Vinyl Album Notes British Export copy to Europe. The Sleeve is a standard U.K. stereo copy with a gold Odeon sticker over the Apple logo.
Images Comments and Reviews roboleyton 10th Oct 2013 That's correct.My copy came from Malta, while on holiday there. 78rpm-maniac 10th Oct 2013 Hello, a very fine record. Is that the ultrarare Export-Lp for British Honduras and Malta ????
I have heard about that record, that will be the most rare LP from UK, is that true.? roboleyton 7th Oct 2013 They are mistakes I made when putting in the details, it has been passed on to the mods for correcting. TopPopper 7th Oct 2013 Is there a reason why tracks B3, B4, B5, B6 are creditted differently to B1, B2? These tracks are all usually credited to the George Martin Orchestra, but if they are Original Film Score here, then they ought to be the same - they aren't Beatles recordings.
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Linked Releases
UK - Apple - 1969 [Mono]
USA - United Artists - 1968
Australia - Apple - 1969 [Mono]
Australia - Apple - 1969 [Stereo]
Brazil - Apple - 1969 [Mono]
Canada - Apple - 1969
Denmark - Apple - 1969 [Stereo]
France - Apple - 1969
France - Apple - 1969
Germany - Apple - 1969
Germany - Apple - 1969
Greece - Parlophone - 1969
Italy - Apple - 1969
Japan - Apple - 1969
Portugal - Apple - 1969
South Africa - Parlophone - 1969
Spain - Odeon - 1969
UK - Apple - 1969 [Stereo]
USA - Apple - 1969
Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1969
Japan - Apple - 1976
USA - Capitol - 1976
Italy - Apple - 1977
Brazil - Apple - 1978
France - Apple - 1978
Italy - Apple - 1981
Hungary - Favorit - 1983
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1984
Japan - Odeon - 1986 [Mono]
Argentina - EMI - 1988
USA - Capitol - 1988
Japan - Apple - 1992
Europe - Apple - 2012
USA - Apple - 2012
Dominican Republic - Apple
Taiwan - Liming
See Also
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Yellow Submarine - Apple - UK (1969)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - The Beatles' First - Polydor - UK (1969)
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Vinyl Album
The Midnite Follies Orchestra - Hotter Than Hades - Odeon - UK (1978)
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Vinyl Album
Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets - Odeon - UK (1968)
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