Contribution Credits - Various ArtistsTape Media Submitted By | Malcyramone SUBS (1112), jarppi64 SUBS (436), philwill SUBS (115), Chatterdj (113), ajtharp (103), Collsrt ● (102), stevewyatt215 (85), lorangrecords SUBS (83), Redpunk SUBS ● (79), robozuc ● (78), pudgym (77), goodrats (68), Paul Vinyl (66), Trainman (66), drwinstonboogie1978 (65), dr.zoze (63), Sundius-Larsen SUBS (59), Jasper (58), camshaft SUBS (57), ViOREX (52), AllHit45s (46), SirJohn (46), HOOK45 SUBS ● (44), LaurenceD SUBS (44), Mystdrf (41), Careys SUBS (37), gnag150flow (35), tkonst (35), nboldock (34), 83montlvr (28), Jo Atmon (28), BigBadBluesMan (27), MR B PAGE (25), Castafiore (24), RockyRock369 (23), stephenwyatt1967 (23), Jace59 (21), neil86 (21), Ee-dEE (20), frank itiis (19), mister_tmg (16), Quad5point1 SUBS ● (15), mogorva (14), Roland Lavallee (14), RPFiller (14), whitewhale1965 (14), plerner SUBS (12), 23skidoo (11), 45stalker (11), An6y66 (11), dr.pepper1952 (11), fantasticbaggie SUBS (11), gregs45s SUBS ● (11), PARISIEN (11), swbcfc (11), Iggypig (10), LouisSidney (10), noel181 (10), rover77 (10), Thin Yoghurt (10), mlgh224 SUBS (9), starshinesquirrel (9), Steptoe (9), Christer Peters (8), HerbieDerHerbmeister (8), Steel-River-Wet SUBS (8), coveboy (7), GEMSMFAN (7), guykan (7), manuelgjara ● (7), mikerhyl SUBS (7), TheJudge🍰 (7), Bodston SUBS (6), harrisgame (6), highlandmacloud (6), jaimeeduardo (6), ppint. (6), vidman45 (6), confranfan SUBS (5), Dr Doom SUBS (5), Fabio Minero (5), hookrecords (5), nilnav45 (5), TheDroid (5), Zx0713 (5), Burbot Cusk (4), Dean Detroit (4), henry29 (4), make1968 (4), Monolith (4), TopPopper (4), Whassup (4), 55bluesman ● (3), Bgray1 (3), BiggieTembo (3), Burton LeB SUBS (3), ecwashere (3), edlongus SUBS (3), goodbear66 (3), Hawkmarty SUBS (3), kab2112 SUBS (3), littleskirt (3), manus54 ● (3), peter jones (3), poohbear (3), RockOla (3), umbria99 (3), 3.mybabyleftme ● (2), 45rpm+ (2), Graham7 (2), inactive member (2), JLC135 (2), JohnnyCool (2), Kiki E. Heredia (2), Le Parolier (2), LordSesshomaru (2), maxxvolume ● (2), melle51 ● (2), mrblond (2), OldMod67 (2), Paul King Fan Forever (2), Quicksilver (2), sick and tired (2), Sinkronizer (2), sladesounds (2), stereotom (2), Tangerine (2), 7226power (1), assmandr (1), avp2029 (1), Billy Two (1), cannyuk SUBS (1), Clearmountain_Music (1), confaniom (1), DagB73 (1), Deltics (1), dsflixan (1), Echo-One-Six (1), endspiel (1), gastronaut (1), HIDEKI WATANABE (1), inactive member (1), inactive member (1), jakal68 (1), Jake Leither (1), John Upton (1), JPGR&B SUBS (1), keebrev (1), kimbozw (1), Lee Wrecker (1), Loose-Ends (1), Lupine Assassin (1), markdegroot (1), McPetax (1), misa4432 (1), moviekat (1), musicmasters (1), Oakley Boys (1), Peteyboy SUBS (1), pine-monkey (1), plecostomus (1), popkat (1), Pridesale (1), Ready Teddy 1956 (1), recordplayer (1), sailorsam (1), sasquatch (1), snoker (1), SonicAndOKKOFanatic 2020 (1), Strange Changes (1), taypewurm (1), Terence Archer (1), thatsunday🍰 (1), The Bear (1), thewillismon (1), Traumer (1), Vinyl Fan ● (1), WildBird (1), wildervogel (1), Wurzelsepp (1), YankeeDisc SUBS (1) | Images Submitted By | Malcyramone SUBS (5538), jarppi64 SUBS (1986), philwill SUBS (707), Redpunk SUBS ● (525), ajtharp (492), Paul Vinyl (455), robozuc ● (414), lorangrecords SUBS (352), ViOREX (341), dr.zoze (300), LaurenceD SUBS (285), camshaft SUBS (253), Jasper (249), Trainman (228), Careys SUBS (213), HOOK45 SUBS ● (213), drwinstonboogie1978 (187), Mystdrf (178), AllHit45s (168), Sundius-Larsen SUBS (146), tkonst (127), 83montlvr (118), Quad5point1 SUBS ● (112), Jace59 (107), Collsrt ● (99), neil86 (90), nboldock (73), starshinesquirrel (73), fantasticbaggie SUBS (67), frank itiis (65), whitewhale1965 (65), dr.pepper1952 (61), goodrats (61), Castafiore (60), gregs45s SUBS ● (56), Steptoe (53), rover77 (50), SirJohn (49), mogorva (47), Steel-River-Wet SUBS (47), HerbieDerHerbmeister (45), Ee-dEE (44), guykan (43), hookrecords (41), mlgh224 SUBS (40), PARISIEN (40), Whassup (34), Bodston SUBS (30), manuelgjara ● (30), harrisgame (29), nilnav45 (29), TheDroid (27), 45stalker (25), Iggypig (25), swbcfc (25), TheJudge🍰 (24), vidman45 (23), mikerhyl SUBS (22), Monolith (22), Sinkronizer (22), confranfan SUBS (21), Dr Doom SUBS (21), edlongus SUBS (21), GEMSMFAN (21), Thin Yoghurt (21), jaimeeduardo (20), noel181 (20), Jo Atmon (19), Roland Lavallee (18), musicmasters (17), RPFiller (17), An6y66 (16), Burton LeB SUBS (16), goodbear66 (16), Lee Wrecker (16), 55bluesman ● (15), RockOla (15), TopPopper (15), coveboy (14), Zx0713 (14), BiggieTembo (13), LouisSidney (13), Graham7 (12), henry29 (12), make1968 (12), plerner SUBS (12), littleskirt (11), JohnnyCool (10), Le Parolier (10), YankeeDisc SUBS (10), Hawkmarty SUBS (9), highlandmacloud (9), John Upton (9), kab2112 SUBS (9), pudgym (9), sladesounds (9), Tangerine (9), 3.mybabyleftme ● (8), ecwashere (8), Christer Peters (7), Dean Detroit (7), Echo-One-Six (7), melle51 ● (7), sailorsam (7), sick and tired (7), 45rpm+ (6), cannyuk SUBS (6), endspiel (6), inactive member (6), keebrev (6), mrblond (6), Paul King Fan Forever (6), Quicksilver (6), threeofus (6), 23skidoo (5), Billy Two (5), HIDEKI WATANABE (5), Jake Leither (5), JPGR&B SUBS (5), maxxvolume ● (5), PaythePiper SUBS (5), Traumer (5), wswalcott (5), confaniom (4), Fabio Minero (4), jakal68 (4), Loose-Ends (4), Lupine Assassin (4), manus54 ● (4), OldMod67 (4), pine-monkey (4), poohbear (4), popkat (4), sasquatch (4), Terence Archer (4), thatsunday🍰 (4), The Bear (4), thewillismon (4), Wurzelsepp (4), Bgray1 (3), DagB73 (3), eevee2006 (3), markdegroot (3), mister_tmg (3), Ready Teddy 1956 (3), snoker (3), Vinyl Fan ● (3), WildBird (3), wildervogel (3), Deltics (2), inactive member (2), JLC135 (2), kimbozw (2), moviekat (2), Oakley Boys (2), Peteyboy SUBS (2), Pridesale (2), RockyRock369 (2), scrough (2), Strange Changes (2), assmandr (1), avp2029 (1), Clearmountain_Music (1), fearlessclarke (1), Gabker60 (1), inactive member (1), McPetax (1), misa4432 (1), umbria99 (1) | Additional Info By | Malcyramone SUBS , stevewyatt215, Chatterdj, philwill SUBS , Collsrt ●, jarppi64 SUBS , AllHit45s, starshinesquirrel, goodrats, Ee-dEE, stephenwyatt1967, nboldock, Jasper, Quad5point1 SUBS ●, camshaft SUBS , fantasticbaggie SUBS , swbcfc, Steel-River-Wet SUBS , drwinstonboogie1978, frank itiis, gregs45s SUBS ●, mogorva, robozuc ●, BigBadBluesMan, tkonst, Trainman, dr.pepper1952, Fabio Minero, Steptoe, ViOREX, whitewhale1965, Dean Detroit, guykan, HerbieDerHerbmeister, LouisSidney, mister_tmg, noel181, OldMod67, RPFiller, Sundius-Larsen SUBS , WildBird, 3.mybabyleftme ●, 45stalker, 83montlvr, An6y66, confranfan SUBS , coveboy, CygnusX1, Dr Doom SUBS , dr.zoze, endspiel, gnag150flow, HOOK45 SUBS ●, hookrecords, Iggypig, Jace59, JLC135, Jo Atmon, JohnnyCool, Magic Marmalade, Monolith, MoreFloyd, neil86, peter jones, PhilMH, poohbear, RockOla, sailorsam, Sinkronizer, stereotom, TheDroid, Traumer, wildervogel | Corrections By | Malcyramone SUBS , jarppi64 SUBS , philwill SUBS , Jasper, whitewhale1965, ViOREX, Collsrt ●, tkonst, camshaft SUBS , mister_tmg, stevewyatt215, Chatterdj, Ee-dEE, Trainman, Jace59, pudgym, Quad5point1 SUBS ●, RPFiller, cupparober, gnag150flow, gregs45s SUBS ●, HerbieDerHerbmeister, Mystdrf, Steel-River-Wet SUBS , Dean Detroit, frank itiis, starshinesquirrel, Whassup, 45stalker, 7226power, 83montlvr, AllHit45s, BigBadBluesMan, Burton LeB SUBS , Careys SUBS , harrisgame, jaimeeduardo, kab2112 SUBS , maxxvolume ●, mikerhyl SUBS , MoreFloyd, nilnav45, ppint., Sundius-Larsen SUBS , swbcfc, Whyperion SUBS , 23skidoo, An6y66, BiggieTembo, boyjohn, cannyuk SUBS , dr.zoze, endspiel, fantasticbaggie SUBS , GEMSMFAN, Grondzero, guykan, henry29, jakal68, Jake Leither, Jo Atmon, John Upton, JohnnyCool, LouisSidney, manus54 ●, musicmasters, nboldock, PhilMH, popkat, RecordDragon, RockyRock369, snap07801, stephenwyatt1967, Steptoe, The Bear, TheDroid, Thin Yoghurt, YankeeDisc SUBS |
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