Vinyl Albums

Capitol UK - Contribution Credits

Vinyl Albums Submitted Byraowood (76), duckeggs001 (49), sladesounds (49), Redpunk
(40), kab2112
(32), 7226power (28), davie gordon (28), LouisSidney (23), Hawkmarty
(20), kevhutson (19), MrPasta
(19), gregs45s
(18), leonard (18), caseellerbroek
(14), plerner
(13), Dr Doom
(12), make1968 (12), 55bluesman (11), Gonzoid (11), Scratchy45 (11), Malcyramone
(10), RPFiller (10), FunkyFinch45 (9), candiman
(8), carryonsidney (8), swbcfc (8), Trester (8), Abborocks57 (7), dr.pepper1952 (7), Graham7 (7), sgt.pepper (7), umbria99 (7), chrisb (6), janiejjones (6), Mark Clucas (6), RogerFoster (6), sheepdip1234
(6), Sigurbjorn
(6), soundlab (6), thebluesneverdie (6), Tony P (6), Vinyllover (6), bocknobby (5), Earthspark78 (5), gnag150flow (5), Jacques RAILLARD (5), rocket666 (5), Tc-630 (5), Birgit Klausen (4), Collsrt (4), Damian Małkowski (4), doormanperdomo (4), JesterWX (4), josmyselfandme (4), Juke Jules
(4), Magic Marmalade (4), misa4432 (4), natrulez (4), nboldock (4), nicoldo64 (4), oldman1 (4), philwill
(4), Robert Goodchild
(4), Santiago Molinero Sisto (4), The Bicker Man (4), ajtharp (3), CliffS (3), disco45 (3), Fabio Minero (3), Finish-Ed (3), hedgehopperray (3), John Upton (3), JRyder1964 (3), Madame Streggae (3), okun69 (3), Peter_Davis (3), PJL_RECORDS (3), rambler (3), Rock n Roll 16 (3), sapper (3), stephencooper388 (3), tardisray (3), TheJudge (3), vincenzo (3), AllHit45s (2), BEAEEN10 (2), Bodston
(2), BoppinDaddy+ (2), coleman5 (2), curtains2001 (2), dollybabe (2), Elmore (2), Felonious (2), geoffgil (2), goodbear66 (2), Jdhoggs (2), LaurenceD
(2), Leopard60
(2), lesjackson (2), Lovinda (2), mandelson (2), missedout (2), MR B PAGE (2), Mr Moozik (2), paneity (2), peter mclaren (2), ppint. (2), Quad5point1
(2), robozuc (2), seanbss (2), snig72 (2), thesinfin (2), Trainman (2), Vinyl Fan (2), Westhamboy (2), wordnwot (2), YankeeDisc
(2), 12months (1), 18andout (1), 78-Ron (1), allywally (1), An6y66 (1), annaloog (1), anticlimax2 (1), appendum (1), archieboy (1), Auto_Da_Fe (1), bandstandmusic (1), bernard pezet (1), BigBadBluesMan (1), blackmouse (1), bluegene (1), blunderpuss (1), bobbiegirl (1), Boppinkeefy (1), bottomless (1), brian_ns (1), broadwaybill (1), burdockman (1), Burton LeB
(1), camshaft
(1), capitolcity (1), catecat (1), catiecat (1), catscradle (1), chairman1 (1), charlie 45 (1), checkm8 (1), closedown (1), closedown2 (1), coalman55 (1), countryboy (1), curtaindown (1), cussincarryinon02 (1), darrenst (1), decottignies (1), Deja Vu (1), deltic (1), doobydoo (1), dressedtokill (1), duckduckgone (1), easyjoe (1), edlongus
(1), Ee-dEE (1), elembry (1), eltroubadour (1), endofanera (1), endtask (1), endtitles (1), exodus66 (1), farewelltour (1), Filmick (1), finfin (1), fishfin (1), Fokeman (1), frank itiis (1), fullscore (1), GEMSMFAN (1), getalife (1), Gian_paolo (1), Gilberts004
(1), gimble (1), goodrats (1), Graham Donkersley (1), Hapereb
(1), harryo (1), Helen Willemse (1), Honeybear (1), HOOK45
(1), jakal68 (1), jaws-site (1), jobied (1), jogrant (1), JPGR&B
(1), Kevin Walsh1 (1), kevinhyam (1), kingcole (1), kingkung (1), kittycat (1), labellogist (1), lastchancesaloon (1), lastgoodbye (1), lastorders (1), Lee Wrecker (1), lizalegs (1), lizaluvver (1), loosend (1), madeye (1), magwitch (1), marillionfan (1), Mariner16 (1), Maxwell53 (1), maxxvolume (1), missionaccomplished (1), missioncomplete (1), motley101 (1), Mr Freeze (1), mrscaretaker (1), mrvica (1), musiclibrary1 (1), musictom
(1), mymarie (1), natdaman (1), nickinstoke (1), omega1 (1), omega2 (1), Paul Vinyl (1), plecostomus (1), plocky45 (1), PopMister (1), postmanlondon (1), Pridesale (1), Problem Child (1), quaddy5 (1), Retrowax (1), rockwave (1), RockyRock369 (1), scansout (1), Screentime (1), scrough (1), sharpie (1), sinatrad! (1), sinatraphile (1), Sinfinned (1), skeletor (1), Skywalker007 (1), soundcats (1), soundseasy (1), sparkling champagne (1), stagedoorjudy (1), stairkat (1), Steel-River-Wet
(1), Stephen Harris (1), stevewyatt215 (1), Sundius-Larsen
(1), sunrise-sunset (1), SvendHenrik00 (1), Swoop78 (1), syncopater (1), tempus-fugit (1), Terence Archer (1), terrorize (1), terrymanson (1), thecompletecole (1), thefinofsin (1), thelastangel (1), thepostscript (1), Tim Cox (1), tonycalvino (1), twonky (1), Update (1), Vinyl Eric (1), wax_museum (1), whizcat (1), wswalcott (1)
Images Submitted Bysladesounds (273), kab2112
(220), Redpunk
(180), Hawkmarty
(120), MrPasta
(116), duckeggs001 (115), leonard (111), raowood (99), gregs45s
(98), make1968 (91), Graham7 (89), chrisb (84), Trester (82), kevhutson (74), Malcyramone
(63), caseellerbroek
(61), dr.pepper1952 (50), Quad5point1
(50), 55bluesman (49), Dr Doom
(47), Scratchy45 (43), misa4432 (42), janiejjones (36), Vinyllover (35), LouisSidney (34), Jacques RAILLARD (31), Sigurbjorn
(30), Tony P (30), davie gordon (28), Juke Jules
(27), swbcfc (25), FunkyFinch45 (24), goodbear66 (24), RogerFoster (24), sparkling champagne (21), nicoldo64 (20), sapper (20), Tc-630 (20), doormanperdomo (19), Lovinda (19), Magic Marmalade (18), Felonious (17), josmyselfandme (17), sheepdip1234
(17), Abborocks57 (15), robozuc (15), hedgehopperray (14), HOOK45
(14), JesterWX (14), okun69 (14), Skywalker007 (14), disco45 (13), retromusic (13), Bodston
(12), Damian Małkowski (12), John Upton (12), Peter_Davis (12), Santiago Molinero Sisto (12), stephencooper388 (12), thebluesneverdie (12), TheJudge (12), xmascate (12), getalife (11), Gilberts004
(11), labellogist (11), PJL_RECORDS (11), ajtharp (10), Jdhoggs (10), Mr Scan (10), philwill
(10), Vinyl Fan (10), Lee Wrecker (9), lesjackson (9), Paul Vinyl (9), SirGeorgeUproar (9), Auto_Da_Fe (8), edlongus
(8), Elmore (8), Fabio Minero (8), Kevin Walsh1 (8), Mariner16 (8), Rock n Roll 16 (8), stoutfellow51 (8), SvendHenrik00 (8), Robert Goodchild
(7), star-chaser (7), tricentre2 (7), An6y66 (6), burdockman (6), Burton LeB
(6), Collsrt (6), curtains2001 (6), cussincarryinon02 (6), endtitles (6), Finish-Ed (6), Focus B (6), hiwatt1973 (6), inmylife (6), intothesunset (6), Katman (6), Movie Tunez (6), Pattygirl (6), rambler (6), Sinfinned (6), TopKat (6), wordnwot (6), capitolcity (5), Helen Willemse (5), jordansongs (5), lastchancesaloon (5), poinciana (5), rob2553 (5), thatsunday (5), torchsinger (5), 45hound (4), 78-Ron (4), appendum (4), archie25 (4), bernard pezet (4), bluegene (4), blunderpuss (4), broadwaybill (4), C4sp3r (4), camshaft
(4), chairman1 (4), charlie 45 (4), checkm8 (4), Curtain (4), curtaindown (4), darrenst (4), deltic (4), duckduckgone (4), Finis2020 (4), fishfin (4), frank itiis (4), Hapereb
(4), itsmebilly (4), lagnacs (4), LaurenceD
(4), lizalegs (4), lorangrecords
(4), madeye (4), magwitch (4), mikec2137
(4), Mr Moozik (4), mrvica (4), musictom
(4), namnacs (4), nickinstoke (4), omega2 (4), plocky45 (4), razwilliams (4), scrough (4), sinatraphile (4), Starfired (4), Stephen Harris (4), syncopater (4), Terence Archer (4), thehatman (4), thesinfin (4), tonycalvino (4), Trainman (4), UncleDavid (4), Update (4), vintagevinyl (4), Vinyl Eric (4), Your Music (4), Yuefeng (4), 12months (3), booklet (3), bsf1975 (3), CliffS (3), closedown (3), dressedtokill (3), endtask (3), frankieb (3), frankiefan2 (3), GEMSMFAN (3), jazzend (3), jobied (3), Mickey Wooders (3), mymarie (3), omega1 (3), pvedsted (3), roundup (3), Sinkronizer (3), sunset (3), thefinofsin (3), thelastangel (3), 18andout (2), accomplish-ed (2), allover (2), allywally (2), alyspal (2), Angel Angie (2), annaloog (2), bandstandmusic (2), BEAEEN10 (2), Bob1951 (2), BoppinDaddy+ (2), Boppinkeefy (2), brasil2019 (2), catecat (2), catscradle (2), changelinguk (2), classicsounds (2), closedown2 (2), closedshop (2), coalman55 (2), Completo (2), corringhamlad (2), curtain-fall (2), curtains (2), daisydukes (2), deepred (2), Deja Vu (2), El Finito (2), eltroubadour (2), endofanera (2), Epilogue (2), farewelltour (2), Filmick (2), Finatra (2), finfin (2), forgottensounds (2), franfan (2), franked-out (2), fullscore (2), geoffgil (2), Gian_paolo (2), ginovinyl (2), GlobalGrooves (2), Gonzoid (2), heyholetsgo (2), Honeybear (2), jakal68 (2), jaspergiggles (2), jaws-site (2), jawssite (2), jazzed-out (2), JBGeoff (2), jonesygirl (2), karswellbill (2), kevinhyam (2), King Billy (2), lastgoodbye (2), lastlabel (2), lastorders (2), lizaluvver (2), lollymick (2), Loose Endz (2), loosend (2), marillionfan (2), maxxvolume (2), mick wooders (2), missionaccomplished (2), missioncomplete (2), mistere (2), Mr Freeze (2), mr-scan (2), mrscaretaker (2), musiclibrary1 (2), nereus (2), onestop (2), paneity (2), passarinho (2), peter mclaren (2), proman (2), psychodave1 (2), purepop (2), quaddy5 (2), ratsorizzo (2), Retrowax (2), scansout (2), Screentime (2), sgt.pepper (2), sinatrad! (2), sinfin (2), skeletor (2), soundcats (2), soundseasy (2), Soundtrack (2), stagedoorjudy (2), stairkat (2), Star Chaser (2), straker (2), sunrise-sunset (2), Syd Vliet (2), tempus-fugit (2), The End (2), the torch singer (2), thecompletecole (2), thelastsunset (2), thepostscript (2), thepretender (2), Tim Cox (2), twonky (2), vinaly (2), whaleshark (2), whitewhale1965 (2), whizcat (2), Wooders (2), wswalcott (2), ZackMcBuick
(2), abbaroni (1), And Finally (1), arjayvee
(1), BandBox244 (1), bestofeverything (1), brian_ns (1), carryonsidney (1), dorseyfan (1), dutchy1967 (1), ebbtide (1), Ee-dEE (1), elfinito (1), gonefishin (1), goodrats (1), Graham Donkersley (1), highlandmacloud (1), HumpyDory (1), indyout (1), jazzkitty (1), jerryb5 (1), joebuck (1), journeysend (1), karswell (1), La Fin (1), loungelord (1), motley101 (1), Mrgobby (1), mrswhiskers (1), msmarie (1), nam-nacs (1), Ronald van Maaren (1), scanman4 (1), Scanned (1), scannerman (1), shutdown2 (1), sortie (1), stretchling (1), Sundius-Larsen
(1), supplement (1), Swoop78 (1), TOKENHIPPIE (1), tony-calvino (1), TOPRANKER (1), Westhamboy (1), whiskey whiskers (1)
Additional Info ByKosmos, The Bicker Man, vincenzo, 7226power, rocket666, Trester, LouisSidney, Collsrt, davie gordon, make1968, swbcfc, caseellerbroek
, janiejjones, misa4432, Galaxy, kab2112
, motley101, Stargazer, Evenstar, leonard, lordjim, natrulez, Burton LeB
, Cameron McMenemy, RPFiller, ZackMcBuick
, Avsredwings , broadwaybill, chrisb, Cygnus X1, CygnusX1, duckeggs001, Fokeman, gregs45s
, harryo, philwill
, Skywalker007, sladesounds, stoutfellow51, whitewhale1965 , 18andout, An6y66, bandstandmusic, blunderpuss, BoppinDaddy+, burdockman, Cameron J McMenemy, camshaft
, Cosmos, curtaindown, curtains2001, decottignies, disco45, dollybabe, doobydoo, Dr Doom
, dr.pepper1952, duckduckgone, Elmore , eltroubadour, fullfinish, FunkyFinch45, hiwatt1973, Katman, kevhutson, Kevin Walsh1, labellogist, Lee Wrecker, Magic Marmalade, Malcyramone
, maxxvolume, melle51, Mikey W, Moonshadow, Mr Freeze, Mr. Blaze, oldman1, omega1, Quad5point1
, rockintc, Shawn Brinkey2020, Sinkronizer, Starman, Steel-River-Wet
, theavenger, thelastangel, tonycalvino, TonyClapson, Trainman, umbria99, Upsetter FC, vidman45, xmascate
Corrections Bywhitewhale1965 , The Bicker Man, duckeggs001, 7226power, Galaxy, Kosmos, ppint., Cygnus X1, Stargazer, kab2112
, okun69, chrisb, Collsrt, CygnusX1, gregs45s
, HOOK45
, Lovinda, Nebula, Quad5point1
, YankeeDisc
, Burton LeB
, doormanperdomo, goodbear66, Katman, philwill
, Santiago Molinero Sisto, Scratchy45, Vinyl Fan, ZackMcBuick
, coalman55, Deltics, dr.pepper1952, getalife, Kevin Walsh1, lollymick, LouisSidney, Malcyramone
, Moonshadow, 45hound, arjayvee
, bocknobby, capitolcity, caseellerbroek
, coleman5, disco45, FunkyFinch45, GEMSMFAN, Graham7, heyholetsgo, hookrecords, Jacques RAILLARD, janiejjones, josmyselfandme, kevhutson, lastorders, Lee Wrecker, marillionfan, misa4432, missedout, MrPasta
, oldman1, paneity, passarinho, Peter_Davis, Redpunk
, Retrowax, rocket666, seanbss, Sinkronizer, stoutfellow51, Strawberry_Lynn, swbcfc, thecompletecole, TheDroid, Tim Cox, tony-calvino, tonycalvino, TopPopper, Trainman, Trester, umbria99, vincenzo, Vinyl Eric, vinylguy909, Warlock, whaleshark

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