ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
Just been around here for a few hours, but still have to ask a few questions.
1. Is there a way to add an image to a publisher?
2. How about a disc with several Regional codes? (how to enter)
3.As i understand it here, we can add missing info to release once it is uploaded, but we can't delete invalid info. Why? (We would like to edit our own faults.)
And i guess there would be more questions to come if more users
from Filmogs comes around here.
We are used to a completely different platform to work from, so questions would be
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25556 Points Moderator
I don't Mod. DVD world much being more a 78/vinyl/tape person but I can tell you can add certain missing info but you can't delete info or edit an entry once uploaded but you can request Make Correction at bottom of page and a Mod. will review and action or reject correction.
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25556 Points Moderator
Just checked a DVD and there is multi region option on the drop down region list not sure what you mean regarding Publisher image as you can add case and disc images.
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
Redpunk wrote:
Make Correction at bottom of page and a Mod. will review and action or reject correction.
How will a moderator do that?
They have to have the exact release in hand and i doubt that a Moderator will have every single release from around the world to check if the correction is right
The most valid person is the ones who owns or submitted the specific item.
No one else could say what is or that is right or wrong.
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
Redpunk wrote:
Just checked a DVD and there is multi region option on the drop down region list not sure what you mean regarding Publisher image as you can add case and disc images.
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3489 Points Moderator
zamla_71 wrote:
Redpunk wrote:
Make Correction at bottom of page and a Mod. will review and action or reject correction.
How will a moderator do that?
They have to have the exact release in hand and i doubt that a Moderator will have every single release from around the world to check if the correction is right
The most valid person is the ones who owns or submitted the specific item.
No one else could say what is or that is right or wrong.
We rely on folks like you to provide the correct information, and most of these 'Make Correction' requests get done fairly quickly without any questions arising.
I know its frustrating when you can't change immediately something that you enter wrongly. But after a few months its quite possible that some of you new 'ogs' people will be invited to be moderators (took me about 3 months after joining on 78rpm).
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
[/quote] We rely on folks like you to provide the correct information, and most of these 'Make Correction' requests get done fairly quickly without any questions arising.
I know its frustrating when you can't change immediately something that you enter wrongly. But after a few months its quite possible that some of you new 'ogs' people will be invited to be moderators (took me about 3 months after joining on 78rpm).[/quote]
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
Back again with a few more questions!
1. Why is the Publisher changed on my subs?
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is changed to 20th Century Fox, Universal Pictures (Nordic) AB is changed to Universal and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment AB is changed to Warner Bros.
The Publishers is correct for the exact release i add and all of a sudden they are changed.
How come?
If you gonna respond with (a. pedantic details or b. like to keep it simple) don't bother to answer cause that is the usual answer around here then a subject that you don't like comes up.
Just Fox or CBS/Fox seems to be OK to use, even if they are wrong.
Fox Video and CBS/Fox Video is the corrrect ones to use as a publisher.
20th Century Fox, Universal, Warner Bros. etc,etc could and should be used in Cinema world instead (cause they are the studios that made the film) and use the real Publishers in this World.
2. Why do you allow subs in this world without any pics, cat# or Barcode in this world?
We strongly request that you also submit an image of the record you're adding. This helps us verify the entry and makes the website more interesting!
If the year isn't on the label then please try a quick google search. Records added without images and without dates can be difficult to verify by our moderators!
End Quote.
I know, The quote is taken from 45Cat world, but is it easier for your Moderators to verify a release in this world without Pics, Cat# or Barcodes?
Don't think so, and yet this World is full of thousand releases without this info.
Take the movie Sleepy Hollow as an example.
3 different USA Discs released in 2000 exist in the database. 2 with different Barcodes, but the third got nothing, no pics, no barcode or cat#.
How do we know that the third one isn't the same as one of the other releases?
A collector got no use for a sub like that, nor does the curious or the Critics as promised in the banner of the 45 World.
Self praise is no recommendation. Member since Oct 2011 45661 Points Moderator
zamla_71 wrote:
Back again with a few more questions!
1. Why is the Publisher changed on my subs?
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is changed to 20th Century Fox, Universal Pictures (Nordic) AB is changed to Universal and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment AB is changed to Warner Bros.
The Publishers is correct for the exact release i add and all of a sudden they are changed.
How come?
If you gonna respond with (a. pedantic details or b. like to keep it simple) don't bother to answer cause that is the usual answer around here then a subject that you don't like comes up.
Just Fox or CBS/Fox seems to be OK to use, even if they are wrong.
Fox Video and CBS/Fox Video is the corrrect ones to use as a publisher.
20th Century Fox, Universal, Warner Bros. etc,etc could and should be used in Cinema world instead (cause they are the studios that made the film) and use the real Publishers in this World.
2. Why do you allow subs in this world without any pics, cat# or Barcode in this world?
We strongly request that you also submit an image of the record you're adding. This helps us verify the entry and makes the website more interesting!
If the year isn't on the label then please try a quick google search. Records added without images and without dates can be difficult to verify by our moderators!
End Quote.
I know, The quote is taken from 45Cat world, but is it easier for your Moderators to verify a release in this world without Pics, Cat# or Barcodes?
Don't think so, and yet this World is full of thousand releases without this info.
Take the movie Sleepy Hollow as an example.
3 different USA Discs released in 2000 exist in the database. 2 with different Barcodes, but the third got nothing, no pics, no barcode or cat#.
How do we know that the third one isn't the same as one of the other releases?
A collector got no use for a sub like that, nor does the curious or the Critics as promised in the banner of the 45 World.
We are currently discussing the possible rationalisation of publisher names on our Mod Forum.
We have always allowed entries without images. In an ideal world, all entries would have supporting images, however, not all members are able to do this.
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
Charlie Chalk wrote:
zamla_71 wrote:
Back again with a few more questions!
1. Why is the Publisher changed on my subs?
2. Why do you allow subs in this world without any pics, cat# or Barcode?
is it easier for your Moderators to verify a release in this world without Pics, Cat# or Barcodes?
We are currently discussing the possible rationalisation of publisher names on our Mod Forum.
We have always allowed entries without images. In an ideal world, all entries would have supporting images, however, not all members are able to do this.
Thanx for your answer Charlie Chalk, but it didn't really answer my questions.
Sure i understand that not all members are able to upload pics but to enter a cat#
or a Barcode shouldn't be so hard to do.
Just checked a DVD and there is multi region option on the drop down region list not sure what you mean regarding Publisher image as you can add case and disc images.
Perhaps he's asking how to enter multiple codes if it is a multi formatted pack of discs that are both Blu-Ray and DVD for example. You then would like to enter two different regional codes (one for each disc as Blu-Ray are different than DVDs). I usually enter the DVD region, as that is usually more confining to a smaller set of countries to help those buying to know which countries both sets of discs would work in their regions.
Perhaps similar concern is if you have a multiple pack of DVDs and two different movies have different ratings. Which rating to put for the the "rating" for the release package then. Perhaps the more restrictive one? I usually add notes at the bottom for those that have multiple entries.
It is harder to do things when you can't edit your own releases, or perhaps in some cases there is a fundamental question of which barcode is accurate for a release. Like this one here, where I added a back cover image to show the barcode that was on the cover and not a sticker that was over it that was different. Everything else for that cover image was the same for that release.
Perhaps in these cases it is good to have two back cover images, so that some folks who have that other sticker on theirs too would also know that it maps to the same release of DVD too.