78 RPM

Decca UK - Contribution Credits

78 RPM Submitted ByRedpunk
(545), mister_tmg (325), soultwinz
(217), ShinyBlackRoundThing (213), ChristopherRobin (189), Spinning Shellac 1959 (161), MrPasta
(124), Nigel Pittham (93), Worldstamps (81), cronkey (75), VinylSid (72), Swoop78 (70), Graham7 (62), lorangrecords
(59), darrenst (57), Sigurbjorn
(55), DreamMachine (54), DAWARD (52), leofric (48), gregs45s
(44), Chis Mac (40), Alan Warby (37), Paul-Hughes (37), Scratchy45 (36), danceband91 (35), F.Scott-Fitzgerald (35), bispham2 (34), jakethehiggler (34), Bamboo (33), Robert Ham (33), Ee-dEE (32), JLC135 (32), pandah (31), Whyperion
(31), paneity (30), decottignies (29), Sundius-Larsen
(28), tomaszposzwinski (26), Meon Valley Records (25), mikey405 (25), rocket78
(24), 78-Ron (22), jago125 (21), alan45
(19), RAK Attack (19), kab2112
(16), davie gordon (15), Jarkka (15), Pridesale (15), Stephen Harris (15), thebluesneverdie (15), pathefoon (14), johnwhal78 (13), mikejones (13), podgypipes (13), Tonybutt (13), 78awp01 (12), Ade Macrow (12), mabrabec (12), MatthewDown (12), andrewludwig (11), apple_enjoyer342 (11), Chris Teitge (11), Dean Detroit (11), Gamla Grammofoner
(11), KeithS
(11), ahoppo (10), Lisrodden
(10), nidostar (10), Westhamboy (10), chmieleg (9), Leedon (9), raowood (9), Strawberry_Lynn (9), Tomasz Poszwiński (9), wurlitzer 1550a
(9), davyjones (8), nanocyar (8), TheJudge (8), BRE123 (7), DJA1969 (7), doormanperdomo (7), golfboy (7), Lubanbandige15 (7), MrShellac (7), Mystdrf (7), p00hbear (7), burdockman (6), dezwarteschijf (6), keebrev (6), leaf1960
(6), Lovinda (6), nboldock (6), PeterAbbott (6), polstain (6), seanbss (6), Bob Lilley (5), Charlie Chalk (5), getalife (5), Jock_Girl (5), LisaCrane (5), Nicholas Barta
(5), nutsaboutfoxtrot (5), Robert Goodchild
(5), rockin-geoff (5), Ross McCreery (5), sgt weatherman (5), swbcfc (5), Bob1951 (4), bruce135 (4), carryonsidney (4), Diotger (4), Dr Doom
(4), Grondzero (4), jakal68 (4), Joakim Hillberg (4), Liredoc (4), LouisSidney (4), melle51 (4), moondog (4), oldhippy (4), sheepdip1234
(4), Tracy breach (4), Vulpesinlanius (4), Allan Rowlands (3), andlj
(3), cyeaman
(3), David78Collection (3), DunBHS (3), Fishman2 (3), GeneRobertson (3), ggmoate (3), gricer46 (3), John W1 (3), Klepsie (3), minimaart (3), Northernfells (3), Peter Cruickshank (3), PopMister (3), RobertG (3), rodent1967 (3), Rogonbonza (3), sporidium
(3), Stephen Manktelow (3), Steve1966 (3), 55bluesman (2), 7226power (2), 78monarch (2), 78rpm-maniac (2), ady_lister (2), alanmerry (2), Albert Hall (2), Boursin (2), Brighterlater (2), candiman
(2), Citled
(2), Clairevince (2), Clogwhistle (2), CMH2187 (2), ColgatePing (2), confaniom (2), djstiky (2), fantasticbaggie
(2), firebirdfirebird2 (2), freakbeatjames (2), GFMChris14 (2), goodbear66 (2), Hallberg (2), Hawkmarty
(2), James Carson2
(2), jockeysteve (2), Juke Jules
(2), Mariner16 (2), Mervyn b (2), NorthYorksChris (2), Oakley Boys (2), ontheedge (2), Pee-dEE (2), Quad5point1
(2), Russell van Hooff
(2), sladesounds (2), Tony P (2), toychick (2), tstonia (2), vinylpassion (2), Vis Viva (2), walkinginmyshoes (2), walter (2), Whassup (2), wood1239 (2), xiphophilos (2), zabadak (2), 01ladder01 (1), 67Giraffe (1), 70srockchick (1), 783345records (1), ABBA-OPUS (1), Appletree1
(1), August Wickman21 (1), batese (1), BENGOMIN (1), Billy 58 (1), Billytf (1), Birgit Klausen (1), BonMichel (1), Boppinkeefy (1), Brascote (1), Brendos (1), catndog (1), cherkazoo (1), coveboy (1), crazybob53 (1), Crockerbox (1), dandare21 (1), dc1225 (1), Discography (1), doberman (1), dunk78 (1), DusXpress (1), eckscalibre (1), Eclipse_a (1), FISHFACE (1), Fokeman (1), Folker (1), GaryJC (1), Gilberts004
(1), Gill Sans
(1), Grandee (1), Groovy (1), GumboStu (1), han enderman (1), Harmen (1), Houseshop (1), J.Paul (1), Jacques RAILLARD (1), JCShort (1), jdtri-centre (1), jillwatk
(1), jimmyx (1), joe7717 (1), Joehilllouis
(1), josmyselfandme (1), Js_and_Bs (1), Keefy Hanson (1), Kevster56 (1), Leopard60
(1), luckepuk (1), Mercs69 (1), Mike Gann (1), mikec2137
(1), mikerhyl
(1), mitch369 (1), MJF1972 (1), molemilton (1), Musicisfun (1), Nicolas Legendre (1), nobby101hobby (1), Oakley (1), Orbiting Cat (1), Ori-Gami (1), PekkaF (1), PeskyRecords (1), peterdargue (1), Piazzi25 (1), plerner
(1), postmanlondon (1), RGM304 (1), Robbytherecordman (1), Roberto (1), Rooster29 (1), Rubber Duck (1), Ruth78 (1), sam.vangeffen (1), scrough (1), Sedimental (1), smokeycockatiel (1), Soundwolf (1), stephencooper388 (1), Steven Warner (1), stevopw
(1), tearecords (1), telemolendinum (1), Terence Archer (1), The Bicker Man (1), The Cerebellum (1), thepretender (1), The_Vinyl_Junkie
(1), Thin Yoghurt (1), u28909z (1), Upsetter FC (1), victorbo (1), vignamic (1), weekat08 (1), WestCoastRecords (1), whitewhale1965 (1), Zeboit (1)
Images Submitted ByRedpunk
(1749), MrPasta
(458), soultwinz
(441), Spinning Shellac 1959 (362), Graham7 (166), cronkey (162), lorangrecords
(155), darrenst (143), VinylSid (140), Worldstamps (135), DreamMachine (126), mister_tmg (123), Sigurbjorn
(119), leofric (116), pandah (106), gregs45s
(103), Paul-Hughes (99), Scratchy45 (91), danceband91 (87), bispham2 (86), Bamboo (84), Chis Mac (82), paneity (72), Alan Warby (66), Stephen Harris (66), mikey405 (65), DAWARD (64), rocket78
(62), tomaszposzwinski (56), Whyperion
(56), 78-Ron (48), jago125 (44), Pridesale (43), alan45
(42), jakethehiggler (41), RAK Attack (38), Tonybutt (38), Leedon (35), johnwhal78 (32), kab2112
(31), Sundius-Larsen
(31), xiphophilos (31), Jarkka (30), KeithS
(29), 78awp01 (27), Ade Macrow (26), andrewludwig (26), apple_enjoyer342 (26), Gamla Grammofoner
(26), mabrabec (25), han enderman (24), nanocyar (23), Lubanbandige15 (20), raowood (20), Dean Detroit (19), DJA1969 (18), davyjones (17), sheepdip1234
(17), Strawberry_Lynn (17), 78monarch (16), BRE123 (16), Crockerbox (16), Ee-dEE (16), TheJudge (16), Tomasz Poszwiński (16), getalife (15), keebrev (14), Lovinda (14), MrShellac (14), Nicholas Barta
(14), nidostar (14), dezwarteschijf (13), doormanperdomo (13), PeterAbbott (13), polstain (13), rockin-geoff (13), andlj
(12), Bob Lilley (12), camshaft
(12), Js_and_Bs (12), moondog (12), prettyblueeyes
(12), Diotger (11), Lisrodden
(11), Mystdrf (11), swbcfc (11), wood1239 (11), burdockman (10), Charlie Chalk (10), Dr Doom
(10), Jock_Girl (10), NorthYorksChris (10), old78rpm (10), bruce135 (9), JLC135 (9), Joakim Hillberg (9), melle51 (9), scrough (9), Steve1966 (9), ady_lister (8), Allan Rowlands (8), Bob1951 (8), Grondzero (8), John W1 (8), Meon Valley Records (8), podgypipes (8), Quad5point1
(8), RobertG (8), wurlitzer 1550a
(8), James Carson2
(7), Klepsie (7), LouisSidney (7), nutsaboutfoxtrot (7), oldhippy (7), Tony P (7), carryonsidney (6), Citled
(6), Clogwhistle (6), cyeaman
(6), David78Collection (6), Fishman2 (6), freakbeatjames (6), GeneRobertson (6), Gilberts004
(6), goodbear66 (6), Hallberg (6), Hapereb
(6), jockeysteve (6), Juke Jules
(6), Liredoc (6), Mariner16 (6), Robert Ham (6), toychick (6), Westhamboy (6), zabadak (6), sporidium
(5), Zelig1 (5), 55bluesman (4), 67Giraffe (4), Boursin (4), Clairevince (4), confaniom (4), fantasticbaggie
(4), Hawkmarty
(4), JC2519 (4), jimmyx (4), joe7717 (4), Nobby222 (4), OldiesAl (4), Russell van Hooff
(4), sladesounds (4), tstonia (4), vinylpassion (4), walkinginmyshoes (4), Whassup (4), Discography (3), Mervyn b (3), Mike Gann (3), Vis Viva (3), whitewhale1965 (3), 783345records (2), 78rpm-maniac (2), Alan Phillips (2), Bombsite Boy (2), Boppinkeefy (2), Chris Adams (2), CMH2187 (2), coveboy (2), curtain-fall (2), djstiky (2), doberman (2), DROSSELBOY (2), dunk78 (2), eckscalibre (2), edith_weston (2), edlongus
(2), Felonious (2), fixbutte (2), Folker (2), GFMChris14 (2), Gill Sans
(2), golfboy (2), Grandee (2), GumboStu (2), Harmen (2), HWP696 (2), J.Paul (2), Jacques RAILLARD (2), janekjanecek (2), jdtri-centre (2), Joehilllouis
(2), Keefy Hanson (2), LaurenceD
(2), lupo71 (2), m141263 (2), make1968 (2), mikec2137
(2), mikerhyl
(2), mitch369 (2), MJF1972 (2), molemilton (2), nboldock (2), Nicolas Legendre (2), nobby101hobby (2), Oliver One (2), ontheedge (2), Ori-Gami (2), ORS Records (2), Pee-dEE (2), PekkaF (2), plerner
(2), RGM304 (2), Roberto (2), Ruth78 (2), sam.vangeffen (2), Sedimental (2), sgt weatherman (2), ShinyBlackRoundThing (2), stephencooper388 (2), Swoop78 (2), tearecords (2), telemolendinum (2), Terence Archer (2), thepretender (2), The_Vinyl_Junkie
(2), Thin Yoghurt (2), Upsetter FC (2), victorbo (2), walter (2), WestCoastRecords (2), 70srockchick (1), August Wickman21 (1), BeanJuce (1), Bearyclaire (1), Brendos (1), Eclipse_a (1), josmyselfandme (1), krobigraubart (1), leonard (1), MarcMM (1), Martyn-Ebay (1), Mercs69 (1), Steven Warner (1), u28909z (1), vignamic (1)
Additional Info ByMike Gann, soultwinz
, lorangrecords
, mister_tmg, Sinkronizer, RAK Attack, steviebgoode
, Worldstamps , VinylSid, ChristopherRobin, positiva
, Appletree1
, MrPasta
, Pridesale, Sundius-Larsen
, DreamMachine, Whyperion
, Graham7, danceband91, Redpunk
, Dean Detroit, Dr Doom
, Klepsie, moondog, cronkey, keebrev, JLC135, mikejones, molemilton, paneity, Scratchy45, slholzer, rocket78
, decottignies, jago125, mikey405, pandah, Paul-Hughes, Strawberry_Lynn, Swoop78, Terence Archer, tomaszposzwinski, Bamboo, bispham2, Boppinkeefy, darrenst, DJA1969, Gamla Grammofoner
, Hallberg, johnwhal78, leofric, nanocyar, peterdargue, PhilMH
, The Bicker Man, Tomasz Poszwiński, vinylpassion, whitewhale1965, 7226power, Alan Warby, apple_enjoyer342, BRE123, burdockman, Chis Mac, Citled
, coveboy, DAWARD, dezwarteschijf, djdan2010, doormanperdomo, Ee-dEE, F.Scott-Fitzgerald, Fishman2, grumpa, han enderman, James Carson2
, josmyselfandme, Js_and_Bs, Juke Jules
, kab2112
, LisaCrane, mabrabec, melle51, Meon Valley Records, plerner
, raowood, Robert Goodchild
, Robert Ham, rockin-geoff, rodent1967, Ruth78, ShinyBlackRoundThing, slotman17, Stephen Harris, Tonybutt, vincenzo, xiphophilos
Corrections Bymister_tmg, slholzer, steviebgoode
, soultwinz
, Whyperion
, lorangrecords
, Pridesale, ChristopherRobin, Graham7, VinylSid, cronkey, vinylkid100, whitewhale1965, Ee-dEE, Dean Detroit, JLC135, xiphophilos , Chis Mac, DreamMachine, jago125, pandah, ShinyBlackRoundThing, slotman17, Redpunk
, zabadak, Paul-Hughes, Strawberry_Lynn, Gamla Grammofoner
, MrPasta
, paneity, Scratchy45, Sigurbjorn
, Alan Warby, Bamboo, Bob1951, gregs45s
, grumpa, Hallberg, han enderman, Js_and_Bs, Sundius-Larsen
, Swoop78, Appletree1
, bispham2, darrenst, davyjones, Jarkka, keebrev, leofric, Meon Valley Records, mikey405, moondog, Nigel Pittham , rocket78
, Russell van Hooff
, Sinkronizer, Stephen Manktelow, tomaszposzwinski, Worldstamps , 67Giraffe, 78awp01, apple_enjoyer342, black pat, boethius65, BRE123, dezwarteschijf, J.Paul, Jak-45, jakethehiggler, James Carson2
, LondonW4, mikejones, molemilton, MrShellac, nanocyar, ORS Records, Pee-dEE, positiva
, Robert Ham, rockin-geoff, Rothorpe, seanbss, sheepdip1234
, Spinning Shellac 1959, Stephen Harris, Steve1966, Tailspin, Terence Archer, The Cerebellum, Tony P, Tonybutt, vinylpassion, walter

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