An6y66 25th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Electric Light Orchestra - The Light Shines On (1977) | Are the mods going to work some magic so that the harvest heritage releases appear in the harvest discography aswell as their own then?
Also whilst on the topic of elo's labels over on 45cat the Jet label was divided as jet went through a number of distributors so the UK singles are listed as Jet[UA] Jet[CBS] or jet[Polydor], is this a practice that we should continue over here ? Just asking now before anymore LPs are added and extra corrections need making.
An6y66 25th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumElectric Light Orchestra - Time (1988) | Oh yeah forgot that one. I think the date for this release is wrong though. As this was originally on jet. So I assume this particular one is a reissue
An6y66 24th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Electric Light Orchestra - The Light Shines On (1977) | I always though the rules were to always go with the label over the sleeve?
An6y66 22nd Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumElectric Light Orchestra - A New World Record (1977) | added labels for the standard black vinyl release, unlike the coloured vinyl side two is the ELO logo, also the red vinyl labels are darker and more like the Jet (UA) label style than the Jet(CBS) style.
An6y66 22nd Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Electric Light Orchestra - Time (1981) | labels added
An6y66 21st Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumMarillion - The Thieving Magpie (La Gazza Ladra) (1988) | Spelling error on the labels: on the cover after the word magpie is and apostrophe however on the label this has become an accent above the e in magpie making it magpié
An6y66 21st Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - Help! (1965) | The 1969 issues had only one boxed emi logo at 6oclock as this has two boxes at 12&6 oclock and the perimeter text begins gramophone co....its 1970's
An6y66 20th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumElectric Light Orchestra - Time (1988) | I presume all of the elo albums released on epic are reissues ??
An6y66 20th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumElectric Light Orchestra - Discovery (1979) | I need to upload my cover as it has stickers saying limited edition poster included.
An6y66 18th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - A Hard Day's Night (1986) | One pressing plant out of the half a dozen pressed the band photos on the back cover in reverse so John was far right and Ringo left.
An6y66 18th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Electric Light Orchestra - E.L.O. 2 (1973) | The sleeve lists track A2 as Momma whilst the label is the more English Mama
An6y66 17th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Electric Light Orchestra - The Light Shines On (1977) | Also when the releases are merged all photos need to be kept. The ones I added to the harvest release have a different rim to those here
An6y66 17th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Electric Light Orchestra - The Light Shines On (1977) | We've ended up with two released of this in the discography. One listed as a harvest record the other as harvest heritage.
An6y66 17th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - Yellow Submarine (1969) | Note last track on side 2 misspelt. Pepperland i s written pperland
An6y66 16th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - A Taste Of Honey (1987) | Main sleeve variations to find: chuck berry composers credits mispelt as Barry. Also some sleeves missed off the text In the yellow box, which believe was a description of DMM pressings
An6y66 14th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Electric Light Orchestra - The Electric Light Orchestra (1971) | In that case I shall add it shortly
An6y66 14th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumViolinski - No Cause For Alarm (1979) | label design flaw, it isnt written anywhere on it whether its side 1 or 2 on the label; hence why the previous owner penciled in the info!
An6y66 14th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumElectric Light Orchestra - Discovery (1979) | Added images of poster and merch sheet which came with the LP
An6y66 13th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Electric Light Orchestra - The Electric Light Orchestra (1971) | I've only just managed to get myself a copy of the UK one so may be a while until I manage to get the US one. It had the same track listing innamerica didnt it?
An6y66 10th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - Hey Jude! (1970) | I thought the apple export was released way before the UK parlophone one
An6y66 8th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - The Beatles [The White Album] (1968) | Yep that's the one
An6y66 7th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - The Beatles [The White Album] (1968) | Some copies came misprinted with the label stating rocky racoon; missing one of the c's.
An6y66 7th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - The Beatles Part 2 | I only have the sleeve that this record came in so i do not have any further details other than what i have submitted. So if anyone knows what label this picture disc was pressed by please correct.
An6y66 7th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - Beatles (1991) | included images of the poster, it is alot smaller that the UK issue and as you can see completely different. the back is all of the lyrics written in russian whislt the front has some of the original collage pictures but a drawing in the centre (close up shown above) that is rather wierd!!
An6y66 7th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - Help! (1991) | multiple variants exist; some with HELP! in english some with it in russian. Back cover has either large photos or small photos
An6y66 7th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - Beatles (1991) | two sets of labels added; one has a more complex logo than the other. Also the one with the simple logo label numbers the sides 1, 2, 1, 2. whilst the complex logo is numbered 1,2,3,4.
Two inner panels are shown as one is a first press mistake which omitted the track Piggies from the tracklisting.
An6y66 6th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies (1966) | Added later pressing scans. The label style with the boxed parlophone logo is from ( I think) 1969 onwards
An6y66 6th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - With The Beatles (1969) | Note for those beatles collectors interested in the 'Jobete' miscredits found on early UK copies of WTB, this record credits quite a few tracks as Jobete
An6y66 6th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - A Hard Day's Night (1964) | labels added. ALthough hard to see in the photos, the labels have a dark purple background not black. Purple labels with silver text are earlier pressings than those with balck labels.
An6y66 6th Sep 2013 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Beatles - Please Please Me (1963) | First pressing labels added. First pressings identifyable by the sunken ridges in the label