So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 880 Points Moderator
I thought Vietnam as that was going on at the time, but.
Based on the 1970 movie, itself based on a novel, MASH was designed as a “black comedy” set during the Korean War. It was really a thinly veiled critique of the war in Vietnam raging at the time. The creators of the show knew they wouldn't get away with making a Vietnam war comedy.
R.I.P. Donald. I guess he will be having a laugh over these comments.
"..all the cats, you know who they are.. " Member since Nov 2010 966 Points
My wife informed me of Donald Sutherland's passing last week. A lead actor in my favourite film of all time (Ordinary People) he was also amazing in Kelly's Heroes, a film my Dad loved in there seventies. Plus who could forget that facial expression in the (remake) of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers...? Brilliant actor.