jaimeeduardo 17th Dec 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/benjamin-gigli-mutterlied-electrola-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMBenjamino Gigli - Mutterlied / Einmal wird die Stunde kommen | Side A title: Mutterlied (Ninna nanna della vita).
Side B title: Einmal wird die Stunde kommen (Il voglio tanto bene).
Both selections are sung in Italian. Both are from the sound film Mutterlied, with orchestra conducted by Dino Olivieri.
jaimeeduardo 17th Dec 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/wanda-landowska-englische-suite-in-emoll-electrola-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMWanda Landowska - Englische Suite In E-Moll / Fantasie In C-Moll | Side A is but a single part of J.S. Bach's English Suite no. 5 in E minor: Passepied (misspelled on label as ('Passespied')
jaimeeduardo 23rd Aug 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/aaron-lebedeff-oi-is-dus-a-rebezin-vocalion-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMAaron Lebedeff - קאמיש פאלקס ליעד / Oi Is Dus A Rebezin / קאמיש קופלעט / Die Grine Lina (1924) | Track titles are missing:
Side A title: אוי איז דאס א רבּצין
Side B title: די גרינע לינא
These titles are in Yiddish. The original titles shown are not titles, rather they describe the kinds of songs these are (Side A is a 'Comish Volks Lied', or 'comic folk song'; Side B a 'Comish Couplet ').
The artist's name is also present in Hebrew characters: אהרן לעבּעדעוו
An entry for him appears in Yiddish Wikipedia; also in English Wikipedia
[Thanks, jaimeeduardo! Mod.]
jaimeeduardo 21st Jul 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/all-russian-state-corporation-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMЯков Скоморовский - Гавайский Блюз / Гавайская Колыбельная (1932) | Russian is an inflected language, which means names can be modified to indicate 'of' or 'by' as part of the name. The closest example in English would be 'John Lennon's ...'. The last name is Lennon, not Lennon's. In the Russian example here, 'Скомороского' is 'Скоморовский' in nominative case, so the entry would be 'Яков Скоморовский' (and 'John Lennon' would be the entry for the English example).
These inflected name forms are seldom encountered on modern labels/title pages, but they appear frequently on older materials. Other Slavic languages, and German also, can have names with endings which are to be removed/altered when included in a name list.
Inflected names appearing in a name list jump out as mistakes for those who read these languages. The inflected forms can only be used within a phrase-like context.
Яков Скоморовский in English is 'Yakov Skomorovsky' (one form among several) (see Wikipedia https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/127042 etc.)
So the entry should be:
Artist: Яков Скоморовский
Side B title should be: Гавайская Колыбельная ('в' and 'ь' are confused here; 'в В' represent a letter; 'ь Ь' represent a phonetic modifier called a 'soft sign' )
Discogs includes some bad examples not to be followed!
jaimeeduardo 21st Jul 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/sovsong-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMИ. Д. Троянов - Марчетта / Кордова (1934) | Artists should be: И.Д. Троянов (letters are jumbled on input record), В.Л. Жилинский
Side A title should be: Марчетта ('ч' and 'ц' are different letters)
Composer Side B : Альбенис
Discogs has an OK entry. They date it 1934.
[Thanks! All required changed performed. The date sounds right; click above on the new label bio for SovSong. Mod.]
jaimeeduardo 21st Jul 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/sovsong-3-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMДжаз-оркестр с пением - Аргентина / Гавайский вальс (1934) | Artist should be: Джаз-оркестр с пением ('э Э' and 'з З' are separate letters). This entry is a generic term 'jazz orchestra with vocal', not the name of an artist.
Side B title should be: Гавайский вальс ('ы' and 'ль' are confused here)
jaimeeduardo 17th Jul 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/unknown-unknown-his-masters-voice-6-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMΔανάη Στρατηγοπούλου - Γιατί να ξεχάσης / Θα ξανάρθης (1934) | Δανάη Στρατηγοπούλου - Βικιπαίδεια
Danai Stratigopoulou - Wikipedia
[Thanks for all your help with this entry! Mod.]
jaimeeduardo 17th Jul 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/unknown-unknown-his-masters-voice-6-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMΔανάη Στρατηγοπούλου - Γιατί να ξεχάσης / Θα ξανάρθης (1934) | Artist: Δανάη Στρατηγοπούλου
Title on A Side label: Γιατί να ξεχάσης
Modernized (?) A Side title: Γιατί να ξεχάσεις
Title on B side label: Θα ξανάρθεις
Date: 1934
Dr. Zoze (or another Greek language specialist) might have additional information.
[YouTube Video]
jaimeeduardo 9th Jul 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/i-gramophone-concert-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMФ. И. Шаляпин - Элегiя (1902) | Sources give 1901 or 1902 as release date.
Additional word forms, spelled out forms, and Romanized forms include (many other variations exist):
Ф. И. Шаляпинъ
Фёдоръ Ивановичъ Шаляпинъ
Фёдор Иванович Шаляпин
Генарий Осипович Корганов
Генарій Осиповичъ Коргановъ
Genariĭ Osipovich Korganov
Genary Korganov
Genari Karganoff
jaimeeduardo 7th Jul 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMА. М. Давыдов - Смѣйся паяцъ, изъ оп.: Паяцы / Нѣтъ, я больше не паяцъ, сцена изъ оп.: Паяцы (1912) | The Russian record industry didn't begin until a decade later! Whoever input 1890 as a release date needs to check the history books.
jaimeeduardo 7th Jul 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMМ. В. Бочаров - Арiя Жермона изъ оп.: Травiата / Когда бы жизнь домашнимъ кругомъ, арiя Онѣгина изъ оп.: Евгенiй Онѣгинъ (1907) | Side A is Germont's aria Di Provenza il mar from La traviata by Giuseppe Verdi.
Side B is Onegin's Aria from Eugene Onegin by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Sung by baritone Mikhail Bocharov (1872-1936).
Recorded 1907.
The disc label refects the Russian language prior to the 1917 orthographic reform, so the description reflects the system in use at that time.
Additional word forms, spelled out forms, and Romanized forms include (many other variations are possible):
Sides A and B:
М. В. Бочаровъ
М. В. Бочаров
M. V. Bocharov
Михаил Васильевич Бочаров
Mikhail Vasilʹevich Bocharov
Side A:
Ария Гермона из оп.: Травиата
Arīi︠a︡ Germona iz op.: Travīata
Arii︠a︡ Germona iz op.: Traviata
Side B:
Когда бы жизнь домашним кругом, ария Онегина из оп.: Евгений Онегин
Kogda by zhiznʹ domashnim krugom, arīi︠a︡ Oni︠e︡gina iz op.: Evgenīй Oni︠e︡gin
Kogda by zhiznʹ domashnim krugom, arii︠a︡ Onegina iz op.: Evgeniĭ Onegin
Петръ Ильичъ Чайковскiй
Пётр Ильич Чайковский
Petr Ilʹich Chaĭkovskiĭ
jaimeeduardo 5th Jul 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMФ. И. Шаляпин - На воздушном океане (ария Демона из оперы «Демон») / На воздушном океане (ария Демона из оперы «Демон») (оконч.) (1944) | [YouTube Video]
jaimeeduardo 5th Jul 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMС. Я. Лемешев - Каватина князя из оп. Русалка / Каватина князя из оп. Русалка (оконч.) (1944) | [YouTube Video]
jaimeeduardo 5th Jul 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMС. Я. Лемешев - Каватина князя из оп. Русалка / Каватина князя из оп. Русалка (оконч.) (1944) | Сергей Яковлевич Лемешев (тенор)
Александр Сергеевич Даргомыжский (композитор)
Александр Иванович Орловб (дирижёр)
Русалка. Невольно к этим грустным берегам меня влечет неведомая сила (Каватина князя)
Sides A-B contain the Prince's Cavatina from Rusalka (Mermaid), composed by Alexander Dargomyzhsky, sung by tenor Sergei Lemeshev.
jaimeeduardo 4th Jul 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMА. М. Давыдов - Смѣйся паяцъ, изъ оп.: Паяцы / Нѣтъ, я больше не паяцъ, сцена изъ оп.: Паяцы (1912) | This disc label refects the Russian language prior to the 1917 orthographic reform, so the description reflects the system in use at that time.
Published: 1912; earlier release (2-22796) 1905.
Additional word forms, spelled out forms, and Romanized forms include:
Sides A and B:
А. М. Давыдовъ
Александр Михайлович Давыдов
A. M. Davydov
A. M. Davydoff
Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich Davydov
Alexander Mikhaylovich Davydov
Side A:
Смейся паяц
Smi︠e︡ĭsi︠a︡ pai︠a︡t︠s︡, iz op.: Pai︠a︡t︠s︡y
Smeĭsi︠a︡ pai︠a︡t︠s︡
Side B:
Нет, я не паяц!
Net, i︠a︡ ne pai︠a︡t︠s︡!
Ni︠e︡tʹ, i︠a︡ bolʹshe ne pai︠a︡t︠s︡, st︠s︡ena iz op.: Pai︠a︡t︠s︡y
Side A title in original language: Vesti la giubba from Pagliacci by Ruggero Leoncavallo.
Side B: No! Pagliaccio non son! from the same opera
jaimeeduardo 3rd Jul 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMО. И. Камiонскiй - Арiя Князя изъ оп. Князь Игорь / Каватина Фигаро изъ оп. Севильскiй Цырюльникъ | This disc was released prior to 1917 orthographic reforms, so the description reflects the system in use prior to 1917.
Later forms, spelled out forms, and Romanized forms include:
Sides A and B:
Artist name variations:
Оскаръ Исаевичъ Камiонскiй
Оскар Исаевич Камионский
Oskar Isaevich Kamionskiĭ
Oskar Isaevic Kamionskij
Label name variations:
Универсаль Рекордъ
Универсаль Рекорд
Universalʹ Rekord
Side A Title variations:
Ария Князя из оп. Князь Игорь
Ария Князя из оперы Князь Игорь
Arii︠a︡ Kni︠a︡zi︠a︡ iz op. Kni︠a︡zʹ Igorʹ
Side B Title variations:
Каватина Фигаро из оперы Севильский Цырюльник
Каватина Фигаро из оперы Севильский Цирюльник
Kavatina Figaro iz opery Sevilʹskiĭ T︠S︡yri︠u︡lʹnik
Kavatina Figaro iz opery Sevilʹskiĭ T︠S︡iri︠u︡lʹnik
Side A is Prince Igor's Aria from Borodin's Prince Igor.
Side B is Largo al factotum from Rossini's Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville).
jaimeeduardo 25th Jun 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/enrico-caruso-iris-serenata-gramophone-concert-record-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMEnrico Caruso - Iris – Serenata (1907) | Composer is Pietro Mascagni (not on label)
jaimeeduardo 25th Jun 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMJosefina Huguet - Norma – Casta Diva (1908) | Josefina Huguet (1871–1951) aka Giuseppina Huguet.
jaimeeduardo 24th Jun 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/pol-plancon-air-du-tambour-major-victrola-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMPol Plançon - Le Caïd―Air du Tambour Major (The Cadi―Drum Major's Air) (1907) | Track title on label is: Le caïd―Air du tambour major (The Cadi―Drum Major's Air).
This is a bass aria from the comic opera Le caïd. Spellings of the opera title include caïd, kaïd, qaid, Cadi.
The name of the singer should be written: Pol Plançon
jaimeeduardo 13th Jun 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMRichard Tauber - Have Pity ("Habe Mitleid Mit Mir!") / Im Rolandsbogen (1932) | On Side A, 'Mitleld' should be 'Mitleid'. Full title is written Habe Mitleid mit mir!
'Bakalainlknow' should be 'Bakalainikow'. 'Otto Hafis' (lyrics) probably appears also.
Side B 'Jorg' should be 'Jörg' (he is writer of the lyrics).
[Changes made, except for O. Hafis who may not appear on the label since the 78discography does not list him either. Also corrected the name of composer Paul Mania (was Manla). Mod.]
jaimeeduardo 11th Jun 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/lucretia-bori-soprano-quando-men-vo-musettas-waltz-sond-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMLucrezia Bori - Quando Me'n Vo' (Musetta's Waltz Song) (When I Wander Alone Along The Street) ("La Bohème") / Valse Du Colibri (Amour Mouillé) (1928) | Side A title should be: Quando Me'n Vo' (Musetta's Waltz Song) (When I Wander Alone Along The Street) ("La Bohème") [fixing typo and completing title]
Side B title should be: Valse Du Colibri (Amour Mouillé) [adding accent from label]
jaimeeduardo 10th Jun 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/theodor-chaliapine-der-doppelganger-the-wraith-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMTheodore Chaliapine - Der Doppelgänger (The Wraith) (Призракъ) / Der Tod Und Das Mädchen (Death And The Maiden) (Смерть и дѣвица) (1928) | Side A title should be: Der Doppelgänger (The Wraith) (Призракъ)
Side B title should be: Der Tod Und Das Mädchen (Death And The Maiden) (Смерть и дѣвица)
The Russian titles are of special interest due to the use of the older orthography, generally not used after 1917 in the Soviet Union.
[Thanks, changes made. Mod.]
jaimeeduardo 10th Jun 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/309012-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMИ. Д. Троянов - Гавайский Вальс / Колыбельная (1937) | Side A title should be: Гавайский Вальс [в and ь are different characters]
Side B title should be: Колыбельная [ь is missing]
Composer on Side A should be: Ю. Грин [C.C. Жак is the pianist, not the composer]
Composer on Side B should be: Бродский [C.C. Жак is the pianist]
Type of music: Гавайская гитара с фортепиано [Hawaiian guitar with fortepiano]
Performers (with full names + instruments): Иван Дмитриевич Троянов, акк. Самуил Семенович Жак (фортепиано)
Side A title: Гавайский вальс
Composer's full name: Юрий Грин
Side B title: Колыбельная
Type of song: медленный фокстрот
From the film: «Маленькая мама»
Composer's full name: Николай Бродский
[Thanks! Now incorporated into entry. Mod.]
jaimeeduardo 2nd Jun 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/philadelphia-symphony-orchestra-invitation-to-the-waltz-1927-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMPhiladelphia Symphony Orchestra - Invitation To The Waltz / Invitation To The Waltz (1927) | [YouTube Video]
Original title: Aufforderung zum Tanz aka Invitation to the Dance. Originally for piano, here in an orchestration by Hector Berlioz.
jaimeeduardo 21st May 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/the-philharmonia-orchestra-sheep-may-safely-graze-part-1-columbia-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMThe Philharmonia Orchestra - Sheep May Safely Graze (1952) | From the ballet The Wise Virgins (1940). Music by Bach (1685-1750), arranged by William Walton (1902-1983).
jaimeeduardo 12th May 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/basilicachor-last-uns-lauschen-polydor-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMBasilica-Chor - Laßt uns lauschen / Menschen, die ihr war't verloren (1928) | Basilica-Chor aka Basilica-Chor der St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale, Berlin; The Basilica Choir.
Regens chori – Pius Kalt.
jaimeeduardo 29th Apr 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/hustochka-gramopfone-concert-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMМ. А. Михайлова - Хусточка (Hustochka) (1905) | The first video here is for an aria (sung by the same artist) from the opera 'Lucia di Lammermoor' by Donizetti.
Attached here is the song 'Хусточка' (The Handkerchief) from U.S. Victor 61128.
[YouTube Video]
jaimeeduardo 5th Apr 2018 | ![](/assets/wpx/78-blank-t.gif) | 78 RPMFritz Kreisler - On Miami Shore (1921) | [YouTube Video]
jaimeeduardo 12th Mar 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/lotte-lehmann-rosenkavalier-act-1-die-zeit-die-ist-an-parlophone-odeon-series-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMLotte Lehmann - Rosenkavalier Act 1 | Side B:
[YouTube Video]
jaimeeduardo 12th Mar 2018 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/lotte-lehmann-rosenkavalier-act-1-die-zeit-die-ist-an-parlophone-odeon-series-78-t.jpg) | 78 RPMLotte Lehmann - Rosenkavalier Act 1 | Side A:
[YouTube Video]