12 track version.
First copies had the titles on the back cover then a month of two later it came out with blank back cover when I bought my added copy
(Music press at the time wrote that EMI didn't want their logo on the back cover and were going to sue hence the blank back cover).
E.M.I. incorrectly credited to Vicious.
No timings on labels next to tracks.
Number:450107 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:Paul Vinyl● Description: FRONT
Magic Marmalade, this is Bill Price's explanation for the unusual production credit:
"The simple facts of the matter were that Chris was hired by Malcolm (McLaren) to do a series of singles for the Sex Pistols. I was hired by Malcolm to do a series of album tracks with the Sex Pistols. Life got slightly complicated, because I did a few album tracks that Chris remade as singles. Also, Chris started a couple of tracks, which got abandoned as singles, which I remade to be used as album tracks. On quite a large number of songs, when we'd finished the album, we had two versions of the song. I couldn't quite understand why Malcolm kept chopping and changing between different versions of different songs. It slowly dawned on Chris and myself that Malcolm was trying to slip between two stools and not pay Chris or me. So we said, "I'll tell you what, Malcolm. Whatever's on the Sex Pistols' album, it was either done by me or Chris, and you can pay us and we'll divvy it out amongst our little selves." Which is what we did. But it did force that very strange credit, simply because the sleeve was printed long before it was finally decided which version of each individual song was on the record. If we'd known, it would have said 'produced by Bill Price' or 'produced by Chris Thomas'. That's how you ended up with that credit, 'produced by Bill Price or Chris Thomas'."
Added scans of my 12 track later pressing. Back cover mentions 'Belsen Was A Gas' which is not on the album. Liar is on twice and 'Holidays In The Sun' and 'God Save The Queen' are not mentioned at all.