Vinyl Album A1 The Beatles Come Together Rate A2 The Beatles Something Rate A3 The Beatles Maxwell's Silver Hammer Rate A4 The Beatles Oh! Darling Rate A5 The Beatles Octopus's Garden Rate A6 The Beatles I Want You (She's So Heavy) Rate B1 The Beatles Here Comes The Sun Rate B2 The Beatles Because Rate B3 The Beatles You Never Give Me Your Money Rate B4 The Beatles Sun King Rate B5 The Beatles Mean Mr Mustard Rate B6 The Beatles Polythene Pam Rate B7 The Beatles She Came In Through The Bathroom Window Rate B8 The Beatles Golden Slumbers Rate B9 The Beatles Carry That Weight Rate B10 The Beatles The End Her Majesty Rate
Images Comments and Reviews An6y66 27th Jul 2014 this isn't the santa release this is a bootleg, i know that santa aren't technically legit as they had no liscence from EMI/Apple but this is an Unkown label and as close to a bootleg as can happen in russia zabadak ● 18th Jan 2014 Nice GIF !
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UK - Apple - 1969
Argentina - Apple - 1969 [Mono]
Australia - Apple - 1969
Barbados - Parlophone - 1969
Brazil - Apple - 1969 [Mono]
Canada - Apple - 1969
Denmark - Apple - 1969
Germany - Apple - 1969
Greece - Parlophone - 1969
India - Apple - 1969
Israel - Apple - 1969
Italy - Apple - 1969
Japan - Apple - 1969
Mexico - Apple - 1969 [Mono]
Nicaragua - Apple - 1969
Norway - Apple - 1969
Philippines - Apple - 1969
Philippines - Apple - 1969 [Mono]
Portugal - Apple - 1969
South Africa - Parlophone - 1969
Spain - Odeon - 1969
Sweden - Apple - 1969
Turkey - Apple - 1969
UK - Parlophone - 1969
USA - Apple - 1969
Yugoslavia - Apple - 1969
Bolivia - Apple - 1970
France - Apple - 1970
Czechoslovakia - Supraphon - 1972 [Stereo]
South Korea - Apple - 1974
Canada - Capitol - 1976
Japan - Apple - 1976
USA - Capitol - 1976
Czechoslovakia - Supraphon - 1977
Brazil - Apple - 1978
France - Apple - 1978
France - Apple - 1978
Japan - Apple - 1978
UK - Apple - 1978
USA - Capitol - 1978
Japan - Apple - 1979
Netherlands - Apple - 1979
UK - Apple - 1979
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1979
Germany - Apple - 1981
Italy - Apple - 1981
Yugoslavia - Apple - 1982
Argentina - EMI - 1988
USSR - BRS - 1991
Russia - Santa - 1993
Belarus - Beloton - 1994
USA - Capitol - 2006
USA - Apple - 2009
USA - Apple - 2011
Europe - Apple - 2012
USA - Apple - 2012
Italy - Apple - 2017
Italy - Apple - 2017
Japan - DeAgostini - 2017
UK - Apple - 2017
France - Apple - 2018
USA - Capitol - 2019
Australia - Apple
Bolivia - Apple
Netherlands - Apple
Taiwan - First
United Arab Republic - Parlophone
See Also
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band / Revolver - Antrop - Russia (1992)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Rubber Soul - Antrop - Russia (1991)
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The Beatles - The Beatles Hits - BRS - Russia (1991)
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