborah Watling as Victoria Waterfield [1967-1968]
 Nicholas Courtney as Bret Vyon/Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart [1965-1975, 1983 & 1989]
 Wendy Padbury as Zoe Heriot [1968-1969]
 John Levene as Sgt./W.O. John Benton [1968 & 1970-1975]
 Caroline John as Dr. Elizabeth "Liz" Shaw [1970]
 Katy Manning as Josephine "Jo" Grant [1971-1973]
 Richard Franklin as Capt. Mike Yates [1971-1974]
 Roger Delgado as The Master [1971-1973]
 Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith [1973-1976, 1983, 2006 & 2008]
 Ian Marter as Dr. Harry Sullivan [1974-1975]
 Louise Jameson as Leela [1976-1978]
 John Leeson as K-9/K-9 Mk. II (Voice) [1977-1979, 1980-1981, 1983, 2006 & 2008]
 Mary Tamm as Romana [1978-1979]
 Lalla Ward as Romana [1979-1981]
 David Brierly as K-9 Mk. II (Voice) [1979-1980]
 Matthew Waterhouse as Adric [1980-1982]
 Sarah Sutton as Nyssa [1981-1983]
 Anthony Ainley as The Master [1981-1989]
 Janet Fielding as Tegan Jovanka [1981-1984]
 Mark Strickson as Vislor Turlough [1983-1984]
 Gerald Flood as Kamelion (Voice) [1983-1984]
 Nicola Bryant as Perpugilliam "Peri" Brown [1984-1986]
 Bonnie Langford as Melanie "Mel" Bush [1986-1987]
 Lynda Bellingham as The Inquisitor [1986]
 Michael Jayston as The Valeyard [1986]
 Tony Selby as Sabalom Glitz [1986-1987]
 Sophie Aldred as Dorothy "Ace" McShane [1987-1989]
 Daphne Ashbrook as Dr. Grace Holloway [1996]
 Eric Roberts as The Master [1996]
 Yee Jee Tso as Chang Lee [1996]
 Billie Piper as Rose Tyler [2005-06; 2008; 2010; 2013]
 Noel Clarke as Mickey Smith/Ricky Smith [2005-06; 2008]
 Camille Coduri as Jackie Tyler [2005-06; 2008; 2010]
 John Barrowman as Capt. Jack Harkness [2005; 2007-08; 2010]
 Catherine Tate as Donna Noble [2006; 2008; 2009-10]
 Bernard Cribbins as Wilfrid "Wilf" Mott [2008-10]
 Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones [2007-08; 2010]
 Alex Kingston as Prof. River Song [2008; 2010-13; 2015]
 John Simm as The Master [2007; 2009-10]
 Karen Gillan as Amelia "Amy" Pond [2010-12; 2013]
 Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams [2010-12]
 Neve McIntosh as Madame Vastra [2011-present]
 Catrin Stewart as Jenny Flint [2011-present]
 Dan Starkey as Strax [2011-present]
 Jenna Coleman as Oswin Oswald/Clara Oswin Oswald/Clara Oswald [2012-15]
 Michelle Gomez as Missy [2014-present]
 Jemma Redgrave as Kate Stewart [2012-present]
 Ingrid Oliver as Osgood [2013-present]
 Matt Lucas as Nardole
 Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts


IMDB "classic" Doctor Who link
IMDB "Doctor Who TV Movie" link
IMDB "New Doctor Who" link

Paul McGann's main role was in the TV movie. However, he has made a number of "Big Finish" audio plays continuing the role. He also appeared in the 50th anniversay special prequel "Night Of The Doctor". Although credited on screen as The Doctor, the John Hurt version of the character is said in the show to have used another name.

From 1963 to 1989, the series had individual storylines spread out across anywhere from 2 to 14 episodes.
From 2005, the series adopted a style of one story per episode, with occasional linked 2 or 3 part stories.
Story arcs have often featured in the show usually following a companions tenure on the show.

Spin-off series:
The Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, K-9, Class

Behind-the-scenes series:
Totally Doctor Who,
Doctor Who Confidential.

On DVD & Blu-ray World


Doctor Who: The Visitation - BBC - UK (2004)

Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet - BBC - UK (2000)

Doctor Who: The Ark In Space - BBC - UK (2002)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Beginning - BBC - UK (2006)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete BBC Series 1 Box Set - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: Volume 3 - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: Volume 1 - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: Volume 2 - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: The Web Planet - BBC - UK (1990)

Doctor Who: Volume 4 - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child - BBC - UK (2000)

Doctor Who: The Hartnell Years - BBC - UK (1991)

Doctor Who: The Edge Of Destruction And Dr Who: The Pilot Episode - BBC - UK (2000)

Doctor Who: The Curse Of Fenric - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: Daleks - The Early Years - BBC - UK (1992)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Crusade And The Space Museum - BBC - UK (1999)

Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion Of Earth - BBC - UK (1990)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Daleks - CBS / Fox - USA (1993)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Sontaran Experiment / The Genesis of the Daleks - CBS / Fox - USA (1994)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Keys Of Marinus - BBC Video - USA (1999)

Doctor Who: The Dominators - CBS / Fox - USA (1994)

Doctor Who: Planet Of The Spiders - CBS / Fox - USA (1994)

Doctor Who: Arc Of Infinity - CBS / Fox - USA (1995)

Doctor Who: The Armageddon Factor - CBS / Fox - USA (1996)

Doctor Who: The Tomb Of The Cybermen - CBS / Fox - USA (1992)

Doctor Who: The Hand Of Fear - CBS / Fox - USA (1996)

Doctor Who: The Power Of Kroll - BBC Video - USA (1996)

Doctor Who: Destiny Of The Daleks - BBC Worldwide - International (2007)

Doctor Who: The Ambassadors Of Death - BBC Worldwide - International (2012)

Doctor Who: The Armageddon Factor - The Key To Time Story 6 - BBC Worldwide - International (2007)

Doctor Who: The Invasion - BBC Worldwide - International (2006)

Doctor Who And The Silurians - BBC Worldwide - International (2008)

Doctor Who: The Trial Of A Time Lord #9-#12 - Terror Of The Vervoids - BBC Worldwide - International (2008)

Doctor Who: The Five Doctors - BBC Worldwide - International (2008)

Doctor Who: The Talons Of Weng-Chiang - BBC Video - USA (2003)

Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor - BBC 2 Entertain - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Faceless Ones/The Web Of Fear - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: The Reign Of Terror - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: Invasion Of The Dinosaurs - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: Horror Of Fang Rock - BBC - UK (1998)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Lost In Time - BBC - UK (2004)

Doctor Who: The Ark - BBC - UK (1998)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete BBC Series 2 Box Set - BBC 2 Entertain - UK (2006)

Doctor Who: The Green Death - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: Meglos - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: Inferno - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Macra Terror - BBC - UK (2019)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Ace Adventures - BBC - UK (2012)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Beneath The Surface - BBC - UK (2008)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Dalek War - BBC - UK (2010)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Earth Story - BBC - UK (2011)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: K9 Tales - BBC - UK (2008)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Kamelion Tales - BBC - UK (2010)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Mannequin Mania - BBC - UK (2011)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Myths And Legends - BBC - UK (2011)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: New Beginnings - BBC - UK (2007)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Peladon Tales - BBC - UK (2010)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Revenge Of The Cybermen / Silver Nemesis - BBC - UK (2010)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Black Guardian Trilogy - BBC - UK (2009)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The E-Space Trilogy - BBC - UK (2009)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Key To Time - BBC - UK (2009)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Legacy Collection - BBC - UK (2013)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Rescue / The Romans - BBC - UK (2009)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Space Museum / The Chase - BBC - UK (2010)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Trial Of A Time Lord - BBC - UK (2008)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: Time-Flight / Arc Of Infinity - BBC - UK (2007)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: U.N.I.T Files - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: Horror Of Fang Rock - BBC - UK (2005)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Visitation / Black Orchid - BBC - UK (1994)

Doctor Who: Ghost Light - BBC - UK (2004)

Doctor Who: The Enemy Of The World - BBC - UK (2018)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete Seventh Series - BBC - UK (2014)

Doctor Who: Attack Of The Cybermen - BBC - UK (2009)

Doctor Who: Battlefield - BBC - UK (2008)

Doctor Who: Black Orchid - BBC - UK (2008)

Doctor Who: Carnival Of Monsters - BBC - UK (2002)

Doctor Who: City Of Death - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: Colony In Space - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: Day Of The Daleks - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: Death To The Daleks - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: Delta And The Bannermen - BBC - UK (2009)

Doctor Who: Earthshock - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: Four To Doomsday - BBC - UK (2008)

Doctor Who: Genesis Of The Daleks - BBC - UK (2006)

Doctor Who: Frontios - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: Image Of The Fendahl - BBC - UK (2009)

Doctor Who: Inferno - BBC - UK (2006)

Doctor Who: Nightmare Of Eden - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: Planet Of Evil - BBC - UK (2007)

Doctor Who: Paradise Towers - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: Planet Of Giants - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: Planet Of The Spiders - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: Pyramids Of Mars - BBC - UK (2004)

Doctor Who: Remembrance Of The Daleks - BBC - UK (2001)

Doctor Who: Remembrance Of The Daleks - BBC - UK (2009)

Doctor Who: Resurrection Of The Daleks - BBC - UK (2002)

Doctor Who: Revelation Of The Daleks - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: The Brain Of Morbius - BBC - UK (2008)

Doctor Who: Robot - BBC - UK (2007)

Doctor Who: Scream Of The Shalka - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: Spearhead From Space - BBC - UK (2001)

Doctor Who: Survival - BBC - UK (2007)

Doctor Who: Terror Of The Zygons - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Ark - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: The Ark In Space - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Aztecs - BBC - UK (2002)

Doctor Who: The Aztecs - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Dominators - BBC - UK (2010)

Doctor Who: The Caves Of Androzani - BBC - UK (2001)

Doctor Who: The Claws Of Axos - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: The Claws Of Axos - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: The Creature From The Pit - BBC - UK (2010)

Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion Of Earth - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin - BBC - UK (2009)

Doctor Who: The Dæmons - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: The Enemy Of The World - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Face Of Evil - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: The Mind Of Evil - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Greatest Show In The Galaxy - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: The Green Death - BBC - UK (2004)

Doctor Who: The Hand Of Fear - BBC - UK (2006)

Doctor Who: The Ice Warriors - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Invasion Of Time - BBC - UK (2008)

Doctor Who: The Keys Of Marinus - BBC - UK (2009)

Doctor Who: The Krotons - BBC - UK (2012)

Doctor Who: The Leisure Hive - BBC - UK (2004)

Doctor Who: The Mark Of The Rani - BBC - UK (2006)

Doctor Who: The Masque Of Mandragora - BBC - UK (2010)

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: The Moonbase - BBC - UK (2014)

Doctor Who: The Mutants - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: The Power Of The Daleks - BBC - UK (2016)

Doctor Who: The Reign Of Terror - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Robots Of Death - BBC - UK (2000)

Doctor Who: The Seeds Of Death - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: The Seeds Of Doom - BBC - UK (2010)

Doctor Who: The Sontaran Experiment - BBC - UK (2006)

Doctor Who: The Sun Makers - BBC - UK (2011)

Doctor Who: The Talons Of Weng-Chiang - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The Three Doctors - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: The Time Meddler - BBC - UK (2008)

Doctor Who: The Tomb Of The Cybermen - BBC - UK (2002)

Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma - BBC - UK (2009)

Doctor Who: The Two Doctors - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace - BBC - UK (2015)

Doctor Who: The Visitation - BBC - UK (2013)

Doctor Who: The War Games - BBC - UK (2009)

Doctor Who: The War Machines - BBC - UK (2008)

Doctor Who: The Web Of Fear - BBC - UK (2014)

Doctor Who: The Web Planet - BBC - UK (2005)

Doctor Who: Time And The Rani - BBC - UK (2010)

Doctor Who: Timelash - BBC - UK (2007)

Doctor Who: Vengeance On Varos - BBC - UK (2001)

Doctor Who: Vengeance On Varos - BBC - UK (2012)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Daleks - BBC - UK (1993)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Ice Warriors Collection - BBC - UK (1998)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Trial Of A Time Lord - BBC - UK (1995)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The War Games - BBC - UK (1990)

Doctor Who: The Troughton Years - BBC - UK (1991)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Tom Baker Years - BBC - UK (1992)

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber - BBC - UK (1990)

Doctor Who: The Pertwee Years - BBC - UK (1992)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Rescue / The Romans - BBC - UK (1994)

Doctor Who: The Colin Baker Years - BBC - UK (1994)

Doctor Who: Cybermen- The Early Years - BBC - UK (1992)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who And The Silurians - BBC - UK (1993)

Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child - BBC - UK (1990)

Doctor Who: Death To The Daleks - BBC - UK (1995)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: The Keys Of Marinus - BBC - UK (1999)

Doctor Who: Battlefield - BBC - UK (1998)

Doctor Who: The Hand Of Fear - BBC - UK (1996)

Doctor Who: The Android Invasion - BBC - UK

Doctor Who: Spearhead From Space - BBC - UK (1995)

Doctor Who: Destiny Of The Daleks - BBC - UK (1994)

Doctor Who: Ghost Light - BBC - UK (1994)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: Inferno - BBC - UK (1994)

Doctor Who: The Two Doctors - BBC - UK (1993)

Doctor Who: The Curse Of Peladon - BBC - UK (1993)

Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis - BBC - UK (1993)

Doctor Who: The Aztecs - BBC - UK (1992)

Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma - BBC - UK (1992)

Doctor Who: The Claws Of Axos - BBC - UK (1992)

Doctor Who: The Caves Of Androzani - BBC - UK (1992)

Doctor Who: City Of Death - BBC - UK (1991)
VHS Box Set

Doctor Who: Planet Of The Spiders - BBC - UK (1991)

Doctor Who: The Curse Of Fenric - BBC - UK (1991)

Doctor Who: The Krotons - BBC - UK (1991)

Doctor Who: The Time Warrior - BBC - UK (1989)

Doctor Who: The Time Warrior - BBC - UK (2007)

Doctor Who: Fury From The Deep - BBC - UK (2020)

Doctor Who: Spearhead From Space - BBC - UK (2007)

Doctor Who: The Next Doctor - Warner Home Video - USA (2009)

Planet Of The Dead - Warner Home Video - USA (2009)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete First Series - Warner Home Video - USA (2009)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete Second Series - Warner Home Video - USA (2009)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series - BBC Video - 2 Entertain - USA (2008)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series - Warner Home Video - USA (2010)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series - Warner Home Video - USA (2011)

Doctor Who: Series Seven, Part One - Warner Home Video - USA (2012)
DVD Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete Third Series - BBC Video - 2 Entertain - USA (2007)

Doctor Who: Meglos - BBC - UK (2003)

Doctor Who: The Talons Of Weng-Chiang - BBC - UK (2010)

Doctor Who: The Daleks In Colour - BBC Studios - UK (2024)
Blu-ray Box Set

Doctor Who: The Complete David Tennant Collection - BBC - USA (2019)

Doctor Who: City Of Death - ABC - Australia (2005)

Doctor Who: The Complete First Series - BBC Worldwide Ltd - USA (2016)


Number: 741551  THUMBNAIL
Uploaded By: RadoxTheGreen
Description: Pilot Episode Titles

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Description: Title screen 1967-1969

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Description: Title screen 1970-1973

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Description: Title screen 1973-1980

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Description: Title screen 1980-1984

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Description: Title screen 1984-1986

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Description: Title screen 1987-1989

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Description: Title screen 1996 TV movie

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Description: Title screen 2005-2010

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Description: Title screen 2010-2011

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Description: Title screen 2012

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Description: Title screen 2012-2013

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Description: Title screen 2014-present

Number: 3647637 
Uploaded By: zabadak
Description: cast

Number: 3709095 
Uploaded By: zabadak
Description: screenshot

Comments and Reviews
18th Jun 2024
 I might be poking a bear here, but officially Doctor Who started over with Season 1 beginning with the 2024 season. That's how it's promoted. For that reason, should a new entry be created? I know we group continuations together (the two X-Files together, for example). But of the current version of Who - despite having carryovers - is officially considered a different series from what came before, should it be treated as such here too? That said, we didn't split off the 2005 revival and it also started with Series 1, though the IMDb has different listings for 1963-89, 2005-22 and 2023-present, so this question also applies to the revival. It would help trim down the massive cast list, at least. Just a thought.

9th Jan 2016
 I guessed YT commentator would have the 1st ./ Early Doctor titles creation details, to save me typing.
From the howlround effect. It's how they made the doctor who title sequences for the first ten series. Basically it's pointing a camera at a monitor displaying the cameras own output. Then I believe a video mixer was used to feed more signal into the loop creating oscillating, shifting patterns. One bit of trivia I know is that the shaft of light rising from the bottom of the screen at the start was created with a BBC technician's pen torch
courtesy Maxwell's Demon.

And for the audio
]Quote] Each note was individually created by cutting, splicing, speeding up and slowing down segments of analogue tape containing recordings of a single plucked string, white noise, and the simple harmonic waveforms of test-tone oscillators which were used for calibrating equipment and rooms, not creating music. The main, pulsing bassline rhythm was created from a recording of a single plucked string, played over and over again in different patterns created by splicing copies of the sound, with different pitches and notes achieved by playing the sample in different speeds. The swooping melody and lower bassline layer were created by manually adjusting the pitch of oscillator banks to a carefully timed pattern. The non-swooping parts of the melody were created by playing a keyboard attached to the oscillator banks. The rhythmic hissing sounds, "bubbles" and "clouds", were created by cutting tape recordings of filtered white noise.[1]Once each sound had been created, it was modified. Some sounds were created at all the required pitches direct from the oscillators, others had to be repitched later by adjusting the tape playback speed and re-recording the sound onto another tape player. This process continued until every sound was available at all the required pitches. To create dynamics, the notes were re-recorded at slightly different levels.Each individual note was then trimmed to length by cutting the tape, and stuck together in the right order. This was done for each "line" in the music – the main plucked bass, the bass slides (an organ-like tone emphasising the grace notes), the hisses, the swoops, the melody, a second melody line (a high organ-like tone used for emphasis), and the bubbles and clouds. Most of these individual bits of tape making up lines of music, complete with edits every inch, still survive.This done, the music had to be "mixed". There were no multitrack tape machines, so rudimentary multitrack techniques were invented: each length of tape was placed on a separate tape machine and all the machines were started simultaneously and the outputs mixed together. If the machines didn't stay in sync, they started again, maybe cutting tapes slightly here and there to help. In fact, a number of "submixes" were made to ease the process – a combined bass track, combined melody track, bubble track, and hisses.Grainer was amazed at the resulting piece of music and when he heard it, famously asked, "Did I write that?" Derbyshire modestly replied, "Most of it." However the BBC, who wanted to keep members of the Workshop anonymous, prevented Grainer from getting Derbyshire a co-composer credit and a share of the royalties [/Quote] Courtesy Vermillion 303

Now the (C) date is 2006, was this title sequence ever shown in the 1960s in full? I dont recall BBC titles being that long, although the record certainly was. I only ever watched a couple of Hartnell episodes, concluded I didn/t like it, likewise Troughton, but an Earth Based Petwee era, in Colour,had all that I liked. I rather liked the Peter Cushing Movies too.probablt for being set around London.

8th Jan 2016
 Rated 10/10
There is absolutely no other show on TV like Doctor Who. For one thing, despite the show having been a presence since 1963 (it ran 26 seasons until 1989, then took an extended hiatus - it was never cancelled - until 2005, with a 1996 TV movie in-between and copious reruns, novels, comics, etc to fill the gap) it's never gotten stale. That of course is due to the show's main "gimmick" that The Doctor can regenerate, allowing a new actor to take over the part every few years. This, combined with his co-star "companions" also changing periodically, lets the show continually reinvent itself.

Originally conceived as a show for kids, Doctor Who quickly began building a large adult following. Since 2005 the series has managed to (usually) successfully maintain a family-friendly feel. While so many other contemporary shows (especially in the sci-fi genre) seem to think viewers want to see sex scenes and heavy violence in every episode, Doctor Who is a breath of fresh air. At the same time it keeps piling on the role models, strong characters (particularly female characters), spectacle, humor - and it isn't afraid to make the viewers cry, either.

Other shows rely on shock value, or pushing the envelope in ways that generate headlines. Doctor Who, meanwhile, quietly goes about its business delivering some of the best drama - never mind sci-fi - in live action TV.

5 people found this review helpful.   ✔︎ Helpful Review?

Magic Marmalade
5th Jan 2016

7th Dec 2015
 Having seen the Series 9 finale I know of one spin-off I'd much rather see than "Class."

21st Nov 2015
 @Radox. Class won't be a web-only series. Patrick Ness has already confirmed that it will air on BBC One as well. And apparently BBC Three going web-only isn't set in stone though the recent cuts probably make it more likely than not likely. What we don't know is whether the Doctor will appear in a crossover. He did appear in Sarah Jane but he did not appear in Torchwood because the BBC forbade the character appearing in a post-watershed/TV-MA series. EDIT: Since I wrote that the BBC Three move to online was set in stone, but Class is still supposed to air on BBC One as well, plus it will air on regular broadcast in the US on BBC America which means Canada's Space network will likely also show it as opposed to a streaming service.

21st Nov 2015
 A new 8 episode spin off series "Class" (written by Patrick Ness) will air in the spring of 2016 on BBC3. As the channel relauches as a web service in January and stops TV broadcasting in March, Class will be a web only series. It will be set in Coal Hill School, first seen in 1963 in the first ever Doctor Who episode "An Unearthly Child", and latterly in Doctor Who where a Clara is working as a teacher.

18th Oct 2015
 Added "Dr. Who" as an alternate title as the BBC and other non-UK broadcasters have promoted it as such over the years. Also added Dr. Misterio which is the cool alternate title used in some Latin American broadcasts.

8th Oct 2015
 Good boy.

7th Oct 2015
 K9! :thumbsup:

6th Oct 2015
 You're a veritable genius.
Who'll I make the cheque out to?

6th Oct 2015
 I made this! :cool:

6th Oct 2015
 @23skidoo In a way I'm thankful that Coronation Street is not released think of all those episodes released on DVD.

6th Oct 2015
 @harley. I was actually going to suggest Corrie. I don't think we need to do this with every series that changes its title screen every few years but certainly with some of the iconic long-running shows I don't see the harm. By the way, all the title screens I posted were fresh screen grabs, not cut-and-pastes from other sites. I have DVDs with at least one of each.

5th Oct 2015
 @23skidoo Brilliant work. I'm doing something same with Coronation Street.

Orbiting Cat
5th Oct 2015
 Looks great 23skidoo!

5th Oct 2015
 Finally got around to adding the gallery of title screens. Some of the more technically minded will know that the 2005 title screen changed slightly when Tennant came on in 2006 but it wasn't enough to justify another image.

14th Jul 2015
 Sounds good to me.

13th Jul 2015
 Does anyone object if I add the different title screens used from 1967 onwards? There are a few of them (about 10 or 11, counting the "only diehard fans can tell the difference" Ninth and Tenth Doctor logos as only one) so I wanted to ask before I started. The listing is pretty long as it is.

14th Jun 2015
 Davidson/Baker Years getting a bit of morning re-run on The Horror Channel on (free)Sat

12th Jun 2015
 He is... The Master! :shocked:

11th Jun 2015
 As site administrator, Dr Doom IS the powers that be.

11th Jun 2015
 @Dr Doom It doesn't work that way. When someone clicks on Karen Gillan's name they should see Doctor Who alongside Selfie. Etc. I agree we don't need to add one-off actors (a couple snuck into this list because Doctor Who doesn't work by the same rules as other TV shows). The names I added were those who were either regulars or who were recognized as co-stars. Sticking to just the lead actor is as senseless as doing an entry for Star Trek and not allowing any names beyond William Shatner. If the powers that be haven't set up the rules for cast lists then they shouldn't be allowing any cast lists at all at this point. Just wait till people start adding soap operas (Dark Shadows is just the first).

Record Collector
11th Jun 2015
 Best doctor who Jon pertwee

Dr Doom SUBS
11th Jun 2015
 Just a request to please not add any other selected cast members. The plan for TV world is to expand it as and when it grows so it's probable that an important show like Dr Who will have a page for each episode or at the very least a page for each 'season'. Try to think of the current page as a 'holding page'

I think just a list of the Doctors would be fine for the time being.

Neil Forbes
26th May 2015
 "Can we have a poll on the worse Doctor ever?"
I nominate Matt Smith - The storylines were getting more and more ridiculous during his tenure and he always appeared hyperactive to me. I watched Dr. Who when there wasn't much else on offer on ABC-TV at the time.

25th May 2015
 We think alike Biff.

25th May 2015
 Can we have a poll on the worse Doctor ever.
I nominate Sylvester McCoy closely followed by David Tennant

25th May 2015
 Given that this page might be viewed by readers unfamiliar with the show, do you think it might be advantageous to, instead of having all these actors listed as playing "The Doctor" be listed as playing the First Doctor, Second Doctor, etc. Or perhaps even "The Doctor [1st]"? Of course they are never referred to nor officially credited as such so maybe not, but it might help, for example, to explain what John Hurt is doing in that list.

24th May 2015
 @Radox Thanks for moving Cribbins. The thing is this whole idea of "Selected cast" just doesn't work because that's too ambiguous. I agree we can't list everyone, but major cast members must be included. And during their tenure, the companions are major cast members. The issue here is the longevity of the series resulted in many more co-stars than the average. We'll see the same thing with Gunsmoke, Law & Order, soap operas, and any other series with an extensive run. But also, and I haven't checked to see what the case is, major ensemble series like Game of Thrones. Thing is if you're going to include searchable actor names then you need to allow for them to be listed wherever they appear in an ongoing role. For example, Karen Gillan is going to be listed under both this series and Selfie, while Arthur Darvill is going to be listed under Legends of Tomorrow when it starts. All this said, the number of long-running shows with large casts and big ensemble shows where there are no actual lead actors (GoT, L&O) is relatively low compared to the total number of series that are and will be listed here.

23rd May 2015
 Have a jelly baby.

23rd May 2015
 I disagree. This isn't IMDB, it isn't necessary to list everyone under the sun. That's why I only listed the Doctors, and even then was adding three times more cast than the site would normally list.

Update: However, I have moved Bernard Cribbins to a more logical position in the list.

Update to the update: and I was fully expecting someone to add the companions sooner or later. One day we may have the chance to add details of individual series within each show. For me, that would be the ideal place for listing companions.

22nd May 2015
 Is there any way of adjusting the cast order? I entered the companion and recurring character credits in their order of introduction (which is why Catherine Tate comes before Freema Agyeman) but I missed Bernard Cribbins so he belongs before Karen Gillan in the list. I considered including the one-off companions of recent specials like Kylie Minogue but that was pushing it. I just listed those who appeared in more than one episode (and by episode I do mean individual episodes, not serials), though I made an exception for the 1996 TV movie. There are undoubtedly other names that should be added.

22nd May 2015
 @zabadak The Cushing films were not BBC so they were under no obligation. The films did get Blu-ray release that year and Cushing was referenced in the Five Doctors(ish) Reboot special, however. Also, Steven Moffat has confirmed that during pre-production of the 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor the original plan was for it to be made canon that the Cushing films exist as movies within the Whoniverse (Clara was to have come across posters for the films in UNIT's Black Archive) but they apparently couldn't afford the licensing price to simply show the posters! So the Cushing movies were not forgotten.

22nd May 2015
 Good point!!!

During all the anniversary hoo-ha, no-one mentioned the one-off 3D show for Comic Relief a few years back but, also - unforgiveably!!! - the two Peter Cushing films!!! :angry:

The_Vinyl_Junkie SUBS
22nd May 2015
 I have been a fan since the original series with William Hartnell.
Patrick Troughton has my vote for favorite.
The new series from Christopher Eccleston onwards just doesn't match up to the originals.
With all that has been said here there is no mention of the "official" one-off sendup with Rowan Atkinson as The Doctor.

21st May 2015
 My Who was Pertwee. I just about remember Patrick Troughton but JP was the one I grew up with. Plus he had the added delights of Katy Manning and Elisabeth Sladen! :wink:

21st May 2015
 Biffbampow, I'd recommend you try some of the Big Finish audio plays. Paul McGann has done the role of the Doctor justice in those, especially where he's teamed up with Sheridan Smith in the role of Lucie Miller. Colin Baker's doctor is given the chance to shine too, allowing his TV persona to mellow, as was always the intention had he been allowed to continue the role as planned. The Big Finish romps for Jago and Litefoot (Talons of Weng Chiang) are good fun too and well worth a listen.

cannyuk SUBS
12th May 2015

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