Vinyl Album A1 The Beatles Help! Lennon, McCartney 8.7 Rate A2 The Beatles The Night Before Lennon, McCartney 8.2 Rate A3 The Beatles You've Got To Hide Your Love Away Lennon, McCartney 8.8 Rate A4 The Beatles I Need You Harrison 7.6 Rate A5 The Beatles Another Girl Lennon, McCartney 7.5 Rate A6 The Beatles You're Going To Lose That Girl Lennon, McCartney 8.8 Rate A7 The Beatles Ticket To Ride Lennon, McCartney 9.0 Rate B1 The Beatles Act Naturally Morrison, Russell 6.9 Rate B2 The Beatles It's Only Love Lennon, McCartney 7.6 Rate B3 The Beatles You Like Me Too Much Harrison 7.9 Rate B4 The Beatles Tell Me What You See Lennon, McCartney 7.9 Rate B5 The Beatles I've Just Seen A Face Lennon, McCartney 8.6 Rate B6 The Beatles Yesterday Lennon, McCartney 8.8 Rate B7 The Beatles Dizzy Miss Lizzy Williams 6.7 Rate
Notes UK Chart Entry: 14 Aug 1965
Highest Position: 1
Total Weeks on Chart: 37
Released in Mono and Stereo Versions
Recording produced by George Martin.
Photography: Robert Freeman.
Images Comments and Reviews Focus B 23rd Aug 2020 Gimme Vinyl- The mono release was originally phased out around 1969. Original UK mono issues will have the Sold in UK statement.
The mono version was re-issued in 1981/2 with similar labels to the original, but differ by having the legend Mono on the labels that's absent on original copies. GimmeVinyl 5th Jan 2020 I'd seen a copy of Help in mono on Parlophone at a local record store here in Michigan.. pretty clean shape. I find it just a little hard for me to pull the trigger on this one, at $29.95.. even though I'd prefer this over the US Capitol pressing in Stereo. What year did Parlophone phase out this mono release? roboleyton 19th Apr 2015 Images 724726 & 724727, 1st pressing with small roman font lettering, and larger Cat no. gregs45s SUBS ● 17th May 2014 Non flip-back (non laminated front) rear sleeve added,and a label layout/content variation.(1981 REISSUE)
Matrix side 1 (image 72308) = XEX 549-3 and 1 and 5 (machine stamped) and HrM (hand etched).
Matrix side 2 9image 72309) = XEX 550-2 and 16 and 4 (machine stamped). gordon7009 8th Sep 2013 Label scans added
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UK - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1965 [Mono]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1965 [Stereo]
Australia - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Australia - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Brazil - Odeon - 1965 [Mono]
Chile - Odeon - 1965
Denmark - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Denmark - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
France - Odéon - 1965 [Mono]
Germany - Hör Zu - 1965
Greece - Parlophone - 1965
India - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Israel - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Italy - Parlophon - 1965 [Mono]
Italy - Parlophon - 1965 [Stereo]
Jamaica - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Japan - Odeon - 1965
Netherlands - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
New Zealand - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Norway - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Spain - Odeon - 1965
Taiwan - Chung Sheng 中聲 - 1968
Germany - EMI Odeon - 1969
Italy - Parlophone - 1970
Japan - Apple - 1976
France - Odéon - 1978
Italy - Parlophone - 1979
Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1979
Italy - Parlophone - 1981
Japan - Odeon - 1982 [Mono]
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1983
Canada - Capitol - 1987
USA - Capitol - 1987
Argentina - EMI - 1988
Russia - Antrop - 1991
Japan - Odeon - 1992
USA - Capitol - 1995
Europe - Parlophone - 2012
USA - Parlophone - 2012
Europe - Parlophone - 2014 [Mono]
France - Parlophone - 2016
Italy - Parlophone - 2017
UK - Parlophone - 2017 [Stereo]
Italy - Parlophone - 2019
Argentina - EMI Odeon
Argentina - EMI
Bootleg - Apple
Greece - EMI
Netherlands - Parlophone
Netherlands - Parlophone
New Zealand - Parlophone [Mono]
Peru - Odeon
Portugal - Parlophone
Switzerland - Odeon
See Also
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Rubber Soul - Parlophone - UK (1965)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Help! - Parlophone - UK (1965)
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Adam Faith - Faith Alive! - Parlophone - UK (1965)
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The Beatles - Help! - Parlophone - UK (1965)
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Lists The Beatles UK Album Timeline - 177 Items - List by jordansongs UK albums 1963-1970 - 162 Vinyl Albums - List by Mr. Blaze UK Albums Chart Number Ones - 1965 - 7 Vinyl Albums - List by misa4432
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