Vinyl Album A1 The Beatles Socorro (Help) Lennon, McCartney Rate A2 The Beatles La Noche Anterior (The Night Before) Lennon, McCartney Rate A3 The Beatles Tienes Que Esconder Tu Amor (You've Got To Hide Your Love Away) Lennon, McCartney Rate A4 The Beatles Te Necesito (I Need You) Harrison Rate A5 The Beatles Otra Chica (Another Girl) Lennon, McCartney Rate A6 The Beatles Perderás A Esa Chica (You're Gonna Lose That Girl) Lennon, McCartney Rate A7 The Beatles Boleto Para Pasear (Ticket To Ride) Lennon, McCartney Rate B1 The Beatles Pórtate Naturalmente (Act Naturally) Russell, Morrison Rate B2 The Beatles Es Solamente Amor (It's Only Love) Lennon, McCartney Rate B3 The Beatles Te Gusto Demasiado (You Like Me Too Much) Harrison Rate B4 The Beatles Dime Lo Que Ves (Tell Me What You See) Lennon, McCartney Rate B5 The Beatles He Visto Una Cara (I've Seen A Face) Lennon, McCartney Rate B6 The Beatles Ayer (Yesterday) Lennon, McCartney Rate B7 The Beatles Dizzy Miss Lizzy L. Williams Rate
Notes This is an Argentinian stereophonic release of the Beatles album of the ‘help’ movie.
More release of this album were done under the EMI label and it’s subsidiares.
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Linked Releases
UK - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1965 [Mono]
Australia - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Australia - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Brazil - Odeon - 1965 [Mono]
Chile - Odeon - 1965
Denmark - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Denmark - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
France - Odéon - 1965 [Mono]
Germany - Hör Zu - 1965
Greece - Parlophone - 1965
India - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Israel - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Italy - Parlophon - 1965 [Mono]
Italy - Parlophon - 1965 [Stereo]
Jamaica - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Japan - Odeon - 1965
Netherlands - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
New Zealand - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Norway - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Spain - Odeon - 1965
UK - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Taiwan - Chung Sheng 中聲 - 1968
Germany - EMI Odeon - 1969
Italy - Parlophone - 1970
Japan - Apple - 1976
France - Odéon - 1978
Italy - Parlophone - 1979
Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1979
Italy - Parlophone - 1981
Japan - Odeon - 1982 [Mono]
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1983
Canada - Capitol - 1987
USA - Capitol - 1987
Argentina - EMI - 1988
Russia - Antrop - 1991
Japan - Odeon - 1992
USA - Capitol - 1995
Europe - Parlophone - 2012
USA - Parlophone - 2012
Europe - Parlophone - 2014 [Mono]
France - Parlophone - 2016
Italy - Parlophone - 2017
UK - Parlophone - 2017 [Stereo]
Italy - Parlophone - 2019
Argentina - EMI Odeon
Argentina - EMI
Bootleg - Apple
Greece - EMI
Netherlands - Parlophone
Netherlands - Parlophone
New Zealand - Parlophone [Mono]
Peru - Odeon
Portugal - Parlophone
Switzerland - Odeon
See Also
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Los Beatles - Odeon "Pops" - Argentina (1965)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Beatles For Sale - Odeon "Pops" - Argentina (1965)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Los Beatles - Odeon "Pops" - Argentina (1965)
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Vinyl Album
Los Beatles - Socorro! - Odeon "Pops" - Argentina (1965)
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