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19th Jun 2016
Vinyl Album
The Guess Who - American Woman
you can see the printed in Canada at the bottom right inside gatefold in very small print. fetch your spectacles you're gonna need them.

2nd Mar 2016
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Close-Up The Beach Boys
The song titles are all listed on the orange sticker in the bottom left corner

1st Mar 2016
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys Today!
Please remove 542394 i have replaced it with a much better upgrade.

10th Oct 2015
The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe / Shut Down, Volume 2
finally i can share this in its' entirety. but i forgot to list the Shut down tracks. it's always something it seems.

Mod Edit: Shut Down tracks added.

10th Oct 2015
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations
the plain black casing would have come in a cardboard box with a photo of the Lp cover,

8th Oct 2015
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Surfer Girl
Little deuce coupe mentioned on back of album cover

8th Oct 2015
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe
SORRY Droid not my intention to be obtuse. my error anyway it should be 489266 cover litho in USA is typed sideways along side the Capitol dome logo. I'm a little late in responding but it states T 1998 instead of the St 1998 along the side of the Litho'd in USA

25th Jun 2015
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!)
The DT 8 2354 is missing from the front cover. but the 3 stripes are there to indicate a record club.

7th Feb 2015
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys Deluxe Set
the labels are the same as the Mono albums from Today, Summer days, and Pet Sounds. Capitol Distributed T 2269, T 2354, & T 2458. This was one way to get rid of the Mono surplus stock Capitol had in its' inventory. Mono box set has a black spine as shown in the above image.

7th Feb 2015
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - 20 / 20
Capitol Record Club was issued in a single jacket unlike the regular issue with a gatefold cover.. there is no Red and White Starshaped Starline label issued as a Capitol Record Club

15th Oct 2014
12" Single
The Beach Boys - Here Comes The Night
IN reminiscing about the disco days, it was this song I heard in early April "79 in Denver, Colorado . It was the first time I ever heard it in that disco bar. And it hit me almost immediately when i heard the vocals that it had to be the BB doing this. I went over to the DJ to confirm it. It was around 9:30 before the crowd arrived. SO i had the whole disco floor to myself. So i took to the dance floor by myself and practised a few of my John Travolta moves and I'll never forget the chill down my spine , the goose bumps i felt listening to the newest BB song which was a remake of course. But i hadn't heard a BB single since It's OK In '76 so I was going thru these withdrawal symptoms and to hear any BB song even a disco remake was music to my ears. It was my nirvana. So this is why Here comes has such fond memories for me and that nostalgia puts it in my Top 5 songs of the 70's by the BB.

20th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Beach Boys Concert
Evidently early pressings of Concert has the raw live version of I get Around. Brian would go back into the studio and redo some of the vocals on certain songs. I guess I get Around wasn't ready yet when the initial pressings were issued. But subsequent pressings have the redone vocals

20th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations
GOOD VIBES REC CLUB has a white border around the album cover. the regular issue is all black. i scanned the spine it shows DT 80442 . this was a sealed copy for at least 25 yrs. i finally opened it. Oh my goodness I can hear these American collectors clutching their chest at the mere thought of opening a sealed album from the 60's or 70's i had to find it for sure if the label was green or burnt orange. as You can see it's the lime one. I hope all you American collectors have recovered from such a horrifying thought of opening a sealed album.

19th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - High Water
Black Border of the Beach Boys on front cover
Yellow ad sticker on front cover with red sticker denoting a Deluxe 2 record set. Now that's putting perfume on the pig
just a Yellow ad sticker on front cover
No more yellow sticker instead an Embossed yellow ad becoming a permanent fixture on the cover.
Just a plain cover of the seashore
The Black Border is the first issue before the ad campaign on TV . I recall being blitzed for weeks and weeks by this commercial. the yellow sticker would have interfered with the black border covering a portion of it so they removed it instead, making it more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Really?! Pickwick's lame attempt at it anyway.
The Black Border is the less common of them all, followed by the yellow ad cover. Once the ad campaign was over on TV then they discontinued the yellow ad on cover.
the most plentiful album covers are the Plain Seashore covers

19th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - High Water
High Water is a combination of Pickwick's Good Vibrations and Wow! Great Concert and in following Capitol's tradition of deletions from reissues, Pickwick spared no expense in doing so.
Good Vibrations[An Abridged version of Best of Vol. 3 with two tracks deleted) Surfin was wiped out and Frosty the Snowman was melted away.
Wow! Great Concert![The Ultimate Abrdged version. of BB Concert in '64) Four tracks were given the hook off the stage. Johnny B Goode, Let's Go Trippin', Hawaii, and The Wanderer.

19th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Fun, Fun, Fun / Dance, Dance, Dance
Dance Dance Dance back cover at the bottom is missing most of the manufacturing jargon except for the Hollywood and Vine Street Hollywood Calif. Capitol did not successfully blackout that portion but did manage to blackout the rest of it.

19th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Fun, Fun, Fun / Dance, Dance, Dance
There is one amendment to my statement that the back covers of the regular issue and Capitol Record Club issue are identical. The CAPITOL RECORD CLUB BLACKED OUT THE MANUFACTURER AND THE LOCATIONS AT THE BOTTOM. Although with the DANCE DANCE DANCE they only half succeeded.
It's still the same back cover with Capitol using an alteration. And that includes the fact the back black slick covers the whole back cover and hides the purple overlap from showing. the regular issue shows a bit of the purple overlap in the back

18th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Fun, Fun, Fun / Dance, Dance, Dance
Like I've said in the past the official title of the album and label # is on the spine of the cover. If that were not the case then the Mono Box Deluxe set with the original mono Capitol labels would be problematic. There are no TCL 2813 labels . the only indication is on the spine. of the cover.
Fun Fun Fun/Dance dance dance Capitol Club issue is different than the All Summer Long/California Girls issue. the label and the spine of the latter issue are almost identical but not exactly. The label is SF-8-0501 WHILE THE SPINE IS SF 80501. The back cover also identifies it is a record club issue with SF 80501. Not so with FUN FUN FUN, the label is SF-8-0702 but the spine is SWBB 80702 while the back cover has the regular issue designation SF 702, It is the same back cover used on the regular issue. The same applies for California Girls and Dance dance Dance respectively.
The regular issues of FUN FUN FUN AND DANCE DANCE DANCE are designated with SF AND DF on the spine, only the CAPITOL RECORD CLUB ISSUES OF FUN FUN FUN AND DANCE DANCE DANCE HAVE THE SWBB designation on the spine.
And that is the lesson for today on CAPITOL RECORD CLUB issues and the never ending confusing twists.

18th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - All Summer Long/California Girls
Like the regular issue there were two tracks deleted from each album. All Summer Long had
Our favourite recording sessions and Carl's Big Chance. California Girls missing tracks were Amusement PArks USA and I'm Bugged at my ol' man

18th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - All Summer Long/California Girls
There's a white border that surrounds the record club issue. the regular issue is totally orange.
When you ordered from the Capitol Record Club you received both albums in the mail. that 's the only way it was issued thru the record club. you could not order them individually.

15th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Surf's Up
12" by 12" booklet "The Beach Boys: A Short History" - it's not very short at 8 pages and tiny print. Much longer than a magazine feature. It's the yellow booklet in the photos.

"Press Release" (#1) - a whopping 30 PAGES stapled - this is Ben Edmonds' VERY LONG essay on The Beach Boys titled "Sophisticated Air Conditioning And An Awful Lot Of Sunshine: Reflections On The Beach Boys" It has the Warner Bros address below the "Press Release" letterhead...

"Press Release" (#2) - 5-page essay without a byline. "History at a Glance: The Beach Boys"

15th Sep 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Holland
THE MAKING OF HOLLAND BOOKLET was released with a limited number of promo copies and sent to radio stations.
Although a majority of the Fairy tale Sleeves were scotch taped. there were some put inside the album jacket. i have one with no tape and in '77 i used to go to a Peaches store in Denver and i would shake the Holland lp and feel and hear the EP inside the jacket. I bought a promo copy sealed with the EP not taped to the cover. It was easier for the manufacturer to tape the EP sleeve to the jacket so they could shrinkwrap it easier with the EP stationary.

23rd Aug 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
after seeing an advertisement on Pet Sounds in a Teen mag showing the album cover with New Improved Full Dimensional Stereo. the possibility exists that this configuration is out there. Although i have looked thru countless Pet Sounds Lp covers over a 40 year period and have never seen one. But the again the Today lp cover with for stereo phonographs i just discovered last week for the first time. So who knows what still may be lurking out there.

23rd Aug 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Best Of The Beach Boys
First of all I own at least 20 Best of vol.1 . Little Honda is 2:50 instead of 1:50 on all the label variations except for the last one the Purple label, which has the corrected time of 1:50. it only took Capitol 23 years to correct it from '66-'89. Never let it be said when Capitol wants to get something done right, they sure know how take their sweet time about it.
the purple label had a CD label # C 1-91318 which was affixed by a sticker to surplus covers of DT 2545 in '89. After they ran out of surplus copies of DT 2545 Cap put the CD # on the back of a new cover.
I'm not sure if there's any label variation in between the blue label and the purple label. if there is one it would be the CAPITOL RAINBOW STARLINE just like the 45 issue. TO BE CONTINUED

22nd Aug 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys Today!
To find a for Stereo phonographs Today Lp Capitol Record Club is incredible. if this was a Beatles copy it would rival the first state stereo Butcher cover in value. I knew as soon as i came across a Summer Days for Stereo phonographs that a Today issue would exist.
I;ve managed to clean it up digitally as best as i can. there's no transforming this cover, the print gets too blurry. this is the best it can get without compromising it. you can see the diagonal black stripes and you can see the for stereo phonographs clearly enough, but the DT 8 2269 was blurred by the camera lighting i guess. anyway it's been years since I've been this excited about finding a rare BB item. Of course all you guys who are into the Beatles will no doubt just go Ho hum . IT feels like a waste of time but i'm sharing it anyway.

20th Aug 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
Well it looks like Duophonic for stereo phonographs wins hands down. NO contest. I've checked over 500 Pet Sounds albums on the internet just in the last couple of days . yes i know, no social life. and i still haven't found one for stereo phonographs white border on the internet yet. i found about 80 duophonics however. I did not realise just how uncommon that configuration is. I found mine sealed but i opened it . it was a resealed job covering up a punch hole. But it still had that crinkly feel to the shrink not the rubberised feel of the 80's, though that's the decade i found it. I'm talking in the USA nowhere else.

19th Aug 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
PET SOUNDS Capitol record club was issued no later than '68. the very bottom of the back cover is clipped off.

18th Aug 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!)
Sorry for the quality of the red gold logo album cover . but you can see still see it . the for stereo phonographs is the confusing one . i know it's a later issue and probably the last issue. Chances are the Capitol record Club was released on for Stereo phonographs issue.

16th Aug 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys Today!
This Capitol Record Club issue of today comes from a worn out colour photocopy from the 90s. It's folded down the middle and creased. The album cover is worn and tattered. I used the white border part of the album where it's designated as Record Club. And I digitally bleached it from a yellowish brown to a white and touched it up digitally to make it look presentable. The black stripes and Capitol Record Club numbers all come from the photocopy. What I did do was paste a nice today mono cover that I own to make it look mint. The Record Club album cover was too worn out to use besides I can't get the folded crease out of the photo / it would be way too much work. The cover is identical only better quality.. I've seen one other copy on Ebay years ago and it too was a mono cover but the photo was blurry. I don't know if all the Record Club issues of today used only a mono cover but you would think Capitol used a few Duophonic covers but then who knows. Unless there's someone who has one.
The DT 8-2269 was painstakingly cleaned of all yellowish brown residue without messing up the numbers. I assure you this was not an easy chore.
And I'm not shouting, my eyes are very tired and I can't see the small print properly when that happens. It's called getting old.

mod edit: we appreciate your input and it is the work of a moment to sentence case your missives.

15th Aug 2014
Vinyl Album
The Beach Boys - Stack-O-Tracks
I apologise for not having taken a photo of the whole inside cover. i wanted to make sure you saw the photos of Carl and Bruce properly so i halved it.. but I thought i did the whole inside of the foldout as well.

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