A3: FOLLOW THE BOYS - Third recording - singles version
B3: I'M GONNA BE WARM THIS WINTER - Second recording - USA intro
B4: MY HEART HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN - 2:31 version
B5: SECOND HAND LOVE - Dual track version
FOLLOW THE BOYS on mono editions of THE VERY BEST OF CONNIE FRANCIS CONNIE'S 15 BIGGEST HITS! is the third recording which was cut on February 4th, 1963 for release on the single MGM K 13127. The stereo edition includes the January 10th, 1963 second recording, also referred to as the LP version.
I'M GONNA BE WARM THIS WINTER was first recorded on September 13th, 1962 in single-track form only. On November 3rd, 1962 Connie cut a second, dual-tracked, recording with two intros. The second intro was recorded specifically for the British market.
SECOND HAND LOVE on mono editions of THE VERY BEST OF CONNIE FRANCIS CONNIE'S 15 BIGGEST HITS! is the dual-tracked version initially released on single MGM K 13074. The stereo edition on MGM SE 4167 features a single-track recording.
I have added cleaner scans of the album artwork; both sides.