yvetot-bocage-45worlds 29th Mar 2022 |  | Vinyl AlbumAardvark - Aardvark (1970) | The mono version is so powerful and cohesive that it looks like it was actually cut as a dedicated mono mix when compared to the often embarassing chaneling of the stereo version.
I still like the stereo version notwithstanding but the mono is a revelation.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 16th Jul 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumRed Dirt - Red Dirt (1970) | Had two M- copies some 25-30 years ago, one courtesy from Hugo Chavez of Background Records. Those were the days.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 13th Jul 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumRed Dirt - Red Dirt (1970) | I think the music in here is fantastic whatever the cover.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 1st Oct 2016 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Move - Shazam (1970) | "Beautiful Daughter" being the stand-out track and one of the best The Move ever recorded.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 26th Jul 2016 |  | Vinyl AlbumPete Dello And Friends - Into Your Ears (1971) | Of course, my opinion. Otherwise, why should i bother ?
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 25th Jul 2016 |  | Vinyl AlbumPete Dello And Friends - Into Your Ears (1971) | ReviewFlimsy pop songs make this really a bad and boring album. Worst on label. We are a long way from Honeybus.
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yvetot-bocage-45worlds 26th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumElvis Costello And The Attractions - Get Happy! (1980) | Just a close second to "Imperial Bedroom". How many could have delivered 20 songs of such a calibre on one LP ?
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 23rd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumElvis Costello And The Attractions - Imperial Bedroom (1982) | One of the greatest albums of all-time, in my opinion. I remember being blown away at the time of its release when i first played it, it was on heavy rotation on my desk for months. After all those years, it still stands out and even more as pure gold.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 23rd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumBread, Love And Dreams - Amaryllis (1971) | To my knowledge, a mono pressing does exist for the HUMAN BEAST album. I remember seeing it a couple of times, for auction, on record dealers mailing lists about 25 years ago.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumBread, Love And Dreams - Amaryllis (1971) | A top rarity and a great psychedelic tinged folk album. Has connection with stablemates the HUMAN BEAST.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumRamases - Space Hymns (1971) | To my mind, the worst Swirl release together with the GORDON album and the J. DUMMER "Oobleedooblee".
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGentle Giant - Gentle Giant (1970) | First pressing has the credits label with large Swirl logo and with the VERTIGO lettering at the bottom.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGravy Train - (Ballad Of) A Peaceful Man (1971) | To my knowledge, the only example (along with UH "Very 'eavy", BS "Master Of Reality" and AC "666") of a fully laminated cover for a UK Swirl release.
On the other hand, the German pressing has a matt cover.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGravy Train - (Ballad Of) A Peaceful Man (1971) | One of my favourites; though the production is a bit thin and lacking depth, it is so full of elegiac soundscapes counterbalanced by bits of surging heavy and searing parts, making it a timeless piece of work.
"Jule's Delight" rules.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 21st Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumBeggars Opera - Beggars Opera Act One (1970) | One of my all-time favourite covers.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 21st Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumBen - Ben (1971) | Got it, then, but had to part with all those albums that go for insane price by now.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumSweet Apple - Love & Desperation (2010) | The front cover looks clearly like a nod to the Roxy Music "Country Life" LP with these sexy though hilarious ladies in underpants.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumCressida - Asylum (1971) | Bought a mint archive copy back in '86 for 300 francs (£30) when all those stuffs were still affordable but believe me, it was such a sum at the time.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGracious - This Is... Gracious!! (1972) | Super funky and super trippy. Gorgeous follow-up.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGracious - Gracious! (1970) | Super heavy and super tuneful. Another classic.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumVarious Artists - Vertigo Annual 1970 (1970) | The fantastic cover that once epitomised the Vertigo roaster and the genius of Keef.
As for the music itself, simply the best sampler ever made.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumPacific Drift - Feelin' Free (1970) | Terrific album. Larry Arends was the drummer with Wimple Winch.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumCressida - Cressida (1970) | In my opinion, the best progressive album ever recorded as it goes way beyond the progressive tag anyway. It's just a classic album on par with the greatest albums produced in the late sixties and early seventies.