Whenever I switch say from 45spaces to 45worlds I get a momentary screen that says something like "Just checking you're Human". Is this a new thing, and what's it for?
I'm not sure either how the system determines that I am human but it's reassuring that it does decide that every single time so far without fail.
In any case, it's probably a good idea to ramp up security against potential hacking bots, given that even the Internet Archive got recently hacked and was forced to go offline for about 2 weeks. I'm not sure what the hackers hoped to achieve with this, but I can't imagine they were hoping to make a lot of money there.
Who's reaching out to capture a moment? Member since Jan 2012 12635 Points
This human reality check comes up very often and currently on almost every edit action or entry check. Not the intention? Post scriptum: seems to have corrected itself....
It is sometimes startling because on my browser the screen goes dark (the check is stuck in "night mode" for some reason. But I've had no issues with it yet, and much prefer it over the annoying Captcha option. That said, one would think registered users of good standing wouldn't need it. But it's probably easier/less expensive to do it for everyone than set up a system that bypasses a certain class of user. Is this still used for people who subscribe?
Too Many Records , Too Little Time Member since Jan 2013 306 Points
Zab I think it needs to check the age cookie to ensure you dont see 18+ material , dodgy punk singles and obs the videos/films section of the 18 rated movies
Caddacack oh da ca-caddacack, shy shy skagellack Member since Jun 2010 4188 Points
Whyperion wrote:
Zab I think it needs to check the age cookie to ensure you dont see 18+ material , dodgy punk singles and obs the videos/films section of the 18 rated movies
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3479 Points Moderator
I'm using firefox - you get an basic 'Checking You Are Human' page and if you tick the box everything goes smoothly. But if you don't tick the box, you get an error page
The check is buggy. It's asking me to click the "Verify you're human" thing every time I upload an image. You'd think being a registered member would allow at least one click per session. Or is this something you need to be a paid member for?
We're trying to find the balance between making the website secure and making the website easy to use for members.
There is a huge amount of automated/fake/bot/AI traffic that hits our website (and probably all websites). So we need to use a firewall to filter out bad traffic.
If you're using a normal internet connection then you shouldn't be seeing a "verify" page, and you should definitely only be seeing it once per visit.