Latest Updates - Nevil Shute
1st Feb 2025 28th Sep 2024 27th Sep 2024 22nd Aug 2024 Comments [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: from 1958 through c. 1965-8, the new american library signet books mmpb was distributed in canada, mostly with canadian-printed carcases sharing merkin-printed covers of the near-identical more-or-less simultaneous merkin mmpb main printings. i do not know if the 1968 bantam mmpb edition, which saw at least four printings, or the 1974 ballantine books mmpb, which saw at least thirty-seven printings, saw distribution north of the parallel. Comment by ppint.: general mmpb first printing (check), probably first canadian p/b edition / first canadian edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited sfaik
cover price $5.95
276pp? (check) including titles, indicia etc, ended pp. advertising
| New Book added by ppint. Nevil Shute - On The Beach - General Paperbacks - Canada (1989) | Comments [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: both bear the sbn, 330 10570 1, on the back cover, spine & in the indicia Comment by ppint.: pan books p/b near-identical third and fourth printings, both 1969°, with new
cover art unsigned, uncredited; still sfaiaa as-yet unattributed
cover price 5/-, 60c south africa, 80c australia, 75c new zealand
276pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
indicia publishing history adds line:
3rd printing 1969
and then adds line:
4th printing 1969
° - no month of publication given in either
| New Book added by ppint. Nevil Shute - On The Beach - Pan - UK (1969) |
21st Aug 2024 Comment [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: pan books first printing, apparently first uk p/b edition, not first p/b edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 3'6, 45c south africa, 6/- (60c) australia, 4/6 new zealand
so this edition/printing should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
near-identical pan books p/b second printing (1967) retains cat#, cover art, uk cover price, differs:
adds statement of second printing to indicia publishing history
| Comment [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: pan books first printing, apparently first uk p/b edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 3'6, australia 6/-
so this edition/printing should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
| Comment [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: william heinemann h/cvr first printing , first edition
cover (d-j) art by john rowland (signed, credited for wrapper design on d-j front flap)
cover (d-j) price 15/-
320pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, bound with endpapers between cloth-covered boards
| New Book added by ppint. Nevil Shute - On The Beach - William Heinemann - UK (1957) | Comment [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: classic novel of warning: what can go catastrophically wrong when industrial innovation is put into public service without adequate forethought *or* testing.
six years after the publication of " no highway" (1948), the immensely successful - to that point - first ever jet airliner, the de havilland comet, suffered several catastrophic failures due to the "metal fatigue" phenomenon advanced as a potential major hazard by nevil shute in this novel - under his fuller name, nevil shute norway, he had worked at both de havilland and at vickers aircraft division, as well as having set up and running his own successful aircraft design, construction &c. company, airspeed ltd., whose "ambassador" twin engined civil aeroplane was produced for the r.a.f. and others as the successful advanced training & communications "airspeed oxford".
| Comments [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: the 1952 (& other 1950s (?)) printing bears a monochrome d-j printed mainly in grey (titles in white, i.e. left unprinted), d-j art is a picture of an aircraft carrier in heavy seas;
uniform series design: series name, "the novels of", printed in black above author's name, then horizontal white line, then d-j art, then title. bound with endpapers between light blue cloth-covered boards.
the 1960 through 1968 (at least) heinemann printings bear a full colour d-j, art by w. francis phillipps - william francis phillipps, probably most often credited as w. f. phillipps. Comment by ppint.: the first edition h/cvr's publication date may've been preceded by the official distribution to air raid precautions officers to familiarise them with the possible and probable effects of major aerial bombing, including public health risks, such as subsequent explosions due to broken (town gas) gas mains and domestic pipes, &c., and to diseases resulting from contaminated water supplies. Comment by ppint.: william heinemann h/cvr first printing , first edition
cover (d-j) art none: typographical black on white (unprinted) field with red border decorated with 22 small black five-pointed stars
cover (d-j) price 4/6 (on d-j spine, on third impression of first edition, d-j else as that of the copies for the a.r.p. (i've not compared the d-j flaps)
268pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, bound with endpapers between cloth-covered boards
indicia publishing history of near-identical second printing states on two lines:
first published, february 1939
reprinted, february 1939
| Comment [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: general mmpb first printing (check), probably first canadian p/b edition / first canadian edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited sfaik of a ditched bristol beaufort, crew being rescued by the crew of a small yacht (? - one mast, two sails, triangular forward sail, main sail on a boom and gaff(?) extending the mast diagonally upward; tiller manned, no rudder visible at raked stern)
cover price $4.95
224pp? (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
| New Book added by ppint. Nevil Shute - What Happened To The Corbetts - General Paperbacks - Canada (1988) | Comment [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: pan books first printing, first p/b edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited, in a broad band across lower third of front cover, top of woman's head/hair breaks above top line of this band
cover price 3/6 printed in black on the top right hand corner of the cover art
224pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
at least some of the first, and almost certainly of the second and third printings finished with no 3/6 uk price on front cover, possibly c. 4/- australian price in black on back cover though this price may've been varied on later copies of the first (or second) printings, and was 6/- on the third printing
near-identical second printing (1966) (also seen reported as 1965) retains
cat# X380
cover art
cover price 3/6
near-identical third printing (1967) retains
cat# X380
cover art
cover price 3/6
| Comment [+] added to book by ppint.
 Comment by ppint.: william heinemann limited edition h/cvr° whose distribution may have preceded the william heinemann first edition
° - it was almost certainly a part of the first edition; but n.b. i have not compared the two
cover (d-j) art none: typographical black on white (unprinted) field with red border decorated with 22 small black five-pointed stars
cover (d-j) price none charged
268pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, bound with endpapers between covered boards
| New Book added by ppint. Nevil Shute - What Happened To The Corbetts - William Heinemann - UK (1939) | New Book added by ppint. Nevil Shute - What Happened To The Corbetts - William Heinemann - UK (1939) |
29th Jul 2024 10th Apr 2024