BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 16th Jul 2015 |  | CinemaFitzcarraldo (1982) | Great upload of a great film JamieEduardo!
A question though: I'm interested to know why you describe this film specifically as an Hispanic Interest Film?
Because it was filmed in South America?
I see this film as a study of one man's towering ambition and megalomanical obsession of starting an opera school in the Peruvian jungle by dragging a flat-bottomed paddle steamer riverboat over a mountain. Yes, there's a metaphor in there somewhere!
Shouldn't it therefore be a human-interest film, then? Or a maritime interest film? Or even an one man's towering ambition and megalomanical obsession of starting an opera school in the Peruvian jungle by dragging a flat-bottomed paddle steamer riverboat over a mountain interest film?
I'm of course stretching the concept there, but it seems to me to be more of a European idea of the strange, dark, tough wilderness and it's challenges to humankind's crazy ideas and ambitions, which will always be thwarted by some kind of natural retribution (if humankind doesn't respect the wilderness)... Most of Werner Herzog's films, in my opinion, deal with themes such as these.
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 7th Jul 2015 |  | TVUniversity Challenge (1962 - Now) | Monk De Wally De Honk?
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 7th Jul 2015 |  | CinemaThe Missouri Breaks (1976) | Tom Logan: Wake up! Just got yer throat cut!
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 28th Jun 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumFleetwood Mac - Then Play On | Ahhh Marmalade... the Fridge Method aye! That's Science, mate. Science! I'll give it a go ;-) I also bought recently that yellow Spin Clean US record washer kit. It's expensive for what it is, and it's totally manual, but damn those records sound great afterwards. I never realised there was so much dirt lurking there in the grooves...
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 27th Jun 2015 |  | TVThe Day Of The Triffids (1981) | Saw this as a kid when they first broadcast it way back when in the UK. BBC1 I believe, on a Saturday night? Or a Tuesday night? Scary series' always used to be shown on Tuesdays, if I remember rightly... (Check out Maelstrom, if someone uploads that...)
Anyway... The first episode was one of the creepiest things I'd ever seen up to that point. Some guy alone in a hospital, eyes bandaged, feeling his way around all manner of drip stands and wheelchairs and calling, "hello!?" etc. Brrrrrr still remember it today... A great example of something being more scary because of what you DON'T see... :-s
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 26th Jun 2015 |  | CinemaSee No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989) | Dave Lyons: Fuzzywuzzy was a woman?
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 25th Jun 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumWild Willy Barrett And Two-Names - Organic Bondage | [YouTube Video]
Originally broadcast in the UK on BBC2's Whistle Test in 1986
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 25th Jun 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumWild Willy Barrett And Two-Names - Organic Bondage | Limited edition of this came in a wooden cover. Yes, that's right: the cover was made out of wood, with a paper insert that reproduced the sleeve details above.
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 25th Jun 2015 |  | TVThe Trap Door (1984 - 1986) | Berk! Feed me!
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 19th Jun 2015 |  | TVBottom (1991 - 1995) | Yeah Mono, it weren't a bad show, if you wanted to just forget about everything and watch two funny guys bash the sh*t out of each other in some sort of Tom & Jerry/Road Runner cartoon violence pastiche. Did I like it? Hell yeah!
One memorable quote, totally out of context, which I have remembered, for some reason or another:
Eddie: Welcome to Eddie's Bar!
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 19th Jun 2015 |  | DVDAnger Management - Columbia TriStar | Goosfraba
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 17th Jun 2015 |  | CinemaMona Lisa (1986) | George: Ornamental spaghetti!
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 13th Jun 2015 |  | Cinema10 Rillington Place (1971) | File under: Creepy. This film is all the more creepy because it's based on true events. Attenborough's portrayal of Christie is so normal and matter-of-fact, it makes it even more creepier. This film really gets under your skin. In a word, creepy.
P.S.: Creepy.
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 10th Jun 2015 |  | CinemaSlipstream | Matt Owens (to the android, Byron): Hell, I bet you'd even get out of the shower to take a p*ss!
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 10th Jun 2015 |  | TVThe Beverly Hillbillies (1962 - 1971) | Well listen to my story 'bout a man named Jed
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed
Went out one day, started shootin' at some food
When up from the ground came a bubblin' crude
Oil, that is
Black Gold. Texas T
Funny, these lyrics are ingrained in my memory.
Maybe someone can confirm that the actress who played Granny, was actually the youngest in real life, compared to the other actors? Was that true?
I'm off to clean the Cement Pond now ;-)
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 10th Jun 2015 |  | TVCannon (1971 - 1976) | Yeah Cannon were good! I liked the fact that there was this large guy with a moustache. In the 70s, everyone was large and had a moustache, and I'm not even being ironic - they did!
The character of Frank Cannon seemed quite geniune back then. Had a kind of relaxed, real quality, like some of the guys I used to work with when I was a machinist. They were just guys keepin' it real. I felt the same about James Garner's Jim Rockford character from The Rockford Files. Regular guys just trying to do a job. No fancy over-the-top dialogue or action. Nice. Real.
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | CinemaThe Beguiled (1971) | Hey Henry29 I know exactly the film you're on about ... Honey I Shrunk The Kids o_O
No seriously, Castle Keep? The Keep? A Midnight Clear?
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | TVThe Indoor League (1973 - 1978) | people sinking pints of beer and smoking heavily
The 70s in a nutshell ;-)
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | TVPebble Mill At One (1972 - 1986) | I must have been sick from school alot too, biffbam, 'cause this was the only time I saw this programme. Woulda been too boring to watch off it's own merits ;-)
I remember they used to have a musical slot too, usually The Wurzels or Fred Wedlock or some Richard Stilgoe Flanders And Swann/Noel Coward-type "amusing" ditty twaddle. Memory might be playing tricks on me, but I used to think that Pam Ayres blummin' lived at Pebble Mill - she seemed to be on the show every other week!
Much to my surprise one (sick)day I caught XTC on there doing a song. It was mimed, albeit, but what a scoop! I don't think I was actually sick that day either - just skivin' ;-)
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | TVTake The High Road (1980 - 2003) | Just as I mentioned for the series Crown Court, I only used to see this when I was on a sickie from school - they used to show it in the afternoons. I can imagine a bunch of oldies having their cuppa after lunch, and catching this before they descended to la-la-land for a wee spell...
Of the show itself, I can only remember a bunch of people whingeing and some guy going, "Och... Morag...". I love Scotland, but the Scotland of TTHR was a Scotland full of stereotypes and weak, humble, simple characters. Would be interesting to hear what any Scots thought of this, and how it went down in Scotland itself...
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumNeil Young With Crazy Horse - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere | Ahhh Cinnamon Girl - the best one-note guitar solo ever ;-)
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | CinemaThe Beguiled (1971) | Clint Eastwood as a randy manipulating git. Normally it's the women that play those roles, aye, Mr. 60s Hollywood Film Producer, aye, aye?
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | TVMonty Python's Flying Circus (1969 - 1974) | Wouldn't say it was horribly dated, biffbam, but some sketches are now showing their age - not all though. However, as 23Skidoo mentions, it's the references to culture and art and taking the p*ss out of all that which makes it still relevant for me. Some episodes are stand-alone classics - the Pither Cycling Tour for example. The Deja-Vu episode was also a good example of how a thread can permeate an entire episode, not just relying merely on abstract sketches.
For me, the classic Miner Son and Playwright Dad sketch is the stuff of genius. Tungsten Carbide drills! What the bl**dy 'ell is that!
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | 78 RPMEugen D'Albert - Gavotte And Minuet / Little Waltz | Ahh, such a nice label - a solid prism Gavotte And Minuet!
Wonder if it came in a hollow prism version too? (strictly for the Floyd heads, that one ;-)
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumNeil Young - On The Beach | Hey Dr. Zoze. I'm wondering if the Greek copy of this LP has the flowery print on the inside of the sleeve?
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 9th Jun 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed | Just got this through the post today. Read that the 2003 remixes were good, and after playing, good is the biggest understatement. The quality is truly awesome. I was so fed up with wading through extortionately priced knackered copies, I thought I'd just invest in a new one. The Decca "originals" are so bass-heavy it's unbelievable.
But this 2003 re-release has at least had the participation of John Astley, him of the Who reissues program during the last 15 years or so. The vinyl is almost silent, and instead of the whole thing being swamped in a bottom end darker and stickier than Mississippi Mud Pie, the sonic broadness of each song and balance is astonishing. I swear it's really, really good, compared to a beat-up, scratchy old original.
You can't please everybody, though, let alone me, so here's the gripes:
1. No polylined inner. The record had to be "operated" out of the thin, glossy paper inner, (which to be fair includes all the original credits, and the new ones, printed on one side). There was so much static, though, I nearly tore the inner trying to get the disc out. Why no polylined inner in this release? - there was one in the 2003 Beggar's...
2. It's a 180g re-issue, and alot of sonic work has gone into getting the record to sound right. But the sleeve and inner and contents? Nay nay. What about the original poster? Could we have a copy of that? 'Parently not.
Other than that, 9/10. As reissues go, sound-wise it's probably the best I've ever heard since the first remix of The Who's Tommy on CD, until further ;-)
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 8th Jun 2015 |  | TVThat's Life! (1973 - 1994) | Thanks for the info biffbam. I wasn't aware that Rantzen was an alleged schemer-type. Nasty.
But my question was rhetorical, and existentialist in nature. Like my earlier: Penelope Keith. Why?
I'm sure there'll be more. Like Giles Brandreth. Why? Richard Stilgoe. Why? That bloke out the Goombay Dance Band with blonde curly perm, starey eyes and a self-glad grin. Why?
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 8th Jun 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumFleetwood Mac - Then Play On | Hey Marm just backtracking to your vinyl-jump cure: I've had many a problem like you describe - even with new records! I bought a Damned Live Shepperton 1980 on Big Beat new from Our Price in the 80s and it bloomin' hopped on the first grooves. Older 2nd hand records normally have some kind of problem, especially if you're really scraping the bowels of the bargain basement barrels and boxes.
Solution: Like your groove-recutting technique, I wait until the jump happens, then I put the turntable's speed in neutral (or turn the record deck off, in layman's terms) and gently turn the record backwards (i.e. in a reverse-play direction -with the stylus still on the vinyl), until I get the needle past where the jump starts. Then I check it plays ok, forwards. If not, repeat the process (I've never had to coax the arm with a little gentle persuasion or weight).
9 times out of 10 it works, as if the groove re-cuts itself. And who knows, with a bit of luck, you might get some sort of satanic message thrown into the bargain as well :-D
However, there's always an exception to the rule: In my case a lovely MFP Fire Brigade LP by The Move - Someone must have been using it for dagger-throwing practice...
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 8th Jun 2015 |  | TVThe Last Resort [UK] (1987 - 1988) | Aye, big ego, yes, but not as ginormous as Chris Evans', or annoying as Wogan, or some of the smug, self-glad American talkshow hosts (come on, Letterman's head was so far up his 'arris...).
Love Ross or Hate Ross, The Last Resort was a great show to hear the newest comedy and great live music, when there was a near-enough ban on live performance on the other channels. There was also some great themes to the show too - LR 2081 was an edition of the show direct from The Future, and they did a 70s-themed one where Ross looked like Dennis Waterman and Lenny Henry appeared with the world biggest afro.
We can slag off Ross all we like but remember this - Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer had their TV debut on his show - I can clearly recall a p*ss-take of Opportunity Knocks, named Knock-Down Ginger! where Reeves played Remembro - The Memory Man:
Remembro (Darlington accent): Now, I'm trying t' remember tha name a' this fella... Ooh what was it again... uhmm..
(Kathy Burke also played a role as Perry The Pre-Pubescent Schoolboy on this skit).
AND if it wasn't for Ross, we wouldn't have had Vic Reeves' Big Night Out ;-)
BiggieTembo-45worlds🍰 7th Jun 2015 |  | TVMarried With Children (1987 - 1997) | Shown in the UK on the come-back-from-the-pub-drunk-slot. I used to watch it until I flaked out. Can't ever remember seeing it until the end. Room-spin must have stabilised to a point that I could sleep without yakking up. Can only ever remember the start with any detail, when Al used to dole out money to everyone, including the dog. Something I only realised was true, until I was married with children myself, aye!