Fokeman 22nd Jul 2019 |  | 78 RPMJoe Samuels - Tomorrow / You Gave Me Your Heart (1922) | If the record itself doesn't show the composer, we'd rather you didn't put the credit. It can go in notes if you know who wrote it but if it ain't on the label, it shouldn't go in the database field.
Fokeman 22nd Jul 2019 |  | 78 RPMIke Quebec - Jim Dawgs / I Q Blues (1945) | I've had a go at the A side - it's not great but it wasn't great to start off with...
Fokeman 22nd Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMDelta Rhythm Boys And Basie - Someone's Rocking My Dream Boat / The Hora | Yes, probably the catalogue number of the record which was duplicated...
Fokeman 19th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMThe Hokum Band - Easy Rider Blues / Alki Blues (1950) | My best bet is that this is explained by the history of the changes within the label. The first address on this disc is the W. Kensington address, where Colin Pomroy lived first. The Charing Cross is a later address and might coincide with the beginnings of the EPs hence the addition of the J to the L prefix.
I'll order these images to match the historical colours and codes.
Fokeman 19th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMMr. Parsons, Miss Parkin - Take Now This Rose / Torna A Surriento |
So my guess is that this is a private late 1950s recording by two otherwise unknown people, a Mr. Parsons and a Miss Parkin. We will never know for sure.
Yet again, xiphophilos, you've hit the nail on the head. These performers would almost certainly be people who walked in off the street to create a disc for their own amusement. These were the musical equivalent of recording onto a cassette tape; not a mass produced product at all.
Fokeman 16th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMKing Oliver And His Dixie Syncopators - Every Tub / Showboat Shuffle (1953) | No, xiphophilos, the ones I have are all Shellac so I was surprised to see this acetate. On the other hand that would fit perfectly with Davies' desire to circulate good quality jazz around his friends and it was often low-key small runs and dubs of jazz classics that not everyone (above all in the UK at the time) had access to.
Incidentally, it's interesting to see Brian Rust's name mentioned above since I've just uploaded photos of the Saydisc LP which was possible only because of Brian providing the records I'll Dance Till De Sun Breaks Through. He also wrote the sleeve notes to the LP.
Fokeman 15th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMMr. Parsons, Miss Parkin - Take Now This Rose / Torna A Surriento | The original recording date or original issue of the record may well have been 1926 but I'm convinced that this is a dub from the original. This was done onto blanks and is more likely to have been done in the 1950s or 1960s than 1920s.
Fokeman 15th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMDelta Rhythm Boys And Basie - Someone's Rocking My Dream Boat / The Hora | The Master Sound System label was also responsible for doing one-off recordings on 7" See here...
So I will change this to The Master Sound System without the s!
Fokeman 10th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMDelta Rhythm Boys And Basie - Someone's Rocking My Dream Boat / The Hora | I would hazard a guess that this is actually a disc cut by The Master Sound System, not Systems - See here for another with images...
I still wonder if this is a privately pressed acetate.
You're bang on Xiphophilos!
Fokeman 10th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMMr. Parsons, Miss Parkin - Take Now This Rose / Torna A Surriento | I would hazard a guess that this is actually a disc cut by The Master Sound System, not Systems - See here for another with images...
Fokeman 10th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMKing Oliver And His Dixie Syncopators - Every Tub / Showboat Shuffle (1953) | If it is not Ristic 4 or 5, my next guess is that it was numberless. John R. T. Davies did these dubs for his own amusement and without a huge need or desire for profit. They would probably have been sold around his friends and jazz afficionados. Although it suits our purposes to have numbers, it may not have been essential for him then.
Incidentally this is a disc created at Master Sound System in Colnbrook, Berkshire. See here for another example of their direct recording service.
Fokeman 10th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMKing Oliver And His Dixie Syncopators - Every Tub / Showboat Shuffle (1953) | Given the label, I would date this with some certainty to 1953. I would guess this is probably Ristic 4 or 5.
Fokeman 8th Jun 2019 |  | 78 RPMNoel Pierce - Noel Pierce Piano Medley: No. 1 Part 1: I'll Remember You Love In My Prayers / Cottage By The Lee / By The Banks Of The Calm Winding Feale / Noel Pierce Piano Medley: No. 1 Part 2: The Whistling Gypsy / There'll Be Another Spring / Blue Hill | I own a broken copy...
Fokeman 18th Feb 2019 |  | 78 RPMF. Lemarque - A Paris / Buy My A Zeppelin | Two further versions of this same song but with different titles!
Fokeman 18th Feb 2019 |  | 78 RPMF. Lemarque - A Paris / Buy My A Zeppelin | [YouTube Video]
Fokeman 18th Feb 2019 |  | 78 RPMF. Lemarque - A Paris / Buy My A Zeppelin | [YouTube Video]
Fokeman 22nd Sep 2018 |  | 78 RPMJelly Roll Morton - New Orleans Joys / Perfect Rag (1949) | Also with black text rather than red.
Fokeman 7th Mar 2018 |  | 78 RPMThe Islesburgh House Country Dance Band - Skinbow Selection / Da Hens' March Ower D Midden | Dated probably around 1956
Fokeman 15th Feb 2018 |  | 78 RPMVictor Arden–Phil Ohman - Kiddie Kapers / Rag Doll (1928) | No, he was called Ignacio "Nacio" Herb Brown, so should not have been hyphenated.
Fokeman 26th Jan 2018 |  | 78 RPMPaul Robeson - Kevin Barry / The Four Insurgent Generals (1956) | Later issue, Topic Record Company labels exist too...
Fokeman 31st Oct 2017 |  | 78 RPMThe Islesburgh House Scottish Country Dance Band - Up Helly Aa Tunes / The Flowers Of Edinburgh | Dated early to mid 1950s
The company was founded on the 3rd May 1948 so earliest dated records were made from this period onwards.
Fokeman 2nd Aug 2017 |  | 78 RPMPaul Robeson - Joe Hill / John Brown's Body (1956) | First issue with "Workers Music Association" at the top of the label just added.
Fokeman 9th May 2017 |  | 78 RPMJames Shand - St. Bernard's Waltz / "For Tap Dancing" (1937) | Many thanks Mods, this has really helped link up Jimmy and James Shand who are of course, the same person.
Fokeman 9th May 2017 |  | 78 RPMJames Shand - St. Bernard's Waltz / "For Tap Dancing" (1937) | Could a mod please link this to the discography of Jimmy Shand
Mod Edit:- Done...I hope
Fokeman 21st Mar 2017 |  | 78 RPMSolomon Khromchenko, Pyotr Kirichek - Song About Shchors / The Death Of Chapaiev (1950) | Yes, but there are several other versions in English, none of them reflecting the genitive case in Russian, and his name was Schors, so I thought it made it clearer to point this out.
Fokeman 18th Mar 2017 |  | 78 RPMSolomon Khromchenko, Pyotr Kirichek - Song About Shchors / The Death Of Chapaiev (1950) | [YouTube Video]
Fokeman 18th Mar 2017 |  | 78 RPMSolomon Khromchenko, Pyotr Kirichek - Song About Shchors / The Death Of Chapaiev (1950) | [YouTube Video]
Fokeman 18th Mar 2017 |  | 78 RPMSolomon Khromchenko, Pyotr Kirichek - Song About Shchors / The Death Of Chapaiev (1950) | "Song About Shchors" is incorrectly written "Song About Shchorsa" see youtube video above. Nicolay Shchors was a famous Russian commander see here... from the Russian Civil War.
Also Golodny is incorrectly written as Golodni (although it's from the Russian, which allows for fairly wide variation when rendered into the Roman alphabet).
Fokeman 18th Mar 2017 |  | 78 RPMSolomon Khromchenko, Pyotr Kirichek - Song About Shchors / The Death Of Chapaiev (1950) | [YouTube Video]
Here we can find the same singer as on the B side singing another song, this time by Schubert. "Auf Dem See".
Fokeman 18th Mar 2017 |  | 78 RPMSolomon Khromchenko, Pyotr Kirichek - Song About Shchors / The Death Of Chapaiev (1950) | Correct song title of B side should probably be "The Death of Chapayev" as it was known as "Gibel Chapayeva" in the original Russian and is more usually referred to with the Chapayev spelling even by Alan Bush, the founder of the Workers Music Association and famous British composer.