Vinyl Albums

Capitol USA - Contribution Credits

Vinyl Albums Submitted ByRPFiller (288), Trainman (256), ajtharp (173), davie gordon (162), LaurenceD
(119), TheDroid (113), TheJudge (112), Bgray1 (104), BigBadBluesMan (81), LouisSidney (81), Chatterdj (69), 55bluesman (67), edlongus
(62), charlie 45 (60), Tailspin (58), elembry (54), 45stalker (47), Vinyl Fan (38), TOKENHIPPIE (35), leonard (32), HIDEKI WATANABE (31), make1968 (30), stevewyatt215 (30), telew1947 (27), sgt.pepper (26), josmyselfandme (23), Mr. Blaze (23), Vinylville (23), BEATLEJOHN (22), vidman45 (22), caseellerbroek
(20), dr.pepper1952 (19), richmox (19), Rustical (19), Birgit Klausen (18), RockyRock369 (18), nicoldo64 (17), 83montlvr (16), Jacques RAILLARD (16), BandBox244 (15), An6y66 (14), Collsrt (14), FunkyFinch45 (14), Joyful Jukebox (14), RichardSibello
(14), rockwave (14), GEMSMFAN (13), guykan (13), JRyder1964 (13), librsh (13), passarinho (13), Recordarcheologist1 (13), checkm8 (12), dvdmike (12), IamBgas (12), jaimeeduardo (12), Lovinda (12), Trester (12), brownoldies63 (11), crazykidcollin (11), rob2553 (11), Steve Carp (11), Beggars Road (10), bocknobby (10), bsf1975 (10), DCvinyl (10), PeaceFrog (10), plerner
(10), concaveman (9), cussincarryinon02 (9), Fabio Minero (9), Felonious (9), goodrats (9), Roland Lavallee (9), sladesounds (9), stephenwyatt1967 (9), Tc-630 (9), Vinyllover (9), Bob1951 (8), gnag150flow (8), janiejjones (8), jek3105 (8), kab2112
(8), Redpunk
(8), robozuc (8), RogerFoster (8), Santiago Molinero Sisto (8), Elmore (7), George Slv (7), gregs45s
(7), Hawkmarty
(7), JakeCallie0724 (7), revmdale (7), 78-Ron (6), annaloog (6), Break-In Master (6), coveboy (6), Lee Wrecker (6), lorangrecords
(6), whitewhale1965 (6), Abborocks57 (5), boyjohn (5), DJ_Roadrunner
(5), doormanperdomo (5), Hausmusik (5), kevhutson (5), RecordReviewer (5), Secarius (5), Sundius-Larsen
(5), SvendHenrik00 (5), Twistin (5), Upsetter FC (5), Wackywecords (5), ZackMcBuick
(5), Careys (4), Dr Doom
(4), highlandmacloud (4), Kevin Walsh1 (4), nancysguy (4), philwill
(4), Sigurbjorn
(4), SpeedsterEVP (4), TheDA1 (4), throwbackjack (4), vinylguy909 (4), AllHit45s (3), bvance (3), candiman
(3), dr.zoze (3), Ee-dEE (3), frank itiis (3), giangiuseppepetrone (3), Gian_paolo (3), GimmeVinyl (3), johnnyhotspur (3), King Billy (3), Larden (3), LCrimmins
(3), Malcyramone
(3), maxxvolume (3), Mike Tuggle (3), musictom
(3), old record nut (3), paneity (3), PopMister (3), purepop (3), richja (3), scaccolarsi (3), Scratchy45 (3), tf40408 (3), thebluesneverdie (3), thewillismon (3), vocalion red (3), 18andout (2), 66c10chev (2), baldybeano (2), Carouselambra
(2), chrisb (2), CliffS (2), cyeaman
(2), Dale45
(2), diamondfans2 (2), DJ-Zoli (2), DocHJC (2), earlybird (2), filo-fax (2), Fokeman (2), Groovy (2), HarvestmanMan (2), Jackdaw (2), jakal68 (2), JazzBlues (2), Journeys End (2), KAS45SINGLES (2), leoparj (2), lightsout (2), Misty Tao (2), nboldock (2), nuff-said! (2), Oakley Boys (2), PaythePiper
(2), PercyThrills (2), PhilMH (2), ramisabud (2), razwilliams (2), RecordDragon (2), sailorsam (2), schlabjl (2), sdoradas (2), Shabner
(2), soundlab (2), spreadjoy (2), thatsunday (2), thecleaner (2), W.B.lbl (2), 12months (1), 7226power (1), agnillev
(1), alysania (1), Angelmom0642 (1), angieslegs (1), appendum (1), arjayvee
(1), Auto_Da_Fe (1), BeachBum (1), BeatlesnutBCM (1), bernard pezet (1), Billco (1), Bodston
(1), boptheblues (1), Boursin (1), cannyuk
(1), caplauger (1), carryonsidney (1), Catlet (1), catscradle (1), chairgirl (1), cillafan (1), coleman5 (1), complete (1), Csaint13 (1), Damian Małkowski (1), Delikat (1), dezwarteschijf (1), dinosnore (1), dogear (1), DRIVEIN101 (1), eaglemusic (1), Earthspark78 (1), ediscog (1), Eltoro (1), endofthewell (1), Exit Strategy (1), fantasista (1), fedora-george (1), filmicky (1), fondfarewell (1), frankforever (1), funkyman2010 (1), Gizmobob (1), gojira (1), Gone Fishin (1), harley (1), HOOK45
(1), hotfish (1), in-conclusion (1), Jack Ricks (1), Jasper (1), Jo Atmon (1), jscaptura (1), jukinjackson (1), JWMmusic (1), Katty Leslie (1), king-billy (1), Kitling (1), lastaccount (1), lastexit1 (1), Le Parolier (1), loeke66 (1), lovesongs (1), Magic Marmalade (1), Marko Niemi (1), Memorium (1), merijns (1), metalman (1), Michael Warre
(1), missioncompleted (1), mojofilter (1), Mr Wooders (1), Mrrocknrolljr (1), mrvica (1), ninaforever (1), oc2545 (1), ordway1440 (1), Parmethius (1), PeterRabbit (1), Peteyboy
(1), PJL_RECORDS (1), plastermosaurus (1), Podling (1), raretrax (1), Recordholic (1), resbeatlefan (1), roboleyton (1), rocket71 (1), Santiago Rodriguez Serna (1), screen-time (1), sexysimone (1), sheepdip1234
(1), sinatrad! (1), SirGeorgeUproar (1), Spencer Chafin (1), spike73 (1), Spiney (1), Stephen Manktelow (1), Steve1966 (1), steviesimmons (1), swbcfc (1), Tao Misty (1), tardisray (1), taypewurm (1), thelastbow (1), thepretender (1), timeup (1), Tony P (1), TONY56 (1), trolley (1), vhs1977 (1), vincenzo (1), Vinyl Eric (1), vinylite
(1), Warlock (1), wellsrundry (1), xHinax (1), xmaskitty (1), YankeeDisc
(1), Z Records (1), zombiefunk (1), zomble (1)
Images Submitted ByTheDroid (1009), Bgray1 (924), LaurenceD
(905), Trainman (549), edlongus
(510), leonard (403), 55bluesman (285), Vinyl Fan (259), checkm8 (238), ajtharp (236), TOKENHIPPIE (229), Vinylville (229), dr.pepper1952 (190), BEATLEJOHN (188), nicoldo64 (184), TheJudge (177), passarinho (172), Jacques RAILLARD (162), rob2553 (157), 83montlvr (156), LouisSidney (156), telew1947 (148), josmyselfandme (131), make1968 (129), Kevin Walsh1 (128), caseellerbroek
(127), Beggars Road (125), Lovinda (125), Rustical (120), Tailspin (119), BandBox244 (109), davie gordon (108), Vinyllover (106), Joyful Jukebox (91), Lee Wrecker (84), Steve Carp (84), vidman45 (84), misa4432 (83), HIDEKI WATANABE (82), Felonious (78), charlie 45 (77), robozuc (68), brownoldies63 (67), An6y66 (65), musictom
(62), jaimeeduardo (60), guykan (59), Bob1951 (57), bsf1975 (57), crazykidcollin (52), IamBgas (50), Tc-630 (49), Wackywecords (48), 78-Ron (47), kab2112
(46), GimmeVinyl (44), Secarius (43), sladesounds (43), ZackMcBuick
(42), janiejjones (41), concaveman (40), JazzBlues (39), RogerFoster (39), Fabio Minero (37), librsh (36), Sigurbjorn
(36), 45stalker (35), SvendHenrik00 (35), gregs45s
(34), GEMSMFAN (33), Redpunk
(33), RPFiller (32), russh29
(32), cussincarryinon02 (30), frankheussner (29), lorangrecords
(29), Santiago Molinero Sisto (29), Hawkmarty
(28), W.B.lbl (28), boyjohn (26), Dr Doom
(25), FunkyFinch45 (25), Trester (25), Upsetter FC (25), thewillismon (24), dvdmike (23), Elmore (23), coveboy (22), revmdale (22), Abborocks57 (21), Ficher (21), dr.zoze (20), kevhutson (19), resbeatlefan (18), frank itiis (16), melle51 (16), philwill
(16), Roland Lavallee (16), Scratchy45 (16), Tylerl (16), vocalion red (16), annaloog (15), arjayvee
(15), Collsrt (15), doormanperdomo (15), purepop (15), whitewhale1965 (15), Larden (14), PaythePiper
(14), PeaceFrog (14), RockyRock369 (14), thatsunday (14), funkyman2010 (13), George Slv (13), mleg56 (13), Podling (13), thebluesneverdie (13), DJ-Zoli (12), LCrimmins
(12), Malcyramone
(12), scaccolarsi (12), TONY56 (12), Careys (11), Gian_paolo (11), roboleyton (11), rockwave (11), sailorsam (11), ady_lister (10), Carouselambra
(10), chrisb (10), HOOK45
(10), maxxvolume (10), picbuff (10), Skywalker007 (10), Tao Misty (10), TheDA1 (10), baldybeano (9), Kitling (9), Mike Tuggle (9), Mr Wooders (9), nancysguy (9), razwilliams (9), RichardSibello
(9), 66c10chev (8), All Rights (8), BeatlesnutBCM (8), cyeaman
(8), dezwarteschijf (8), goodrats (8), Harry Candel
(8), luchest
(8), rocket71 (8), screener (8), Shawn Brinkey (8), spreadjoy (8), drwinstonboogie1978 (7), Gizmobob (7), johnnyhotspur (7), King Billy (7), ninaforever (7), 12months (6), Avsredwings (6), Bodston
(6), Eltoro (6), Exit Strategy (6), Graham7 (6), hotfish (6), JRyder1964 (6), KAS45SINGLES (6), mrvica (6), Shawn Brinkey2020 (6), sheepdip1234
(6), thepretender (6), tony black (6), carryonsidney (5), DJ_Roadrunner
(5), ecarr1 (5), highlandmacloud (5), Jasper (5), PJL_RECORDS (5), Sundius-Larsen
(5), Utopolyst (5), 18andout (4), addendum (4), agnillev
(4), Auto_Da_Fe (4), BeachBum (4), bernard pezet (4), bestofeverything (4), Boursin (4), cannyuk
(4), catscradle (4), complete (4), Doornroosje (4), DRIVEIN101 (4), earlybird (4), filo-fax (4), Gary Flinn (4), gojira (4), Greg George (4), huibbal (4), HungryFreaks (4), Jackie Nightlight (4), Journeys End (4), Joy Roberts Brooks (4), jscaptura (4), Kinema (4), lightsout (4), lollymick (4), Misty Tao (4), nuff-said! (4), oc2545 (4), ordway1440 (4), Piotr Kaczmarczyk (4), Rockslusk (4), Santiago Rodriguez Serna (4), sexysimone (4), Shabner
(4), SirGeorgeUproar (4), Soulchunk (4), spike73 (4), Steve1966 (4), thecleaner (4), timeup (4), Tony P (4), vhs1977 (4), Wurzelsepp (4), Z Records (4), 78rpm-maniac (3), Cameron McMenemy (3), CliffS (3), DeweyGill
(3), dinosnore (3), dustyshur (3), ediscog (3), Ee-dEE (3), elembry (3), endofall (3), endofthewell (3), Final Fling (3), frankforever (3), goodbear66 (3), Jdhoggs (3), KeithS
(3), lovesongs (3), missioncompleted (3), mojofilter (3), paneity (3), Pasi Koskela (3), PhilMH (3), sdoradas (3), sgt.pepper (3), sinatrad! (3), The Works (3), trolleyman (3), wellsrundry (3), xHinax (3), zombiefunk (3), zomble (3), 77WABC (2), AllHit45s (2), allover (2), allywally (2), alysania (2), angieslegs (2), appendum (2), BenLPMarts (2), Billco (2), Billy Sunday (2), boptheblues (2), Catlet (2), Catty Catie (2), chairgirl (2), Damian Małkowski (2), Delikat (2), DocHJC (2), eaglemusic (2), Echo-One-Six (2), endstage (2), fedora-george (2), filmicky (2), filmphil (2), finalcurtain (2), Finatra (2), Finatrad (2), firstandlast (2), Focus B (2), fondfarewell (2), forever-nina (2), foreverfrank (2), foxycoxy (2), frankenfish (2), fredhoyt (2), Gone Fishin (2), gordon7009 (2), in-conclusion (2), indyout (2), jakal68 (2), Joseph Reed (2), journeysend (2), Katty Leslie (2), king-billy (2), kingbilly (2), lastaccount (2), Memorium (2), merijns (2), metalman (2), moondog (2), mymarie (2), nuffsaid (2), paintergirl (2), Peteyboy
(2), plastermosaurus (2), quincybuff (2), richja (2), richmox (2), rockintc (2), scannedout (2), screen-time (2), shut4business (2), SpeedsterEVP (2), steviesimmons (2), sugarme (2), swbcfc (2), thatsthat (2), thelastbow (2), theworks (2), twonky (2), Vinyl Eric (2), vinylite
(2), whaleshark (2), Whassup (2), xmaskitty (2), 16andout (1), Alyson75 (1), apostscript (1), Babette (1), BigBadBluesMan (1), brisket (1), bvance (1), Coogula74 (1), dancinggirl (1), Deja Vu (1), Evie Whiskers (1), Filmick (1), foggyday (1), Fokeman (1), game-over (1), geoffgil (1), gogogone (1), greelywinger (1), heyholetsgo (1), intothesunset (1), JA Cumbo (1), Jace59 (1), jawssite (1), joebuck (1), Kit-ling (1), lastexit1 (1), lorenzo (1), Manwolf Louie (1), Marko Niemi (1), Moonraker (1), Movie Tunez (1), music4all (1), MusicWorks (1), nina-forever (1), nuff-said!! (1), Oakley Boys (1), paquet123 (1), Peppo51 (1), PercyThrills (1), PeterRabbit (1), Plumpet (1), poppin (1), Princess Nina (1), princess-nina (1), Ralph Siebe (1), ramisabud (1), Recordarcheologist1 (1), roundup (1), searnav2 (1), shuttersdown (1), sin-sounds (1), sinatrad (1), Sleeveguy
(1), Spencer Chafin (1), tarquin55 (1), thatzthat (1), The-Works (1), Tom's Vinyl Shack (1), vinalnut (1), WyomingGrizFan (1), Your Music (1)
Additional Info Bydavie gordon, Mr. Blaze, stevewyatt215, LouisSidney, RPFiller, Collsrt, Mike Tuggle, W.B.lbl, telew1947, Vinylville, edlongus
, Avsredwings, ZackMcBuick
, vidman45, HIDEKI WATANABE, crazykidcollin, make1968, passarinho, Trainman, Chatterdj, CygnusX1, Beggars Road, checkm8, Kosmos, charlie 45, Kevin Walsh1, scaccolarsi, stephenwyatt1967, Tao Misty, TheDroid, Galaxy, in-conclusion, janiejjones, whitewhale1965, An6y66, caseellerbroek
, leonard , 7226power, Bgray1, jaimeeduardo, Lee Wrecker, melle51, ninaforever, Shawn Brinkey2020, The Bicker Man, TOKENHIPPIE, Jacques RAILLARD, rocket666, 55bluesman, dr.pepper1952, GEMSMFAN, George Slv, josmyselfandme, nina-forever, philwill
, Podling, sick and tired, Spiney, vinylguy909, 45stalker, annaloog, Constellation, Cygnus X1, Dr Doom
, elembry, Gian_paolo, PhilMH, rockintc, Upsetter FC, BigBadBluesMan, Bluemeanie, bocknobby, Break-In Master, bsf1975, earlybird, Exit Strategy, Fabio Minero, frank itiis, GimmeVinyl, Groovy, guykan, Joyful Jukebox, king-billy, lorangrecords
, Lovinda, misa4432, Misty Tao, nicoldo64, revmdale, rob2553, rockwave, russh29
, sgt.pepper, Sundius-Larsen
, tf40408, Vinyl Fan, 23skidoo, 83montlvr, BEAEEN10, Bob1951, boyjohn, brownoldies63, bvance, c.wellsy, Cameron McMenemy, candiman
, Careys, catscradle, complete, coveboy, dezwarteschijf, dogear, frankheussner, FunkyFinch45, Gone Fishin, J.Paul, jakal68, JamieGraves_, JazzBlues, jek3105, kab2112
, kevhutson, King Billy, Kitling, LaurenceD
, librsh, loecker, Manwolf Louie, mojofilter, moondog, Mr. Lobbers , Oli Garch, onelasttime, paintergirl, PeaceFrog, razwilliams, RecordDragon, Rich Howard, richmox, roboleyton, Rockin Bill, RogerFoster, Roland Lavallee, Skywalker007, Stanley Mars, Stargazer, SvendHenrik00, Tailspin , Tc-630, thecleaner, TheDA1, tony-calvino, wellsrundry, zombiefunk, zomble
Corrections Bywhitewhale1965, TheDroid, Kevin Walsh1, Mr. Blaze, IamBgas, Lovinda, TOKENHIPPIE, ZackMcBuick
, Trainman, LouisSidney, ppint., BigBadBluesMan, Collsrt, librsh, Bgray1, caseellerbroek
, RPFiller, stevewyatt215, An6y66, BEATLEJOHN, edlongus
, gregs45s
, Mr Wooders, thewillismon, Vinylville, Galaxy, Kosmos, Lee Wrecker, telew1947, The Bicker Man, 7226power, dvdmike, George Slv, HIDEKI WATANABE, make1968, ordway1440, scaccolarsi, vidman45, Vinyl Fan, Careys, checkm8, josmyselfandme, passarinho, philwill
, Shabner
, snap07801, 45stalker, baldybeano, Beggars Road, boyjohn, chrisb, Dean Detroit, dr.pepper1952, Fokeman, FunkyFinch45, GEMSMFAN, HOOK45
, Jasper, Journeys End, rambunctious, RecordDragon, Redpunk
, rob2553, Stanley Mars, Stargazer, stereotom, Trester, Twistin, Upsetter FC, 55bluesman, AllHit45s, annaloog, appendum, arjayvee
, brownoldies63, bsf1975, Cameron J McMenemy, Carouselambra
, carryonsidney, charlie 45, Chatterdj, concaveman, crazykidcollin, cussincarryinon02, Cygnus X1, CygnusX1, Dale45
, dezwarteschijf, diamondfans2, dinosnore, DocHJC, earlybird, Eltoro, frank itiis, frankheussner, fredhoyt, geoffgil, GimmeVinyl, Grondzero, Hellhound Don, Jacques RAILLARD, jaimeeduardo, JakeCallie0724, JWMmusic, King Billy, Manwolf Louie, mduval32323, melle51, mickyann, mojofilter, moondog, Moonshadow, nicoldo64, Peteyboy
, psychlelocus, Recordarcheologist1, roboleyton, RockyRock369, RogerFoster, Rustical, Santiago Molinero Sisto, Scratchy45, Sinkronizer, SvendHenrik00, Tailspin , thebluesneverdie, tony calvino, Tony P , tony-calvino, vocalion red, walter, whaleshark, YankeeDisc

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