Lee Wrecker 19th Apr 2020 | | CD AlbumThe B-52's - Whammy! | Island Masters is not a label.
Lee Wrecker 18th Apr 2020 | | CD AlbumThe B-52's - Play Loud (1987) | I don't believe Island Masters is a label at all. It was however a series of releases on the Island label. This entry should be deleted and label shots and inlay scans transferred to this entry which has the same details.
Correction done (mod.edit)
Lee Wrecker 17th Apr 2020 | | CD AlbumRod Stewart - Vagabond Heart (1991) | Gregs45s says " I say, have an entry for each country, much simpler in the long run" and I agree. In fact this corresponds with how I currently enter items but the problem is everyone can legitimately enter items however they like under the current guidelines. The international category problem is not restricted to CD albums but has migrated to other worlds due to current global manufacturing and distribution processes.
Here are two items I recently entered one from the USA and one from the EU. Both of these are legitimate Australian releases despite being manufactured elsewhere. So I have correctly used the part of the guidelines that say something like use the country of purchase if it's not an import. I don't know if these items were released in the countries of manufacture without having to do research but obviously these two items were. So I could have also correctly identified them as EU or USA releases. Knowing this I could then correctly identify them both as international as per the guidelines but everyone knows that isn't a good fit. Nevertheless, I could correctly enter these items three different ways and that's two too many choices.
Solutions to this problem currently being offered from EU members that don't want to see their catalogue disappear into the unknown territory of the international "bin" as gregs45s calls it are flawed. Consider my two entries above and then think about this prospect. A duplicate EU or USA appears on the site, the MODS delete it and ask the site member to supply release date details and they will add them to notes or the site member can add details in the comments. This of course means the item will not show up as an EU or USA release on the site. The even less appealing alternative is to list these items as international and then no-one will know where they were actually released or more importantly be able to search for them by country of release rendering the database useless. What I have described above is not some weird fantasy it is what has actually happened in many cases to people outside the EU and USA that have entered items and have seen them changed to any of the three valid classifications without notice or when notice is received it is to supply release date information to notes which in turn loses the item from that country's catalogue. Remember also that during the process the onus of proof is on the site member to supply release dates or corroborating evidence that the item was released locally in their country. This is all too much work for site members that have initially correctly entered items and then seen them bounce around until they land in an unsatisfactory classification.
I have purposefully put this comment together this way to try and put the shoe on the other foot and hopefully make EU and USA contributors, MODS and ADMINS see that what some may seem like solutions to the problem are actually more protection of a jurisdictions' catalogue at the expense of others. This is a global site and it needs to work worldwide.
Lee Wrecker 13th Apr 2020 | | CD AlbumRod Stewart - Vagabond Heart (1991) | Yes, Australia is not in Europe so why are Australian CDs listed as EU releases Quad5point1? Or why aren't they listed as international as the guidelines indicate they should be? Sure Australian releases may be made in the EU or USA but they are our local releases as well with different release dates as The_Vinyl_Junkie has pointed out. Surely the site can accommodate a separate Australian release with a different release date or even the same release date if that were the case.
The Eurovision question is a separate matter - imagine if we ever won and Eurovision had to be held in Australia.
Lee Wrecker 12th Apr 2020 | | CD AlbumSam And Dave - The Best Of Sam & Dave (1998) | Leonard and Greg,
While I appreciate your perspective it is inherently flawed. One reason why is that we can't preference countries of release over each other and then still claim to be creating an accurate global database. What we will create instead will be an accurate USA and EU database and for the rest of the world will it will be a shambles. The sticking point here is that this was released in Australia as a local release and in my opinion should be listed as an Australian release for that reason alone. Much like the way we deal with Italy in other parts of the site (in different circumstances I know but the idea is the same). In the case of this CD there were at least two Australian releases, this one and a later locally manufactured edition. We should list both as Australian releases and the EU (this CD) should be entered as both an Australian and EU release. Putting "released in Australia" in the notes does not overcome the problem encountered when searching by country for ALL that countries releases. They just simply would not appear at all and therefore the accurate database argument is dead in the water. What you really are advocating is an accurate database for the EU and USA. This does not work for those of us in the rest of the world and doesn't provide us with anything that looks like an accurate database.
Now to secret cyber-handshake deals. Just because a few high profile contributors agree in private (or on the site) to go about things a certain way does not make that site policy. We have all wafted and waned, changed tack and adopted new approaches on how to enter CDs on the site. This is a problem because these approaches are not covered by the site guidelines and if you want to alienate people this is the best way to go about it i.e have a set of guidelines that no-one follows and competing camps of self-righteous knobs (I include myself here) banging on about what they do or how to do it better. I think we need to take this back to the forum and sort it out once for all. We all have a better handle on it now and I know it's not easy but the status quo is not at all satisfactory from outside the EU or USA.
Have a look at how this is playing out with modern vinyl LPs as well. Here are my latest entries one made in the EU and one made in the USA both official local Australian releases, The problem is not restricted to CDs as manufacture and distribution of LPs is now the same as it is (was) for CDs. So my new method of entry is officially released in Australia as local product is listed by me at least as Australian. Now can you see what would happen to the accuracy of the Australian database if these albums were changed to EU or USA releases. These items would completely disappear just like they would if they were changed to international. So, no I'm not advocating changing anything to international but them's the rules we live by and I will point it out until it changes to something better.
Lee Wrecker 12th Apr 2020 | | CD AlbumSuper Furry Animals - Phantom Power (2003) | Nice review Magic but the album before this one "Rings Around The World" is the one for me so far as consistency of material goes. Make no mistake this is a great album start to finish but to my ears its predecessor is even better. Bands like the Furries don't come along very often - you know full of good ideas, novel approaches, a sense of fun and lyrics that actually mean something or work in a piece. Anyway these two albums would be the high watermark for the band in terms of consistency of material. After this one they returned to their wayward scattershot approach and while every subsequent album has some out and out corkers on them their later product doesn't match these two mid career efforts. Try "Radiator" in preference to "Guerilla" as an example of their earlier work. I'm a Superfanatical Furry Animal and know what's good for you.
Lee Wrecker 1st Apr 2020 | | CD AlbumSam And Dave - The Best Of Sam & Dave (1998) | Thanks PhilMH the same thing would apply to this whole "Soul Classics" series. I would have bought this Sam And Dave CD between 1993-5 along with this one where the same thing would apply. All should be listed as international except the Australian issues with the slightly different barcode. WEA also distributed the "Warner Archives" series and the "Atlantic and Atco Masters" series to Australia as well. In fact nearly everything owned and manufactured by WEA in the EU has made it to our shores so identifying anything as an EU release from WEA is more than likely to really be international. We have the other problem at our end where there are multiple international releases and some locally produced releases all in the same market sometimes even simultaneously. Beatles releases also fall into the same basket of having both EU and local pressings available as local Australian product.
Lee Wrecker 31st Mar 2020 | | CD AlbumSam And Dave - The Best Of Sam & Dave (1998) | Back in 29th Jan 2016 PhilMH said this "pretty sure that it was a local release (Australia); this number was already listed in the first Platterlog (Australian catalogue ) main catalogue that I got (August 1988). I've added some information in the first two sets of brackets for clarity. Discogs lists two different cat#s for the 1987 release date this one and the abbreviated cat# 781 279-2. So they don't know which came first and when the cat#s changed. I would have bought this as a local Australian release somewhere between 1990-93 but Phil's catalogue listing of 1988 would be a good place to start if we want to change the release date. All of these "Original Atlantic Recordings" EU manufactured series were released in Australia as local product. Sometimes a local version was manufactured too so Australia often has two or three local releases homemade and some EU made as cat#s changed over time. Confused? Or is that making sense.
Lee Wrecker 31st Mar 2020 | | CD AlbumOtis Redding - The Dock Of The Bay: The Definitive Collection (1987) | Added Inlay shot and now find that this cat# was used in the EU too! I'll have something to say about these international Rhino/Atlantic releases by WEA international inc. later today. They are are a bit of a conundrum with simultaneous global and local releases apparently existing at the same time. Seems WEA produced local copies in Australia and perhaps used EU stock distributed from the parent EU warehouses when they sold out or even prior to deciding to release them as a market tester. Whatever the case is in Australia we have had nearly all of the EU made Rhino/Atlantic catalogue released here as local stock.
Lee Wrecker 30th Mar 2020 | | CD AlbumThe Doors - Morrison Hotel (1984) | Eeks! what happened to the EKS that precedes the numbers in the US cat#? In the comments fixbutte correctly lists the US cat# as EKS 75007-2 but we have it listed as 75007-2. The EU disc pictured has the cat# 242 080 on the disc and spine but is listed as 042 080 on all the inlays pictured here. Therefore, the EU cat# 242 080 does not appear on any US releases at all and for that reason we should consider splitting the EU and US versions. This was early days in CD manufacture and what we have here is a CD made at the same pressing plant in West Germany but made specifically for two different markets.
In the US the cat# EKS 75007-2 was used up to 1989 for two subsequent releases of this CD and they when they appear should be added here. The EU CD cat# 242 080 was issued once in 1984 before the cat# was changed to 975 007-2 in 1988. The cuffs and collars don't match here for this CD to be listed as international and I think we should split them into separate EU and US listings. What do others think?
Lee Wrecker 30th Mar 2020 | | CD AlbumBuzzcocks - Singles Going Steady (2001) | ReviewThis was a 10/10 album in it's day but the running order on this particular CD re-issue undermine that fact. How so?
Well, the less than necessary bonus tracks, four in the middle and four at the end destroy this CD as a straight through listen. This jars with me as I have the original album and the track order imprinted in my brain so when the likes of "Strange Thing" pop up in the middle of the CD it really gets on my wick something shocking.
Of the first four bonus tracks only "You Say You Don't Love Me" matches the quality of what was the first side of the record and of the second set of four at the end only "Raison D'Être" cuts the mustard. The other six just interrupt the flow or detract from what was originally a solid album from start to finish. If they had put the bonus tracks on a separate CD it would be a much better proposition but as it is it's just a bit annoying to fast forward through three tracks in the middle of a CD.
A case of less is more unfortunately which has inadvertently reduced a great album to an average listen in the process. So only 8/10 for this version I'm afraid.
7 people found this review helpful. ✔︎ Helpful Review?
Lee Wrecker 23rd Feb 2020 | | CD AlbumElvis Costello And The Attractions - Almost Blue (1994) | This was the Australian release as well as nearly everywhere else.
Lee Wrecker 15th Feb 2020 | | CD AlbumBuddy Guy - Stone Crazy (1993) | Corrections were sent years ago (track 16 is by Guuy) and higher definition site spec images were added by me in 2018. There is no backlog of corrections I've been told but quite a few seem to fall through the cracks.
Lee Wrecker 1st Feb 2020 | | CD AlbumVarious Artists - Tougher Than Tough (1993) | Thanks Don Julian, you are right and there is a bit of a tale as to why Bob Marley gave credit to Vincent Ford for "No Woman, No Cry". Vincent was a friend of Marley's and ran soup kitchen in Trenchtown and it was Marley's intention that he receive the writing royalties from this track in order to keep the kitchen open. Marley also similarly credited Ford with writing "Crazy Baldhead" (with Marley's wife Rita), "Positive Vibration" and "Roots Rock Reggae". Although there is doubt over whether Ford actually contributed to the songs Vivien Goldman asked Ford point-blank "Was it you?" who wrote the songs. Ford never responded to the question directly, answering "Well, what do you think?" I've got my money on gifts from Bob.
Lee Wrecker 12th Jan 2020 | | CD AlbumMorphine - Good (1994) | According to Discogs the "Matrix / Runout: MADE BY DISCTRONICS B ** D31165 ** #01" but my copy here is slightly different with Matrix / Runout: MADE BY DISCTRONICS B ** D31165 ** #02. Mine is a 1994 second pressing though and it also has a green tinted jewel case. The 1993 Australian release was indeed only on Rykodisc (no Festival cat#) with cat# RCD 10263 as can be seen here here. So if you have the 1993 Australian version it should be entered as a separate entry to this version as they have different primary cat#s as well as different barcodes and I can't verify the the matrix on the 1993 release as I don't have it and it's not listed on the link above. You can check whether or not your copy matches the 1997 Ukraine unofficial release with matrix runout details SS 0497-0033 CSS STELLT LTD CDA1 here. I hope this helps to some degree.
Lee Wrecker 15th Dec 2019 | | CD AlbumGene Vincent - Volume 1 (Bluejean Bop / Gene And The Blue Caps) (1992) | Well, there you go make1968 I'm way off the mark. Anyway what a compilation this is. It has two of my favourite slightly less known Gene Vincent songs "I Flipped" and "You Told A Fib" as well as his great version of "Jezebel". How does the CD sound? Is the stereo alright?
Lee Wrecker 12th Dec 2019 | | CD AlbumGene Vincent - Volume 1 (Bluejean Bop / Gene And The Blue Caps) (1992) | Looks like a "cheapie" USA release, mastered "July 1992 New York City" and this mystery TNT label released seemed to release a lot of albums in 1992. Does anyone outside the USA own a release on this label? I don't think I've ever seen one for sale in Australia these sorts of releases usually turn up in our $1 shops one way or another.
Lee Wrecker 30th Nov 2019 | | CD AlbumManfred Mann - The Very Best Of Manfred Mann (1998) | Yes, sheepdip1234 the label should be "Music for Pleasure" but I think the primary cat# is correct and CD MFP 6381 should be added as a secondary cat#.
Fixed (mod.edit)
Lee Wrecker 28th Oct 2019 | | CD AlbumThe Corrs - In Blue (Special Edition) (2000) | I don't even know what "warehouse" is but this is a NZ made CD for the NZ market. Why it turned up near you is a mystery to me, bro (that's kiwi talk). Still think it is an NZ specific release you can look here if you want to try and prove otherwise but as you'll see there are more differences than similarities when you get down to tin tacks.
Lee Wrecker 28th Oct 2019 | | CD AlbumThe Monkees - Original Album Series (2009) | The CD is wrong but lists David Gates as the writer of 1-02 and site protocols are to list as presented including mistakes in spelling, track list and composers. So in my view it may be wrong but it is entered correctly.
Lee Wrecker 27th Oct 2019 | | CD AlbumThe Corrs - In Blue (Special Edition) (2000) | ppint this is a specific NZ release containing an extra song 1-16 "Judy" that only appears on this issue. The Australian version (15 not 16 tracks) also has a different barcode but does have the second disc as presented here. So as usual, differences outweigh similarities. This is definitely a NZ only release as far as I can see.
Lee Wrecker 30th Sep 2019 | | CD AlbumThe Doors - Strange Days (2007) | It gets better! Here is the EU release and here is the Argentinian version and guess what? Their barcodes, labels and cat#s all match. Now we have the daunting prospect of having two different international versions of this CD on the the site none of which will be much use to anyone for cataloging or record keeping purposes. Only five countries of release looked at and we now potentially have two different international releases. Preposterous - this is why this system doesn't work.
Lee Wrecker 25th Sep 2019 | | CD AlbumThe Doors - Strange Days (2007) | Given that the USA and Mexican releases have the same cat# and barcode (see here and here) it is by our reckoning an international release. Just another example of why the international category is not so great. CDs manufactured in a country for that market are not deemed to be from that country but rather international due to matching cat#s and barcodes. Surely we can use the "specific market (country of release)" criteria here instead of lumping everything with matching other data into the bottomless pit of partially identified CDs in the international category.
Lee Wrecker 24th Sep 2019 | | CD AlbumSimple Minds - Life In A Day (1986) | Yes, this was their debut. A band that had many incarnations until they finally broke through. Some of them better than what they became known for and some (as is the case here) worse. This is the sound of a band looking for direction or a sound. It's not bad but it's a disjointed collection of ideas and songs that show some promise.
Lee Wrecker 14th Sep 2019 | | CD AlbumMarvin Gaye - The Best Of Marvin Gaye (1995) | Another Australian release! See Phil's comment. Is it getting boring yet?? Something still needs to be done about these problems in this land. I'll be back with more when I can be bothered trying to untangle the intangible.
Lee Wrecker 14th Sep 2019 | | CD AlbumAir - 10,000HZ Legend (2001) | Same again, this also was released in Australia.
Lee Wrecker 14th Sep 2019 | | CD AlbumAir - Talkie Walkie (2004) | This was the Australian release also. Strangely though only Moon Safari was actually manufactured in Australia all their later releases were the EU version released here for the local market. Apparently, that consisted of me and a couple of friends of mine. Not enough people for the label to bother gearing up the factory to produce a local issue anyway.
Lee Wrecker 7th Sep 2019 | | CD AlbumGomez - Liquid Skin (1999) | This CD was released in Australia as a local release.
Lee Wrecker 29th Jul 2019 | | CD AlbumKool And The Gang - The Singles Collection (1988) | The way I would go about this Phil is as follows. Change country to UK and add (send a correction) "This CD was released in Australia on 20th March 1989" to the notes. That way the integrity of the original release UK release will be preserved and identifiable and the fact that is was also an Australian release will also be apparent. Making it "international" will destroy its identity on both counts. I think we're all after accuracy in the entries and this way all the data will be available on this entry. I would not be in favour of creating a separate Australian entry in this case as the disc was not produced here. If it were, I would be in favour of splitting the releases along the lines of the intended market rule - that the disc was made with the intention of being sold in Australia specifically but that is not the case here.
Lee Wrecker 28th Jul 2019 | | CD AlbumCaptain Beefheart And His Magic Band - Live In Vancouver 1981 (2019) | "Bog Eyed Beans From Venus" eh? That's got my mind racing in all kinds of weird directions. How about changing some of the other titles to match i.e. "Bog Head", "Best Bog Yet" and of course "Bog Chain Puller". I'll send a correction but it did make me laugh when I saw it and apologies for my crappy sense of humour.
Fixed (mod.edit)