Preceded by a made-for-British TV movie in 1985. The film was remade as the pilot for this US series, with only Frewer, Pays and (later in the series) Sheppard remaining from the original UK cast. After its cancellation plans were announced for a feature film followup entitled Max Headroom for President, but it was never made.
albert 6th Mar 2018
| | I'm with Harley on this. I recall the TV film came before the first series, the film sets up the first series, ie the wisecracking detective/investigator gets his personality stolen/digitised by a computer geek, the computer containing the talking head then falls into the hands of a tiny independent TV broadcaster and is used to review music videos (and in the process tops the ratings and becomes a much sought after item). The computer/monitor box got bashed/damaged which is why the talking head forgets his name and adopts "Max Headroom" and often jitters when talking.
The 'first' series just had Max introducing videos and making wisecracks, its not on 45worlds yet. According to that website the first series began 1985 and was one of the early CH4 broadcasts, it was budget TV with a good idea.
Beavis & Butthead was essentially the same idea. |
harley 29th Sep 2015
| | @23skidoo To what I can work out from Max Headroom Chronicles we got Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future and The Max Headroom Show but not The Original Max Talking Headroom Show which was only shown on Cinemax in the USA. I've seen the first two but never seen the The Original Max Talking Headroom Show. |
23skidoo 29th Sep 2015
| | @harley. That's weird as I was always under the impression the original talk show was British, because a big deal was made about the fact Frewer was a half Canadian/half American based in the UK playing the role. |
harley 27th Sep 2015
| | The Original Max Talking Headroom Show (which is already list on here) was never broadcasted in the UK. |
23skidoo 27th Sep 2015
| | @cptbeefheart: This is an American science fiction series that was based upon a 1985 UK TV movie called Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future which was essentially a spin-off of The Max Headroom Show, the talk show you're thinking about. |
harley 27th Sep 2015
| | I also like to add that Channel 4 as lost some episodes to the Max Headroom Show series:
Max Headroom Lost Shows |
harley 27th Sep 2015
| | Best place for Max Headroom is:
Max Headroom Chronicles |
Quad5point1 SUBS 27th Sep 2015
| | Is this the same show that was broadcast in the UK ??. My memory is a bit muddled by this one, I seem to remember a show where Max talked about various things and introduced music video clips and talked to other "celebs". If this series was available I would love to have it. |
harley 13th Aug 2015
| | Max Headroom does make an appearance in the new film Pixels. |
23skidoo 25th May 2015
| | @zabadak I definitely recommend the series, though, and the complete run is on DVD. It was quite ahead of its time for 1980s American network TV. They managed to evoke the same feel as the 20 Minutes into the Future film, though they had to tone down some of the anti-corporate and anti-government humor because advertisers. |
Magic Marmalade 24th May 2015
| | Frewer was in the TV adaptation of Stephen King's: the Stand. |
zabadak ● 24th May 2015
| | Don't recall that show - I've removed my Seen It tick :happy: |
23skidoo 23rd May 2015
| | @Zabadak. This is actually a listing for the science fiction series based upon that feature length programme. I've never seen the talk show but it'll need to have a separate entry if someone adds it. Matt Frewer was never in any Mad Max film. He went on to star in Psi Factor and bunch of other films and TV series, including the Watchmen movie. He's been quite prolific actually. And his co-star, Amanda Pays, went on to star in the 1990s version of The Flash and recently made a guest appearance on the new CW version of The Flash. Jeffrey Tambor found his greatest success a few years later with back-to-back hits The Larry Sanders Show, Arrested Development and he's now earning raves for Transparent. |
zabadak ● 23rd May 2015
| | Absolutely ace, this was! I loved the irreverant interviews which would often have the interviewees corpsing, along with Max himself! Shame the feature-length programme was made as that effectively killed the show.
Matt Frewer later appeared in a Mad Max film but has since disappeared off my radio! :sad: |