Ok.. so I had this when I was still in junior high.. both volumes. Being on Pickwick, it was rather cheap at the local K-Mart. Played the hell out if it!! As for the track Hully Gully.. I believe that's Tony Sheridan on vocals... Been decades since I've heard it...
I think you are correct in your assertion Judge that this should be listed as a US release with the note that it was also distributed in Canada.
I also understand that the last track "Hully Gully" is not The Beatles at all, rather it is Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers who also performed at The Star Club. This is why it is not found on the Lingasong albums.
I see what it says at the bottom of the rear cover about being distributed in Canada, but the labels give the US address for the label. Should this be listed as US with a note to the effect that it was also distributed north of the 49th?