| Various Artists
Original Golden Hits
C2: Anthony And The Imperials - Yesterday Has Gone
|  | United Artists Germany | UAS 29 355/56 XC | 1972 | Double LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
The Original Sound Of Rock And Roll Volume 1
B2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | London UK | ZG 126 | 1972 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Echoes Of A Rock Era
A4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow C4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Koko Bop
|  | Roulette Germany | BLS 5520 | 1973 | Double LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
The Greatest Rock And Roll Hits
C3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko-Ko-Bop
|  | Dynamic House USA | CR 1005-1008 | 1973 | LP | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
Rock Is Here To Stay
A2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Tele House USA | CR 1009-1012 | 1973 | Box Set | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
WCDQ Gold Radio Vol. 1
B2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Post USA | PHOENIX-111 | 1973 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
60 Rock Revival Greats
G3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | K-Tel International USA | TU 226 | 1973 | Box Set | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
Sounds From Philadelphia 2
A2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - The Loneliest House On The Block B4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - I'm Falling In Love With You
|  | Avco Embassy Netherlands | 89 038 XAT | 1974 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Dance! Dance! Dance!
D3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko-Ko Bop
|  | Tele House USA | CD 2023 | 1974 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Golden Hour Presents Boppers From The 50s And 60s
B4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Golden Hour UK | GH 836 | 1974 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
28 Goofy Greats
C5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy, Shimmy, Ko-Ko Bop
|  | K-Tel International Canada | NC 437 | 1974 | Double LP | 2 | 10.0 | |
 | Various Artists
40 Funky Hits
A1: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko-Ko Bop
|  | The Longines Symphonette Society USA | SQ-95837 | 1974 | Triple LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Graffiti Gold
A11: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow C1: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop
|  | Vee-Jay USA | VJ-2-9000 | 1974 | LP | 2 | | |
 | Various Artists
The Many Sides Of Rock 'n' Roll Volume 3
B5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | United Artists UK | UAD 60093 | Oct 1974 | Double LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Soul Train
D4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Where Do I Begin
|  | Philips UK | 9299 331 | 1975 | Double LP | 2 | 8.0 | |
 | Various Artists
Rock Is Here To Stay
A2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Adam VIII USA | A8020 | 1975 | Triple LP | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
55 Original Hits
C8: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop
|  | Columbia Special Products USA | P3 12660 | 1975 | Triple LP | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
The Golden Years Of Rock 'n Roll
L6: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | World Records UK | SM 311, SM 312, SM 313, SM 314, SM 315, SM 316 | 1975 | Box Set | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
Juke Box Jive
B4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Koko Bop
|  | K-Tel International Canada | TC 216 | 1975 | LP | 2 | | |
 | Various Artists
The Many Sides Of Rock 'n' Roll, Volume 3
B5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | United Artists Germany | UAS 29 735/36 XC | 1975 | Double LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
15 Original Rock N' Roll Biggies Volume 2
A7: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | AVI USA | AVSM-9002 | 1976 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
The American Dream - The London American Legend - Part 2
C7: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | London UK | DREAM-R-5/6 | 1976 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
American Teenage Classics
A7: Little Anthony And The Imperials - The Diary B5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - A Prayer And A Jukebox
|  | Golden Hour UK | GH 854 | 1976 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
20 Great Tear Jerkers
B2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | K-tel Australia | NA 472 | 1976 | LP | 16 | | |
 | Various Artists
24 Great Tear Jerkers
B2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | K-Tel International Canada | NC 447 | 1976 | LP | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
Play It Again
A11: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | K-Tel International Canada | NC 460 | 1976 | LP | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
B7: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | K-Tel Canada | NC-465 | 1976 | LP | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
24 Great Tear Jerkers
B2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | K-Tel USA | NU 9130 | 1976 | LP | 15 | | |
 | Various Artists
Party Rock 2
A2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Tee Vee Canada | TA-1045 | 1976 | Triple LP | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
Party Rock II
A2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Tee Vee Canada | TA-1045 | 1976 | LP | 2 | | |
 | Various Artists
Happy Days Fonzie Favorites
B3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Jukebox International USA | TVLP-177602R | 1976 | LP | 15 | | |
 | Various Artists
Fonzie Favorites
B3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Juke Box International Canada | TVLP-177602R | 1976 | LP | 2 | | |
 | Various Artists
Swinging Sixties
A4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Going Out Of My Head
|  | Chimo Music UK | FRO 625 | 1977 | LP | 0 | 8.1 | |
 | Various Artists
Play It Again
A11: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | Commonwealth Music USA | NU 9290 | 1977 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Funky Favorites
B5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop
|  | Ronco USA | R-2150 | 1977 | LP | 2 | | |
 | Various Artists
60 Juke Box Hits
A3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | Arrival UK | TM 001 | 1977 | Triple LP | 2 | | |
 | Various Artists
Old Gold Retold, Vol. 2
B5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - I'm Alright
|  | Bellaphon Germany | BI 15211 | 1978 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Old Gold Retold, Vol. 4
B2: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Two People In The World
|  | Bellaphon Germany | BI 15213 | 1978 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Old Gold Retold, Vol. 6
B4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop
|  | Bellaphon Germany | BI 15215 | 1978 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Funky Favorites
B5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop
|  | Ronco Canada | R2151 | 1978 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
American Pop Classics
C4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | I&M USA | I-016 | 1979 | Double LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Graffiti Gold
B3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Brookville USA | T-1008 | 1979 | Triple LP | 1 | | |
 | Various Artists
The All American Pop Collection Volume 3
B5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | Impact Canada | BC-287 | 1980 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Sold On Soul
A5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Better Use Your Head
|  | United Artists UK | LBR 1007 | 1980 | LP | 0 | 7.3 | |
 | Various Artists
A5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Goin' Out Of My Head
|  | Imperial House USA | NU 9690 | 1980 | LP | 6 | | |
 | Various Artists
Tee Vee Records Presents Alphabet Rock
A3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Shimmy Shimmy Ko-Ko-Bop
|  | Warner Special Products USA | OP 2517 | 1980 | Double LP | 1 | 8.4 | |
 | Various Artists
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind - American Soul 1966-1972
A3: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
|  | Capitol Europe | 1A 046-78032 | 1981 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Cruisin' 1957
A5: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Ruby Canada | RR3-4082 | 1981 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Top 40 Gold
A1: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
|  | Sessions USA | SLB 8295 | 1981 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
20 Great Oldies - I'll Always Remember, Vol. 1
B4: Little Anthony And The Imperials - Hurt So Bad
|  | ARC Records Netherlands | 001-80 | 1982 | LP | 0 | 8.8 | |