The US High Tide Lp came out before "Paint It, Black" go figure it out!....Typically US LP's have 11 or 12 tracks back then......This is why hardcore US fans tried to find UK copies of most pre-1967 Lps...(Don't forget to include Canada when you're complaining about "US" formatted albums!)....John!
The USA release here does not contain "We Love You", "You Better Move On" or "Sittin' On The Fence" which were on the UK (and rest of the world) releases. In place of these songs are "Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?" and "Paint It Black" which coincidentally are the first two tracks on volume 1 of this compilation "Big Hits (High Tide And Green Grass)" in the rest of the world. However, this also means the USA version of this album is one track shorter than the versions released elsewhere. The USA issue of "Big Hits (High Tide And Green Grass)" is two tracks shorter than issues from the rest of the world and like this album also has a different tracklist and running order.
Having grown up with both the Decca "Big Hits" releases of these albums in my house I think the USA London versions are a pale imitation and a cash in of the worst order. Mind you, just why "You Better Move On" is on "Through The Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2)" is still a mystery to me.
Given the significant differences in track-listings between the London and Decca versions of these albums I suppose the question has to be asked should they be linked as releases of the same album.